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2025-2026 SIAS Scholarships Application

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SIAS Scholarships can only be used for tuition and university fees. Any students receiving financial aid that covers 100 percent tuition and fees (e.g., Husky Promise) are ineligible for SIAS Scholarships. Consult with the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships to confirm eligibility.

This application is for funds to be used in academic year 2025-2026. If you are graduating in spring or summer of 2025, you will unfortunately not be eligible for the upcoming awards.

  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete
What is your current class standing?
**Please note that many of the scholarships require you to be declared as an SIAS Major.
Are you the first person in your family to attend college (neither your parent nor guardian has completed a college degree)?
Are you a Husky Promise student?
What category best describes you?
Please select all that apply. (hold down CTRL key to select more than one)
How do you currently describe your gender identity?
Please indicate the ALL of the scholarships the committee should consider you for:
Descriptions of each are available on the SIAS Scholarships Webpage. If you do not meet the requirements of the scholarship, please do not select it for consideration.
This scholarship will be awarded in honor of Professor Brown to a student registered in a School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences major who meets both merit and need requirements.
This scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student registered in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences based on merit and financial need. Preference may be given to students who attended the Franklin Pierce School District.
This fund will provide financial assistance to students studying in the Social, Behavioral, and Human Sciences (SBHS) Division in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.
The scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student who has declared a major in Environmental Sciences or Environmental Studies based on merit and financial need.
The scholarship will be will be awarded to a student majoring in literary and visual arts who wishes to become a writer or visual artist.
This scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in Environmental Sciences based on merit and financial need.
The scholarship will be will be awarded to an undergraduate student in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences who are the first in their family to go to college. Selection shall be based on academic merit or financial need. Preference shall be given to students from Pierce County.
Funds in this scholarship may be awarded to students majoring in an area of study within the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and is allocated at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.
Please explicity state the qualifications you have for the scholarships you indicated in the previous question. (500 words or less)
Please provide details of the following:
  • Academic and/or Career Goals and how you plan to achieve them
  • Connections with/beyond the classroom (internships or jobs that will help you meet your goals)
  • Any barriers you have experienced and how you navigated them. (for example, but not limited to GPA or changing major)
(500 words or less)
Please explicity state your financial challenges to help the selection committee understand your need for the scholarship and indicate any other scholarships/awards you have received and the amounts awarded. (500 words or less)
One file only.
15 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.


Applications will be reviewed using the following rubric (not listed in any specific order):

  • Merit: GPA, course load per quarter, evidence of academic drive & dedication, evidence of finding connections within and beyond the classroom; evidence of reflection on past growth and future direction, overall assessment of merit
  • Financial need (as determined by the Financial Aid Office and as required by the scholarship including consideration of other recent financial awards/scholarships)
  • quality of essay (grammar, punctuation, and spelling count!)
  • Community Service (as applicable)

By submitting this application you are indicating you want to be considered for a scholarship offered by the University of Washington Tacoma School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.

  • Awards are distributed over three quarters of enrollment; you will receive 1/3 of the funds during the autumn, winter, and spring quarters and awards are credited to student accounts and may be applied towards tuition, fees, and books.   You must be registered for a miniumum of 12 credits before funds will be dispersed.

  • If awarded a scholarship you give the University of Washington Tacoma permission to publish your name in news releases and advertisements promoting this scholarship and its recipients. You understand you will be asked to acknowledge the donor(s) offering this scholarship support.