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The AAPI THRIVE Steering Committee, consisting of UW Tacoma faculty, leaders, and staff, provides continuous feedback to the project leadership team, helps to identify and remove barriers to project success, and supports the institutionalization of key project services and activities.
Click here to access AAPI THRIVE Steering Committee meeting agendas and minutes (NetID required).
Steering Committee Members

Rachel Endo is Founding Dean and a Professor in the School of Education at UW Tacoma. A nationally recognized scholar of anti-racist approaches to organizational development, Asian/American education, bilingual education, critical multiculturalism, immigrant/refugee education, intersectional realities (especially the intersections of gendered and racialized identities), transnational studies, and urban education, Endo is the author of multiple publications, including The Incarceration of Japanese Americans in the 1940s: Literature for the High School Classroom (2018, Urbana, IL- The National Council of Teachers of English- winner of a Skipping Stones 2020 Award for Excellent Teaching Resource). Since joining UW Tacoma in 2017, Endo has received 8 inter/national awards for equity and excellence in education, including the Mary Ann Raywid Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Study of Education from the Society for Professors in Education (2023); three (3) American Educational Research Association awards, including a Distinguished Researcher Award (2023) and two (2) excellence in mentorship awards (2018, 2017); Arthur R. King, Jr. Award for Curriculum Innovation and Promoting Equity in Education through the Pacific Circle Consortium (2018). Award is presented for those whose work represents “excellence and exceptional work in curriculum innovation; and National Association for Multicultural Education’s Carl A. Grant Excellence in Research Award (2017).

Bonnie Becker (she/her) has served in the role of Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success. In addition to overseeing Academic Success Programs (University Academic Advising, Teaching and Learning Center, Office of Digital Learning), she works with partners across campus on initiatives that support the retention and success of students. Her particular focus is on programming and curriculum that supports the Sense of Purpose and post-graduation success of students.

Mentha Hynes-Wilson joined the University of Washington Tacoma team as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs in August 2017. She serves as a key member of the chancellors’ executive leadership team and provides leadership, vision, and strategic direction for the large and complex division of student affairs. Her expertise in student affairs leadership and administration and improving the college student experience contributed to impressive achievements such as the launch of the Emergency Aid fund, the Office of Advocacy and Support, the Office of First-Generation Initiatives, enhancements to counseling services, emergency management, financial aid, leadership development, new student programs, residence life, and gains in student engagement.
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Dr. Shalini Sarin Jain (she/her) Associate Professor, Milgard School of Business and Director Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She is a proud first-generation immigrant of color from India, who is the first woman in any generation in her family to receive post-graduate education. She is passionate about working to bring about systemic change in the areas of increasing student access, expanding faculty and staff leadership, and creating a culture of belonging.
Dr. Hee-Seok Kim (he/him) is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at School of Engineering and Technology. Dr. Kim has been establishing teaching and research scholarship with focus on Bio-Electro-Mechano-Engineering and his scholarship trajectory lies on functional materials, soft electronics, and energy system integration and packaging.
A Tacoma native, and UW Tacoma alumnus, Joe Lawless brings many years of experience in leading nonprofit and philanthropic efforts to his work as Chief Strategy Officer for the Office of the Chancellor at the University of Washington Tacoma. In 2007, after graduating from the Milgard School’s MBA program, Joe stayed at UW Tacoma to build the Center for Leadership & Social Responsibility. In that capacity, he created an award winning course in Board Governance, developed a Minor in Corporate Responsibility, and built an internationally known Undergraduate Business Case Competition on Social Responsibility. Prior to that, he was Director of Corporate Partnerships at Tacoma Goodwill and served 15 years with the Mary Bridge Children’s Foundation, the last 7 as Executive Director. While at Mary Bridge he created the Courage Classic Bicycle Tour, developed the Children’s Advocacy Center, and lead the Campaign for Mary Bridge to build a new outpatient clinics building and endowment for charity care.
Joe has served on the boards of multiple local not-for-profit organizations, as well as advising organizations on everything from philanthropy planning and board development, to strategic planning and community partnership building. He brings this experience, along with his focus on corporate citizenship and organizational change in the Milgard School of Business MBA to his work in the Chancellor’s office at UW Tacoma.

Dr. David Reyes (he/him) is Dean and Associate Professor in the School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership with adjunct appointments in both the Schools of Nursing and Public Health at UW in Seattle. David’s primary scholarship interests are in using equitable community-based approaches in partnership with communities to addressing the root causes of health disparities, and currently is working with Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department to explore barriers to, and facilitators of, vaccine acceptance among Asian American Pacific Islander and transgender communities. Dr. Reyes received his Doctor of Nursing Practice, ’13, and Master of Nursing, ’02, and Master of Public Health, ’02, degrees from UW in Seattle, and his B.S. Nursing, ’83, from Seattle University.