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Physical address
1908 Pacific Avenue [map]
Do not send mail to this address. The mailing address for all UW Tacoma offices is 1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402-3100.
Digital Learning, Office of — WG 208
Faculty Resource Center — WG 208
Information Technology — WG 320A
Media Services — WG 116
Student Computer Lab — WG 108
Built 1911 / Renovated 1996
Edward J. Walsh and Alexander R. Gardner, founders of Walsh & Gardner, supplied pipes, valves, fittings and fixtures to shipbuilders. They commissioned architect Carl A. Darmer, whose work is seen in several UW Tacoma buildings, to design this building as their warehouse. The four-story brick building features sidewalls of reinforced concrete, an innovative idea at the time, which distinguishes it from its older brick and timber neighbors.
In 1920, two former Walsh & Gardner employees and a third partner acquired the property and formed a new company, the American Plumbing and Steam Supply Company, which continued to operate out of the building for many years.
The primary architect of the 1996 renovation was McGranahan Architects of Tacoma, with Miller Hull Architects of Seattle the associated architect firm.