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Preserving Nihonmachi

In their new book, Mary Hanneman and Lisa Hoffman share the history of Tacoma's Nihonmachi and the Japanese Language School once located on what is now the UW Tacoma campus.

January 27, 2021

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Book Talk: Becoming Nisei

At a free, virtual event, Lisa Hoffman and Mary Hanneman will discuss their new book "Becoming Nisei," a history of the Tacoma Japanese-American community.

January 25, 2021

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Upholding Democracy

Turan Kayaoğlu believes that democracy, rule of law and human rights will eventually prevail in all societies. His research into the Middle East gives him that hope.

January 20, 2021

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The Monstrous

Some monsters hide under beds or in sewer drains. Most, however, live inside us. Ingrid Walker and Dustin Annis talk about the role of the monstrous imagination in culture and politics.

October 30, 2020

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A Giant Leap

Every student's journey to a degree is unique, and the great leap they take into the world beyond. Read about four 2020 grads: from psychology to cybersecurity to space!

September 16, 2020

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Honoring our 2020 Faculty and Staff Award Winners

Every year at this time we celebrate faculty and staff for their accomplishments in teaching, research, community engagement and contributions to the UW, our campus and the larger community.

May 22, 2020

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The Best Stories of 2019

The best stories coming out of UW Tacoma are all about our students! Here's a baker's dozen of stories about students making their impact in the world.

December 23, 2019

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Alum Writes Oped On the Value of Inmate Education

Should people serving a life term in prison be provided state-sponsored educational opportunities?  Rania Elbasiony (Law & Policy 2019) argues yes in her recent opinion piece published by Tacoma’s News Tribune. During Winter 2019 … Continue reading →

November 14, 2019