Main Content

Public Expression
- At UW
- External Resources
- Indiana University Bloomington, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning: Managing Difficult Classroom Discussions
- Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching: Resources about strategies for anticipating and responding to difficult discussions as well as classroom incivility. Specifically, the Guidelines for Discussing Difficult or High-Stakes Topics.
- From the AASCU American Democracy Project: Constructive Dialogue: Fostering Trust, Curiosity, and Deeper Learning in the Classroom
- Braver Angels, a program supported by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni
- Resource from the Scholars Strategy Network: How Faculty can prepare to handle the post-election classroom
- Resources from AAC&U: Elections as Teachable Moments and Institute for Democracy & Higher Education
Teaching Support
- Addressing Emotionally-or Politically-Charged News with Students
- Addressing Microaggressions in the Classroom
- Course Delivery Checklist
- Course Readiness Checklist
- Curriculum Development
- Facilitating class conversations in the wake of distressing current events
- Faculty development tools and teaching tips
- Faculty Resource Center
- Guidebook for Advancing Student Well-being at UW
- Office of Digital Learning offers 1:1 virtual/in-person consultations (course design principles, effective use of technology, universal design)
- Hybrid/Online teaching certification - Teaching 101, Teaching 201, TTFI, iTech Fellows
- Syllabus Resources
- Teaching and Learning Center
- Statistics Consulting - we offer statistic research support to faculty and staff (
- Office Hours Space and Support- We offer faculty the opportunity to host their office hours in a larger space close to tutors and other sources of support.
- Writing Fellows: faculty development cohort on best practices in writing instruction, particularly in upper-division writing-intensive contexts
- In-class support, including embedded tutoring and presentations
Software and Technology
- Software available for the UW (UWare)
- Acquiring Software and Hardware
- Using Canvas (our course management system)
- Classroom technology support
- What equipment can be found in each classroom?
- Help with classroom technologies? Email or call 253-692-4357
- Recording lectures
- Panopto - for storage of videos and sharing
- Zoom recording - (90 days availability and automatically gets deleted)
- Open Broadcasting Software and YouTube – (video demo)
- Polling, surveys and quizzes
- Poll Everywhere - Make Your Own Poll in Seconds integrated with Canvas for polling. UW provides free licenses for UW community.
- Qualtrics (online survey tool)
- Respondus can get your quizzes into Canvas easily (cheap but not free)
- Whiteboards and virtual bulletin boards
- Padlet - Virtual Bulletin Board to post anonymous questions during lecture.
- Explain Everything - Online Whiteboard (basic) - records lectures in a white board format, you can also import slides
- Doceri - The Interactive Whiteboard for iPad- records lectures
- AirServer Connect - Advanced Screen Mirroring - To be able to project iPad on your desktop for PC
- Microsoft Whiteboard - Digital Online Whiteboard App
- Paper by WeTransfer | Simple Sketch App for iPad
- CATME is a tool to get your students into diverse teams easily.
- Microsoft OneNote Digital Note Taking App
- Remote File Access (for remote access to your H: drive or the “Department” S: drive using a browser)
- Portfolium - Online portfolio to document (student) work
- Teaching with Discord:
- Scheduling
Equity & Inclusion
- Creating an Inclusive Classroom Culture
- Guidance Teaching in Hybrid and Online Courses Using Canvas
- Making the Classroom More Accessible for Individuals with Disabilities
- Graduate Tacoma - 65 Ways to be Anti-Racist in Tacoma
- UW Tacoma SEED Teaching Institute
- UW Race & Equity Initiative Anti-Racism Resources
- UW Senate's Inclusivity and Community webpage
- UW Teaching & Learning Center: Inclusive Teaching
Research & Funding
- Conducting Research at UW Tacoma
- Catalyst Research Initiative
- Finding Funding - Office of Research
- Centralized grant management resources
- Grant resources (Office of Advancement)
- Grants Resource Center
- MyResearch provides a personalized, cross-cutting view of various research-related activities.
- SAGE - System to Administer Grants Electronically
- Grant Tracker provides up-to-date grant and contract information to UW researchers and staff.
- Zipline - Human Subjects Division Zipline resources page.
- Hoverboard is an upgraded system for submitting and managing research animal protocols. A simplified management of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) processes.
- UW Tacoma Digital Commons
- UWT IT Support for Research
- Grading Resources
- UW Tacoma Grading Policy
- Undergraduate Grading Scale
- Grading System for Graduate Students
- Other Letter Grades
- Grading Procedures
Textbooks & Materials
- O'Reilly's - There are probably hundreds of library links we could post, but this one is incredibly useful - login with your identity.
- Microsoft Azure for Education - make a Microsoft account using your identity (if you don’t already have one).
- Open Educational Resources - textbooks, notes, assignments, quizzes, etc. that are free to use and in most cases modify and revise via the Creative Commons (CC) license system.
- Vitalsource has lots of textbooks for reading online
- Order books through the University Bookstore for your course. Desk copies must be ordered by the faculty directly using the publisher sites.
- SAGE Knowledge Base: (Social Sciences book and media reference guide)
Community Engagement
- Campus Compact - is a coalition of higher education institutions committed to advancing the public purpose of colleges and universities, educating students for the workforce and civic leadership, and working in partnerships to cultivate vital and sustainable communities.
- Engagement Scholarship Consortium - works collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships anchored in the rigor of scholarship and designed to help build community capacity
- Community Engagement Fellows - empowers educators and community leaders to nurture engaged citizens, serve the public, and improve the Salish Sea bioregion and the planet
Student Conduct & Campus Safety
- Academic Integrity
- Academic Integrity Resources (Faculty Assembly)
- Promoting Academic Integrity through Pedagogical and Technical Strategies (Digital Learning)
- UWT Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
- Best Practices for Managing Disruptive Behavior
- SafeCampus
- Safety, Advocacy, and Prevention Resources at UWT
Parking & Transportation
- Parking on campus
- Disability Parking on campus
- Transit to UW Seattle
- Sound Transit Rte. 586 goes directly from UW Tacoma to UW Seattle, 3x per day