Milgard Professor Arthur Jago and coauthor Glenn Carroll, across a variety of creative and work domains, compared the credit people receive when they work alongside algorithms.
Through a $4.8M effort, funded in part by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, the Puget Sound Institute will integrate existing environmental models to provide a cohesive picture of the entire Sound ecosystem under future conditions of climate change and population growth.
Milgard's own Dr. Luna Zhang describes revenue sharing formulas designed to inject fairness between consumers, creators/producers and the mega platforms we have come to rely on. An opportunity to deflect antitrust threats and legal action.
With accessible, everyday items like sticky notes and pipe cleaners, UW Tacoma’s Global Innovation & Design Lab brings together people of all backgrounds to solve difficult challenges, using design thinking.
Local, state, federal and tribal science and policy leaders cited work by UW Tacoma/WSU’s Washington Stormwater Center to identify a toxic tire preservative.