Main Content
The UWT Information Technology department partners with the Center for Data Science to bring UWT students, faculty and staff a series of Computer Literacy Seminars. The Seminars address new and relevant topics such as Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), and BIG Data in a manner that is friendly to all backgrounds, technical or not. These seminars are funded by the Student Technology Fee and are Free to all UWT students, faculty and staff. See below for the upcoming seminars.
To RSVP for any seminars, please visit this link.

IBM Seminar Session 2019

Internet of Things Seminar Session 2018
2023 Seminars
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is definitely a new technology topic. We know about OneDrive and Google Drive, but that’s just cloud storage. What’s cloud computing? Per Microsoft: “Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.” Come join us and learn more about Cloud Computing!
Session 1: Understanding Cloud Computing
Wednesday, May 10th on Zoom and in TPS 201
What is cloud computing? We hear a lot about it these days and it’s far more than just uploading things into your Google Drive. Come learn about the scalability of the cloud and what it means for our modern lives.
Presented by: Jasleen Kaur, MS Computer Science and Systems student at UWT
Missed the presentation? Watch it here!
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Session 2: Understanding AWS and Basic Linux Commands | Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 | 12:30-1:20PM | TPS 201 – LAST SESSION FOR 2022/2023 ACADEMIC YEAR
This presentation will show how to leverage Amazon Web Services for cloud computing as well as introduce some basic linux commands that helps with interacting with AWS.
Presented by: Jasleen Kaur, MS Computer Science and Systems student, and Daniil Filienko, BS Computer Science and Systems Student
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Ever wondered how your favorite streaming platform offers personalized experience? Or how you receive recommendations on the accessories to go with your recent purchase? We invite you to attend a series of talks covering basic concepts of Machine Learning. We will discuss how ML models train on series of data and make predictions and also touch upon the various novel models like the ChatGPT!
To RSVP for any seminars, please visit this link.
Session 1: Introduction to Machine Learning Principles
April 12th, 2023 | 12:30PM | TPS 201
Presented by Sofia Serrano, PhD Student at UW Seattle
Missed the seminar? Watch it here!
FREE to UWT Students, Staff, and Faculty
Session 2: Demystifying the ChatGPT Model
April 26th, 2023 | 12:30PM | TPS 201
Presented by Sofia Serrano, PhD Student at UW Seattle
Missed the seminar? Watch it here!
FREE to UWT Students, Staff, and Faculty
Back To The Basics: Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is a buzz word these days. What does it actually mean to be cyber safe? What are the different ways that hackers gain access to secure systems and how can we prevent that? These cybersecurity talks aim to increase your understanding on being cyber safe.
To RSVP for any of these series, please visit this link.
Session 1: Basic Cyber Security Principles
As we move further and further into the digital world, it's easy to forget that being how convenient tech can be to use that there are a lot of serious risks involved. From phishing attacks, social engineering, tailgating, and more, this talk is great for those who want to better protect themselves.
Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 | 12:30-1:20PM | TPS 201
Presented by: Khobaib Zafar, UWT Computer Literacy Seminar Student
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Missed the seminar? Watch the recording here!
Session 2: Defending Against Cyber Attacks
Your system has been compromised. What happens now? How can we prevent this? This seminar will focus on what goes on investigating a security threat and how to plan remediation actions.
Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 | 12:30-1:20PM | TPS 201
Presented by: Khobaib Zafar, UWT Computer Literacy Seminar Student
Missed the seminar? Watch it here!
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
The Web Development Series
Have you wondered how the world wide web works? What kind of architecture and software is used to run websites?
We invite you to attend a series of talks which will take a deep dive into the world of web development and explain the various processes behind running websites; big and small.
To RSVP for any of these series, please visit this link.
Session 1: Introducing Web Development Principles
What goes into creating a website? What are the base requirements? What is a website even created in anyways?
Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 | 12:30-1:20PM | TPS 104
Presented by: Charles Bryan, UWT CSS professor
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Missed the presentation? Click here to watch the video recording!
Session 2: Building a Static Web Page
We're building the page out now. We just want to display information. How do we do that? What things do we need to consider? What code is needed?
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 | 12:30-1:20PM | JOY 205
Presented by: Jasleen, Daniil, and Khobi, CLS students, with support from Charles Bryan, UWT CSS professor
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Missed the seminar? Watch the recording here!
Session 3: Building a Dynamic Web Page
Building off of the previous two sessions, we'll learn how to put the webpage to work, embedding Javascript to be able capture the number of site visitors, whether or not correct information was entered into a field, and more.
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023 | 12:30-1:20PM | JOY 205
Presented by: Jasleen, Daniil, and Khobi, CLS students, with support from Charles Bryan, UWT CSS professor
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Missed the seminar? Watch the recording here!
The Programming Series
Join us for the much-awaited programming series! Learn what programming is, how to program in Python, what is Git and how to use it, and how to manage software projects.
Session 1: Introduction to Programming
Ever wanted to learn how to programming, or what programming even is? Join us for an hour to learn how to do basic python coding and even create your own code!
Wednesday, January 11th, 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM via Zoom and In Person in WG 320
Missed the seminar? Watch the recording here!
Presented by: Tom Capaul, MS, UWT CSS professor
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Session 2: Introduction to Git and Versioning
What is Git? We're glad you asked. Come join us to learn all about Git, GitHub, and project versioning. It's great for more than just code, it can keep track of changes of whatever you throw into it. What does it mean to commit? What is a "branch"? You'll find out when you join us for an Introduction to Git.
Wednesday, January 18th 2022, 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM via Zoom and in person in WCG 103
Missed the seminar? Watch the recording here!
Presented by: Tom Capaul, MS, CSS Professor
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Session 3: Introduction to Software Project Management
Programming takes hard work and are often rolled into projects. Join us for a presentation on what it's like to manage projects in the real world. Everything from project management tools, methodologies, and strategies to ensure that your project gets completed on time!
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM via Zoom and in person in TPS 201
Missed the seminar? Watch the recording here!
Presented by: Kivanc (Ahmed) Dincer, Ph.D, SET Professor
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
2021 - 2022 Seminar Recordings
Previous Webinars
Practices of Data Preparation & Analysis using Excel
Dealing with huge data can become unmanageable sometimes. Learn to prepare and analyze the data in large spreadsheets using Excel. CLS is coming up with another seminar to help you get stronger with your data analysis skills, this time with Excel!
Wednesday, May 25 2022, 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM via Zoom
Presented by: Sahib Kaur & Khyati Thakkar, MSBA students
FREE for UWT students, faculty and staff.
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Understanding ML Bias and Fairness in AI Applications
Join CLS in collaboration with the AI Club and Center for Data Science to understand what fairness in ML algorithms is.
Session 1: AI Fairness – AIF360 Toolkit
Learn about the AIF360 toolkit and how it is used to identify and mitigate bias in ML with real-world examples.
Wednesday, May 4 12:30 - 1:30 PM via Zoom
Featured by Kiran Tejaswi (Teja) Alluru, President of AI Club
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Session 2: Challenges, Opportunities and Pitfalls of ML Fairness
Learn about difficulties in developing engineering fairness in ML systems with real-world examples.
Wednesday, May 11 12:30 - 1:30 PM via Zoom
Featured by Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Principal Research Scientist at KenSci & Affiliate Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UW Bothell
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Chaotic Natural Convection Systems and ML Applications
Join us for the much-awaited Chaotic Natural Convection Systems and ML Applications Series! This series features an introduction to chaotic systems and their machine learning applications.
Session 1: Computational Modeling of Chaotic Natural Convection Systems
Learn about the many types of computational tools that engineers use to model complex systems, the new set of challenges that come with computational modeling of natural convection, and how we may utilize machine learning tools to help us solve these problems effectively.
Wednesday, April 6 12:30 - 1:30 PM via Zoom
Presented by: Dr. Heather E. Dillon, Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering at SET, UW Tacoma
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Session 2: Unsupervised ML for Onset Prediction of Convection Transitions
Learn how to apply unsupervised learning methods, feature extraction, and the use of unsupervised machine learning algorithms to anticipate the start of turbulent transitions in natural convection systems over a wide variety of Raleigh ratios, geometries, and Prandtl numbers.
Wednesday, April 13 12:30 - 1:30 PM via Zoom
Presented by: Dr. Benjamin Tribelhorn, University of Portland
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Methods & Applications of Analytics
Join us for the much awaited data analytics series! This series features an introduction to data analytics through its methods and applications. Learn how to analyze large volumes of data and make better business decisions using different data analysis methods. As always, the Computer Literacy Seminar series are Free to all UWT Students, Faculty, and Staff.
Session 1: Data Exploration and Data Modeling
This session will introduce CRISP-DM - a methodology for understanding how business problems are solved with data-based solutions. It will then give an example of this using NHANES data (a health care data set).
Wednesday February 23 - 12.20-1.30pm online via Zoom
Presented by Dr. Margo Bergman and Michael Turek, Faculty in the MSBA
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Session 2: People Analytics and Bias in Machine Learning
Dr. Arthur Jago will provide a brief overview of the emerging field of people analytics, including case studies, methodological tools, and ethical consequences. Additionally, Dr. Sergio Davalos will provide a brief overview of the bias of machine learning algorithms, including types of bias, and their consequences.
Wednesday March 2 - 12.20-1.30pm online via Zoom
Presented by Dr. Arthur Jago and Dr. Sergio Davalos, Faculty in the MSBA
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE
Building a Website with WiX - eCommerce Edition
Interested in learning how to build a professional website to showcase your personal endeavors, exhibit your events, or even promote your business? Join us for the much awaited website building webinar. The Computer Literacy Seminar team is partnering with WiX to demonstrate how you can use the WiX platform to plan and design a creative website. As always, the Computer Literacy Seminar series are free to all UWT Students, Faculty, and Staff.
Wednesday February 16 2022 - 12.20-1.20pm online via Zoom
Presented by WiX Academic Partnership Manager
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Checkout the presentation HERE!
Data Visualization Series
Hey Data lovers! Are you interested in learning more about how you can transform data into actionable insights? Do you want to design visuals like graphs, charts, and maps to see and understand your data with the help of tools such as Tableau and Power BI?
Look no further! Join us for the much-awaited Data Visualization series, where we plan to cover the basics of how dashboards can depict important pieces of information and how data storytelling will help you make a data-driven decision. This series includes introductions to two of the most popular data visualization tools, Tableau and Microsoft Power Bi. As always, the Computer Literacy Seminar series are Free to all UWT Students, Faculty, and Staff.
Session 1: Intro to Data Visualization & Tableau
Wednesday January 19 2022 - 12.20-1.30pm online via Zoom
Presented by Akshay Anand from MSBA (In collaboration with UWT AI Club)
About the Speaker:
Akshay Anand is a data visualization expert with 6+ years of experience leading data analytics projects across retail, healthcare, finance industries. He is skilled in all aspects of data/business analysis and design, development, and implementation of BI projects using Tableau.
He has created performance dashboards, analytical solutions, and created subscriptions for 500+ user groups on Tableau. He has also trained various users across India, US, and Mexico during on-site visits on designing and implementing visualizations via Tableau. In terms on concepts, he has implemented groups, hierarchies, relationships, actions, data blending, filters, parameters, calculated fields, live and extract connections on Tableau desktop and server.
Checkout Akshay's LinkedIn Profile:
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
To review the material covered, checkout the PowerPoint presentation HERE!
Session 2: Hands-on with Tableau
Wednesday January 26 2022 - 12.20-1.30pm online via Zoom
Presented by Coleman Wagoner from Tableau
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Session 3: Intro to Power BI
Wednesday February 2 2022 - 12.20-1.30pm online via Zoom
Presented by a Microsoft Customer Success Trainer
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
RSVP here or use the link
Portfolium Information Session
Wednesday December 1 2021 - An Introduction to Portfolium
Interested in learning more about Portfolium or do you need a refresher? Want to show just how amazing you are? Portfolium allows you to showcase all your hard work and accomplishments. This includes class projects, assignments, research projects, and previous work experience. We will be joined by UW Tacoma’s IT Project Manager, Chris Fuentes as we learn to create and share your portfolio.
For more information about Portfolium on UW Tacoma campus, visit:
Presented by Chris Fuentes, Information Technology Project Manager
Using Machine Learning To Tackle Complex Development Changes
Wednesday November 17 2021 - Using Machine Learning To Tackle Complex Development Changes
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Machine learning can help solve technical problems in ways that weren't possible before—but you need to think big! To help you look at Machine Learning from an advanced perspective, the Computer Literacy Seminar series introduces a new
Presented by Jeff Walters, Assistant Professor, UWT
Cybersmart Awareness Webinar
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! In observance, the Computer Literacy Seminar series and the UW Office of the CISO will kick of the 2021-2022 year with a series of security awareness webinars!
Monday October 18 2021 - The State of Ransomware at Universities
Given the current challenges we are facing, now more than ever we should be cautious of malicious cyber activity. Join in as Sophos guest speaker, Chester Wisniewski presents on the state of ransomware within universities.
Presented by Chester Wisniewski, Principal Research Scientist, Sophos
Monday October 20 2021 - Cybersmart 2021: Best Practices to Secure UW Data
Join us for a discussion on how to better secure your UW data.
Presented by Melissa Albin-Wurzer, Information Security Analyst, UW Office of the CISO
Watch Previous Seminars Recordings
2020 - 2021 Seminars
The Tools For Your Career
Huskies! The best way to start the Spring Quarter is with The Tools for Your Career Seminar on Wednesday, April 7th. The Computer Literacy Seminar team is partnering with the UWT Career Development & Education Center to cover some of the most important digital tools to kick off your career. #GoDawgs
Wednesday April 7th - 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm: View the Recording! Here is a guideline of the tools: 2021 CLS - Career Tech. Tools Planning Table Guide
Presented by Dawn Williams and Katherine Felts from UWT Career Development & Education Center
Wix: Bring your ideas to life – View the Recording! Additional Materials: Session Presentation Deck & 1-Year Free Code Instructions
Hey there Huskies! Looking for a creative way to display your work? Wix has a variety of user-friendly tools to support your professional endeavors. What better way to advertise your work than your own dedicated website! Guest speaker Caitlin Herring will walk us through the step-by-step process, from planning to designing the look of your website.
Wednesday January 20th - 12:30 - 1:20pm
Presented by Caitlin Herring, Academic partnership manager with Wix.
Portfolium Information Session– Recording!
Wednesday December 2nd - 12:30 - 1:20pm
Presented by Chris Fuentes, lead in the Computer Literacy Seminar Department.
Wi-Fi Security standards
Have you ever joined a Wi-Fi network and wondered, how secure is this network? What makes it secure? Does WEP, WPA, or WPA2 sound familiar? Come join our CLS team as we dive into the inner workings of a Wi-Fi network and how network security has evolved over the past two decades. The CLS team will be hosting two sessions on Wi-Fi security.
Wednesday May 12th, 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm - Advancements in Wi-Fi security - Did you miss it? View the Recording
Presented by Computer Literacy Team
Wednesday May 19th, 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm - Unraveling Wi-Fi Security - Did you miss it? View the Recording
In the second session, guest speaker from the Department of Computer Science at Texas Christian University, Dr. Liran Ma, will use a variety of hands-on laboratories to showcase the advancement in mobile security training and education. They call these laboratory projects Eureka Experiences, in reference to the "aha!" moment of understanding a previously incomprehensible concept. By incorporating Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) activities into these laboratories they intend to create an illuminating experience.
Presented by Dr. Liran Ma, a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas Christian University
How Quantum Computers Will Affect Internet Security – Recording!
Wednesday November 18 - 12:20-1:20pm via Zoom
Presented by Anderson C. A. Nascimento, Endowed UWT Professor in Information Technology and Information Security
Buckle Up: The Future of Autonomous Vehicles - Did you miss it? View the Recording.
What is a smart city? Using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, a smart city utilizes sensors for data collection and intelligent analysis which can help in improving resource consumption while accessing real-time environmental and spatial information. Typical applications in smart cities include autonomous vehicles, smart parking, wastewater management, air quality detection, and much more. Autonomous vehicles can even communicate amongst each other by conveying traffic conditions within a much larger radius. Autonomous vehicles have become crucial elements to the development of smart cities. Join us to discuss new opportunities and challenges autonomous vehicles bring to smart cities! #GoDawgs
Wednesday May 5th - 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm
Presented by UW Tacoma MCSS Graduate Students
5G Cellular Technology - Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) – Did you miss it? View the Recording.
Link to Hossam Fattah's Book: LTE Cellular Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) - Practical Projects for the Cloud and Data Visualization By Hossam Fattah
If you have any further questions about this topic feel free to reach out to Hossam Fattah at
Hey Huskies! 5G is the new and most advanced version of the world’s cellular and wireless systems. This technology has a massive impact on our lives, and we want to spread the word about it! 5G comes with a new and advanced feature for connecting a large number of small devices called Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT). Sound confusing? Don’t worry, we invited Dr. Hossam Fattah, a technology expert in 4G/5G wireless systems and networking, to explain everything and answer all your questions regarding 5G. Join our conversation and learn more! #GoDawgs
Wednesday April 14th - 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm
Presented by Dr. Hossam Fattah, a technology expert in 4G/5G wireless systems and networking.
The World through a Virtual Lens: VR and AR
Fellow Huskies! Join us to learn about the past, present and future of virtual and augmented reality! The advancement of technology over the ages has led up to seeing life in a new world, and the UW Virtual Reality Lab continues to push the boundaries of what is possible. Our guest speaker for this seminar, UW Virtual Reality Lab’s Director of Research and Education John Akers, will walk us through the milestones it took to get to where we are in the field today.
February 10th, 2021 - 12:30 - 1:20 pm - Learn...Did you miss it? View the Recording! You can also find the presentation here: Intro to AR/VR PowerPoint.
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) – View the Recording! Additional Materials: AWS Links Shared in Presentation
Fellow Huskies! Join Amazon representatives, Jeff Lawson and Joel Morgan, as they provide an overview of today's cloud computing technology and how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can support your various technological needs. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster. Tune in as our guests cover the Amazon services and trainings UW Tacoma members have access to. No prior AWS experience is needed.
Wednesday January 27th - 12:20 - 1:20 pm
Presented by Amazon representatives Jeff Lawson and Joel Morgan.
Wi-Fi Security standards
Have you ever joined a Wi-Fi network and wondered, how secure is this network? What makes it secure? Does WEP, WPA, or WPA2 sound familiar? Come join our CLS team as we dive into the inner workings of a Wi-Fi network and how network security has evolved over the past two decades. The CLS team will be hosting two sessions on Wi-Fi security.
Wednesday May 12th, 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm - Advancements in Wi-Fi security - Did you miss it? View the Recording
Presented by Computer Literacy Team
Wednesday May 19th, 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm - Unraveling Wi-Fi Security - Did you miss it? View the Recording
In the second session, guest speaker from the Department of Computer Science at Texas Christian University, Dr. Liran Ma, will use a variety of hands-on laboratories to showcase the advancement in mobile security training and education. They call these laboratory projects Eureka Experiences, in reference to the "aha!" moment of understanding a previously incomprehensible concept. By incorporating Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) activities into these laboratories they intend to create an illuminating experience.
Presented by Dr. Liran Ma, a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas Christian University
Buckle Up: The Future of Autonomous Vehicles - Did you miss it? View the Recording.
What is a smart city? Using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, a smart city utilizes sensors for data collection and intelligent analysis which can help in improving resource consumption while accessing real-time environmental and spatial information. Typical applications in smart cities include autonomous vehicles, smart parking, wastewater management, air quality detection, and much more. Autonomous vehicles can even communicate amongst each other by conveying traffic conditions within a much larger radius. Autonomous vehicles have become crucial elements to the development of smart cities. Join us to discuss new opportunities and challenges autonomous vehicles bring to smart cities! #GoDawgs
Wednesday May 5th - 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm
Presented by UW Tacoma MCSS Graduate Students
5G Cellular Technology - Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) – Did you miss it? View the Recording.
Link to Hossam Fattah's Book: LTE Cellular Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) - Practical Projects for the Cloud and Data Visualization By Hossam Fattah
If you have any further questions about this topic feel free to reach out to Hossam Fattah at
Hey Huskies! 5G is the new and most advanced version of the world’s cellular and wireless systems. This technology has a massive impact on our lives, and we want to spread the word about it! 5G comes with a new and advanced feature for connecting a large number of small devices called Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT). Sound confusing? Don’t worry, we invited Dr. Hossam Fattah, a technology expert in 4G/5G wireless systems and networking, to explain everything and answer all your questions regarding 5G. Join our conversation and learn more! #GoDawgs
Wednesday April 14th - 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm
Presented by Dr. Hossam Fattah, a technology expert in 4G/5G wireless systems and networking.
The Tools For Your Career
Huskies! The best way to start the Spring Quarter is with The Tools for Your Career Seminar on Wednesday, April 7th. The Computer Literacy Seminar team is partnering with the UWT Career Development & Education Center to cover some of the most important digital tools to kick off your career. #GoDawgs
Wednesday April 7th - 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm: View the Recording! Here is a guideline of the tools: 2021 CLS - Career Tech. Tools Planning Table Guide
Presented by Dawn Williams and Katherine Felts from UWT Career Development & Education Center
The World through a Virtual Lens: VR and AR
Fellow Huskies! Join us to learn about the past, present and future of virtual and augmented reality! The advancement of technology over the ages has led up to seeing life in a new world, and the UW Virtual Reality Lab continues to push the boundaries of what is possible. Our guest speaker for this seminar, UW Virtual Reality Lab’s Director of Research and Education John Akers, will walk us through the milestones it took to get to where we are in the field today.
February 10th, 2021 - 12:30 - 1:20 pm - Learn...Did you miss it? View the Recording! You can also find the presentation here: Intro to AR/VR PowerPoint
Join John Akers from the UW Reality Lab as he dives into: The history of VR/AR, where it's going, and what the UW Reality Lab is working on.
February 17th, 2021 - 12:30 - 1:20 pm - Experience
Get hands on experience in WebXR with John Akers
Presented by John Akers, Director of research and education at UW reality lab.
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) – View the Recording!
Fellow Huskies! Join Amazon representatives, Jeff Lawson and Joel Morgan, as they provide an overview of today's cloud computing technology and how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can support your various technological needs. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster. Tune in as our guests cover the Amazon services and trainings UW Tacoma members have access to. No prior AWS experience is needed.
Wednesday January 27th - 12:20 - 1:20 pm
Presented by Amazon representatives Jeff Lawson and Joel Morgan.
Wix: Bring your ideas to life – View the Recording! Additional Materials: Session Presentation Deck & 1-Year Free Code Instructions
Hey there Huskies! Looking for a creative way to display your work? Wix has a variety of user-friendly tools to support your professional endeavors. What better way to advertise your work than your own dedicated website! Guest speaker Caitlin Herring will walk us through the step-by-step process, from planning to designing the look of your website.
Wednesday January 20th - 12:30 - 1:20pm
Presented by Caitlin Herring, Academic partnership manager with Wix.
Portfolium Information Session– Recording!
Wednesday December 2nd - 12:30 - 1:20pm
Presented by Chris Fuentes, lead in the Computer Literacy Seminar Department.
How Quantum Computers Will Affect Internet Security – Recording!
Wednesday November 18 - 12:20-1:20pm via Zoom
Presented by Anderson C. A. Nascimento, Endowed UWT Professor in Information Technology and Information Security
Cybersmart: Best Practices to Secure UW Data
Wednesday October 14 - 12:20-1:20pm via Zoom
Presented by Melissa Albin-Wurzer, Information Security Analyst, UW Office of the CISO
Digital Threat: A look into Ransomware
Monday October 19 - 2:00-3:00pm via Zoom
Presented by Cindy Jenkins, Senior Security Engineer, UW Medicine IT Services
2020 Cyberthreat Landscape: A look into Today’s Cyberthreats
Wednesday October 21 - 2:00-3:00pm via Zoom
Presented by Chester Wisniewski, Principal Research Scientist, Sophos
2019 - 2020 Seminars
Introduction to Microsoft Teams
Part 1
Friday May 15: Watch the Recording!
The Computer Literacy Team will be covering the following topics:
• Setup & Customize a Team
• Collaborate in Teams
• Posts & Messages
• File Management
• Chats & Calls
Part 2
Friday May 22 : Watch the Recording!
The Computer Literacy Team will be covering the following topics:
• Manage Meetings
• Live Events
• Explore Apps & Tools
• Managing Activity Feeds
• Teams on the Go
Social Media
Wednesday January 15: Kick Off Your YouTube Channel - Learn YouTube basics, from idea generation to tech and equipment - Missed it? Watch the recording!
Presented by The Computer Literacy Team
Wednesday January 22: Grow Your YouTube Presence - Learn how to grow your YouTube channel, from marketing to monetization - Missed it? Watch the recording!
Presented by The Computer Literacy Team
Wednesday January 29: Podcasting is Easier than You Think - A podcast 101 session, from getting started to making the most of your show. Have something you want to talk about? - Missed it? Watch the recording!
Do you have a phone? If so, then you have most of what you need to start your own podcast. In this session we’ll talk about what else you’ll need to start your own show and present different ways to grow your audience.
Presented by Eric E. Wilson-Edge, UW-T Advancement Content Specialist
Introduction to Microsoft Teams
Part 1
Friday May 15: Watch the Recording!
The Computer Literacy Team will be covering the following topics:
• Setup & Customize a Team
• Collaborate in Teams
• Posts & Messages
• File Management
• Chats & Calls
Part 2
Friday May 22 : Watch the Recording!
The Computer Literacy Team will be covering the following topics:
• Manage Meetings
• Live Events
• Explore Apps & Tools
• Managing Activity Feeds
• Teams on the Go
Cloud Computing Seminar
Friday May 1: The Cloud Constructor Game - In this game, players take the role of a cloud architect where they are tasked with keeping up with user demand. Players build and maintain computers that offer increasing capacity and speed. The game introduces Cloud Computing and Networking concepts as players advance through multiple levels that gradually increase in difficulty. After playing the game, session participants will optionally complete a survey to assess their learning of cloud computing concepts. The session concludes with a short discussion on cloud computing and a Q&A discussion with the game developer.
Presented by Robert Cordingly & Wes Lloyd, SET
Adobe Photoshop Seminar
Wednesday January 15: Kick Off Your YouTube Channel - Learn the basics from the UWT Multimedia Lab while following along Live!
Presented by the Multimedia Lab team
Social Media
Wednesday January 15: Kick Off Your YouTube Channel - Learn YouTube basics, from idea generation to tech and equipment - Missed it? Watch the recording!
Presented by The Computer Literacy Team
Wednesday January 22: Grow Your YouTube Presence - Learn how to grow your YouTube channel, from marketing to monetization - Missed it? Watch the recording!
Presented by The Computer Literacy Team
Wednesday January 29: Podcasting is Easier than You Think - A podcast 101 session, from getting started to making the most of your show. Have something you want to talk about? - Missed it? Watch the recording!
Do you have a phone? If so, then you have most of what you need to start your own podcast. In this session we’ll talk about what else you’ll need to start your own show and present different ways to grow your audience.
Presented by Eric E. Wilson-Edge, UW-T Advancement Content Specialist
Artificial Intelligence
Wednesday November 13: IBM Power9 & AI Use Cases
IBM guest speaker, Brandon Jones, will be presenting on leveraging Power9 for data, computation intensive AI use-cases.
Wednesday November 20: Processing Medical Images With Deep Learning
UWT Graduate Students will be presenting on using Deep Learning techniques for Medical Image Segmentation.
2018 - 2019 Seminars
Cloud Computing Seminar
Wednesday May 8: Serverless Computing - The Next Generation of Cloud Computing
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Presented by Assistant Professor Wes Lloyd from the UW-Tacoma School of Engineering and Technology
Wednesday May 15: Cloud for Everyone - An Introduction to Cloud Computing
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Presented by Graduate Students from UW-Tacoma School of Engineering and Technology
Wednesday May 22: Microsoft Azure Cloud - A Global Leading Cloud Provider
Guest speaker, Shruti Ramesh, Software Engineer II at Microsoft
Wednesday November 28: An Introduction to Portfolium on UW-Tacoma Campus
As part of the Computer Literacy Seminar series, UW Tacoma IT department will be hosting an informational session for Portfolium. The session will cover the basics of Portfolium, review some great examples and address any questions. Experienced users from Portfolium and California State University, Northridge will be joining the session. For more information about Portfolium on UW Tacoma campus, visit:
Cybersecurity Seminar
Wednesday January 16: Key Concepts in Cybersecurity
This session will introduce key concepts around cybersecurity such as confidentiality, integrity and availability. In addition, the concepts of authenticity and accountability will also be briefly discussed. This seminar will be presented by Assistant Professor Wei Cheng.
Wednesday January 23: Worldwide Cyber Threat Cases
The goal of session two is to recap key concepts introduced in session one through studying a series of real-world examples. The discussion will cover serious cyber threats from around the world since 2014.
Deep Learning Seminar
Artificial intelligence is a growing technology that continues to break boundaries when it comes machine learning. This includes machines now performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. In this seminar, we will focus on the deep learning and how machines learn through the inspiration of the human brain.
Wednesday February 20: Deep Learning
What is Deep Learning and how it relates to the broader field of Machine Learning.
Wednesday February 20: Deep Learning in Practice
An overview of some of the deep learning applications in healthcare, self-driving cars, social media, games, etc.
Wednesday February 27: Building AI Models with NeoPulse- Guest Speaker
CEO of DimensionalMechanics, Rajeev Dutt, will be talking about Neopulse, an AI framework for the creation, deployment, and distribution of custom AI models.
Big Data Seminar
Wednesday April 17: An Introduction to Big Data
The term "Big Data" has been explosively hot and highly inspiring in recent years. From the tech world and business arena to healthcare and entertainment, Big Data has been the driving force for countless industries and academic researches. So, what is Big Data?
Wednesday April 24: Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization
Guest speaker, Vadym Tymchenko, Senior Staff Data Scientist at Infoblox, will be sharing examples to better understand data, generation processes, and the use of visualizations to make decisions.
2017 - 2018 Seminars
Cloud Computing Seminar
Wednesday April 4: Cloud Computing: How Cloud Computing is Helping Accelerate the Pace of Science
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
This session will start with an overview of the general concepts of cloud computing, and then focus on how scientists are leveraging the computational power of cloud computing to help solve problems and accelerate scientific discovery.
Cybersecurity Seminar - Cryptography
Wednesday May 2: Cryptography: Past, Present and Future
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
In this talk, we will give an introduction to cryptography aimed at a general audience. We will see how encryption has played a significant role throughout history, from ancient Rome till World War II and present days. We will briefly cover basic encryption techniques and how they are deployed in modern communication systems. Finally, we will see how quantum computers will impact the security of current cryptosystems and what cryptographers are doing to address this threat.
Wednesday May 9: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
In this talk, we will present an overview of modern cryptocurrencies with a focus on bitcoin. We will cover the basics of the blockchain technology, proof of work (mining), digital signatures and how these can be used to solve the double spending problem in e-cash. We will briefly discuss limitations of current cryptocurrencies and survey new technologies such as cryptocurrencies based on proof of steak (PoS).
Internet of Things (IoT) Seminar
Monday May 14: The IoT Revolution: New Opportunities Brings Challenges
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm for connecting objects. These objects or “things” can collect, send and exchange data with minimal or no human intervention. This seminar session focuses on introducing the fundamental concepts of the IoT paradigm, trends, opportunities and challenges that this new wave of technology is bringing to our everyday lives.
Wednesday May 23rd: Internet of Everything: From Fiction to Reality
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Do you have a “smart” wristband to track your workout? Do you wish to live in a “smart” house where you can manage and optimize energy consumption easily from your smartphone? Have you thought about creating your own “smart” things at home? In this session, we will discuss state-of-the-art IoT applications and promising use cases. We will also demonstrate how you can turn ordinary objects into smart “things.”
Cloud Computing Seminar
Wednesday April 4: Cloud Computing: How Cloud Computing is Helping Accelerate the Pace of Science
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
This session will start with an overview of the general concepts of cloud computing, and then focus on how scientists are leveraging the computational power of cloud computing to help solve problems and accelerate scientific discovery.
Wednesday April 11: The Amazon Cloud
In the mid-2000s Amazon, based in Seattle, Washington, introduced the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2) services. These service offerings are considered by many as the services that launched the "invention of cloud computing" creating the multi-billion dollar cloud computing industry of today. This session will feature an overview of the general concepts of cloud computing from the perspective of two guest speakers from Amazon. The session will include an open question and answer (Q&A) forum with our guest speakers from Amazon. The guest speakers include:
Aaron Bucher
Aaron Bucher is a Sr. Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and assists large research universities in adopting AWS and architecting cloud environments. He specializes in working with higher education and optimizing high-performance computing (HPC) environments.
Aaron joined AWS from the University of Minnesota where he served in both administrative and collegiate roles during his time there. Most recently, he was responsible for enterprise architecture and technology planning for their five campuses. Previously, he led UNIX and network operations for the College of Science and Engineering for their general-purpose, production environments and high-performance, research environments. Before returning to the University of Minnesota, Aaron worked in the private sector doing systems programming for an enterprise firewall product. He focused on algorithmic libraries and distributed systems for parallel processing of network traffic.
Aaron holds a bachelor in Computer Engineering and a masters in the Management of Technology.
Lori Clithero
Lori Clithero is a Sr. Account Executive for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and assists large research universities in adopting AWS and architecting cloud environments.
Lori joined AWS from Monsanto Company where she ran a mobile development and strategy group. Prior to Monsanto, Lori spent 15 years in various vendor and application development organizations focused on working with customers in medical, agriculture and higher education institutions. Her experiences are in organizational change management, mobile application development architecture and project management.
Lori holds a Project Management Certificate from Stanford University, an MBA from Saint Louis University and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Missouri.
Wednesday April 18: Cloud Computing Concepts for Everyone
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
When you mention "the cloud" many people think of the "iCloud" for music, or "Dropbox" for files, but in reality cloud computing encompasses much more. This session will provide an introduction to cloud computing concepts and terminology in a lecture and activity based format, to help convey the concepts of cloud computing and to communicate what the cloud offers for everyone.
Cybersecurity Seminar - Cryptography
Wednesday May 2: Cryptography: Past, Present and Future
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
In this talk, we will give an introduction to cryptography aimed at a general audience. We will see how encryption has played a significant role throughout history, from ancient Rome till World War II and present days. We will briefly cover basic encryption techniques and how they are deployed in modern communication systems. Finally, we will see how quantum computers will impact the security of current cryptosystems and what cryptographers are doing to address this threat.
Wednesday May 9: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
In this talk, we will present an overview of modern cryptocurrencies with a focus on bitcoin. We will cover the basics of the blockchain technology, proof of work (mining), digital signatures and how these can be used to solve the double spending problem in e-cash. We will briefly discuss limitations of current cryptocurrencies and survey new technologies such as cryptocurrencies based on proof of steak (PoS).
Internet of Things (IoT) Seminar
Monday May 14: The IoT Revolution: New Opportunities Brings Challenges
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm for connecting objects. These objects or “things” can collect, send and exchange data with minimal or no human intervention. This seminar session focuses on introducing the fundamental concepts of the IoT paradigm, trends, opportunities and challenges that this new wave of technology is bringing to our everyday lives.
Wednesday May 23rd: Internet of Everything: From Fiction to Reality
Did you miss it or want to recap? Watch the session recording HERE!
Do you have a “smart” wristband to track your workout? Do you wish to live in a “smart” house where you can manage and optimize energy consumption easily from your smartphone? Have you thought about creating your own “smart” things at home? In this session, we will discuss state-of-the-art IoT applications and promising use cases. We will also demonstrate how you can turn ordinary objects into smart “things.”
Wednesday May 30th: Data Fusion in IoT Applications
The IoT technologies enable the digitization of the physical world. The power of knowledge unlocked from digitizing the physical world changes how we interact with the world significantly and opens windows to new opportunities, experiences and applications, e.g., self-driving cars, self-checkout Amazon Go, smart grid, smart city and smart home, etc. However, there are lots of challenges in digitizing the physical world environment and extracting knowledge from various sources of sensor data due to the partially observable, stochastic and dynamic nature of the physical world environment.
The goal of data fusion is to synergistically combine data from multiple sensors and prior knowledge to provide more accurate and reliable estimation of interest so that it is better than would be possible if the data sources were used individually. More specifically, data fusion allows better spatial and temporal coverage, reduced estimation uncertainty, better estimation accuracy, and increased robustness to sensor and algorithmic failures.
In this talk, we are going to discuss some state-of-the-art data fusion technologies and how they are being applied in real-world IoT applications.
Meet the Team
Juhua Hu
Director of Center for Data Science
Caitlin Moats
IT Project Manager - Team leader