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Taking Care

UW Tacoma alumna Joy Chang served as a medic in the army, an emergency room nurse at Tacoma General and now works as a nurse practitioner in a private practice.

March 19, 2021

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After Prison

Omari Amili spent time in prison before earning three degrees from UW Tacoma. He interviews 10 other people who graduated after they got out.

December 18, 2020

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Never Too Late

Chris Oliver was given a choice: prison or the Army. He chose the latter, then went to college, setting an example for his siblings. "This is what thrills me...that it's never too late."

December 11, 2020

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Sarah Smith Plumbs the Depths

Sarah Smith, senior in communications, recently completed a documentary about an underwater ocean observatory, learning more about “one of the most underexplored places known to humans.”

November 25, 2020

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Why do we vote?

On the latest episode of Paw'd Defiance, the UW Tacoma podcast, members of the UW Tacoma community talk about why they vote and why they think voting is important.

November 4, 2020

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A House in the Garden

A new greenhouse in UW Tacoma’s Giving Garden will yield more fruits, vegetables and learning opportunities.

October 7, 2020

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Kathryn Davidson: Launching into Space

As one of the first to serve in the newly-created U.S. Space Force, Kathryn Davidson, ’20 B.S. Math, is honoring her mother’s legacy by ensuring a future for herself.

September 17, 2020

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Thnwa Ahmed: Hard Work Pays Off

In five years, Thnwa Ahmed, MCL ’20, lived in four countries, learned multiple languages, got two college degrees, and became a certified ethical hacker.

September 17, 2020

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A Giant Leap

Every student's journey to a degree is unique, and the great leap they take into the world beyond. Read about four 2020 grads: from psychology to cybersecurity to space!

September 16, 2020

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Clinton Sizemore: New Tools for the Job

Because he stayed the course despite twists and turns, Clinton Sizemore, MCL ’20, has new tools in his toolbox, including his graduate degree in cybersecurity.

September 16, 2020