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This page contains a short compilation of information that applies to both internal and external clients (unless specifically noted). If you still have questions, or don't see the information you need here, please contact our office. We're happy to help.
Quick links:
General Questions
The University of Washington Tacoma is located in the heart of downtown Tacoma on the 1900 block of Pacific Avenue. The Office of Events & Conferences is located in William W. Philip Hall, at 1918 Commerce St. We are located on the second floor just to the left when you come up the stairs.
Yes, we do — The University has over 50 classrooms that non-university organizations and individuals may rent. However, please note that University of Washington Tacoma courses will always receive priority in the scheduling of classrooms. Classrooms can only be requested to reserve for non-academc purposes after a given timeline each quarter. Please refer to this page for more information and dates for when classrooms can be requested.
Spaces scheduled on campus follow a scheduling timeline. Specific dates that spaces become available to request are based on the type of space being requested — academic space vs. non-academic space.
Academic spaces include classrooms, computer classrooms, and breakout rooms. These spaces must give first priority to University courses and all reservations assigned in academic spaces may be subject to change due to academic needs. This will include reassignment or cancellation.
Non-academic spaces include conference rooms, indoor event spaces, outdoor event spaces, and building lobbies/atriums. We are now accepting event reservations through August 31, 2025 for event space rentals.
Yes, Conference Services offers a nonprofit (registered 501c3) and government rate when it comes to room rentals. To find out more about what a room would cost, please contact us at
There are multiple outlets to purchase special events coverage. A quick Google search will bring several up. These policies may be purchased online and applications are super quick to complete. Some common places people have purchased are:
- K & K insurance (
- Event Insurance Now (
Additional information: The Board of Regents of the University of Washington must be named as an additional insured. If you're booking in the University Y Student Center, YMCA of Pierce & Kitsap Counties should be included on the certificate alongside the Board of Regents of the University of Washington. We should be requiring $1M per occurrence and $2M in the aggregate liability coverage which can be obtained via the special events coverage. If liquor will be served coverage must apply to liquor service, as well.
Yes, there is hourly paid parking available on campus for both UW Tacoma parking lots and City of Tacoma on-street parking. For more information on rates, locations, and other parking options, feel free to visit UW Tacoma’s Transportation Services’ website at
Information regarding setups and types of setups can be found here.
Clients may use any of their own equipment, signage, decor, etc. that will contribute to the success of their event. The removal and/or disposal of these items immediately after the event will be the client’s responsibility. For the use of signage and decor within our facility, the following are prohibited:
- Glitter
- Confetti
- Staples
- Sequins
- Nails
- Tacks
- Scotch, masking, duct and electrical tape
- Fog/smoke/bubble machines
- Fire and/or open flames of any kind
Any and all damages caused by signage and decor, including helium balloons released to the ceiling, will incur charges related to repair and/or removal.
Depending on the time and date, there may be students on site during an event. Another group on campus may be holding their own event as well, however, simultaneous gatherings will take place in their own respective UW Tacoma spaces.
Yes, there will be a Conference Services staff member available during all meetings and events as a point of contact for clients. In addition to a member of our team, there will also be an officer from Campus Safety roaming the campus.
This is left to your discretion and how you'd like to leave those items. It's suggested that any valuable and/or personal items remain with the respective owner(s). The University of Washington Tacoma is NOT responsible for any items that go missing.
Payments may be made online here, or through check, by mailing it to: Office of Events & Conferences, University of Washington Tacoma, 1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402
UW Departments/Schools: Cost transfers will be pulled from your department/school's worktags.
Food & Beverage
If individuals bring personal lunches/snacks, no permit is required. However, if food is to be served (or catered) to attendees, it will require going through the University EH&S department's review/approval process which can normally take 3–5 weeks depending on the scale of service needed. The earlier the details regarding food are provided, the better.
Internal groups: Work with our EH&S Department to ensure the food you would like served is approved and that you apply for AND receive a Temporary Food Service Permit and have attached to your reservation on 25Live.
External groups/clients renting campus spaces: Work with our office to ensure the food you would like served is approved. Home-prepared foods/potlucks are NOT allowed.
More information regarding UW Tacoma's Food Policy can be found here.
Alcohol is strictly prohibited on campus, EXCEPT alcohol allowed under permit or license obtained in accordance with Washington laws and rules, including WAC 478-136-030, University of Washington Tacoma alcohol regulations and procedures, and the safety and use requirements determined by the UWT Implementation Committee.
Alcohol beverages may be possessed, sold, served and consumed within UW Tacoma event facilities only when the appropriate approvals and permits have been obtained from the University of Washington AND State of Washington. Once obtained, all University of Washington policies, Washington State laws, and Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board regulations must be followed during the event.
Alcohol service on campus requires a Washington State Banquet Permit OR Washington State Special Occasion License OR Washington State Caterer’s Business License with Liquor Endorsement. The appropriate, approved permit must be posted in a conspicuous location for the duration of the event. If there is no permit, UW Tacoma staff will not allow liquor to be served.
Please note that the University of Washington Tacoma policy for an event where alcohol will be served is that food and non-alcoholic beverages must also be provided. Also, a campus security officer must be present at any event where alcohol is served. There will be additional charges for this security coverage.
Review more info on serving alcohol on campus here:
The University of Washington is contracted with Pepsi Co. This contract prohibits any distribution or sale of non-Pepsi Co. products on any University of Washington Campus.
Resources & Amenities
The page Campus Accessibility Routes contains maps with detailed descriptions of access to the Tacoma campus facilities.
For information about parking on University premises, visit disability parking.
Yes, the University of Washington wireless (Wi-Fi) service is designed as a primary access network for UW students, faculty and staff, but is also available for guest use with a guest account. This network provides Wi-Fi coverage inside most buildings as well as some outdoor areas campus. If you would like access to wireless internet, there is a small fee of $25.00 for the creation of the guest account. This account would give access to all your attendees.
The University of Washington Tacoma has many options when it comes to A/V support for your conference. We can provide equipment or technical support in order to ensure your conference media runs smoothly.
Media Services Conference Support Policies |
Equipment Requests: Requests to setup equipment that is not included in the room will incur the minimum labor charge. Contact the Office of Events & Conferences for list of equipment available and pricing. |
Emergency Support: If, during an event or conference, Media Services is called in for emergency support there will be a charge of 2x the minimum hourly rate. |
Required Media Technician: Events/Conferences that utilize a video production company for public distribution must coordinate with a University Media Technician to ensure conference is recorded properly. |
Deadlines: All equipment and support details must be provided 2 weeks prior to event/conference. Cancellation within 1 week of a conference will incur a charge of 50% of the total A/V costs (equipment and support). |
Change Order: Any changes to a setup within 48 hours of a conference may incur a 20% surcharge. |
Technical Services:
We have media technicians who are available to assist with any kind of technical needs you may have. Services that they offer include:
- Running sound
- Performance cues
- Lighting changes
- PowerPoint assistance
Video recording of your conference:
- Pre-production: can include project consultation and/or project coordination
- Videotaping: uses professional lighting, digital video and audio systems to help create HD, broadcast quality video material
- Post-production: can finish up projects with modern editing and duplication facilities, and can convert video programs into the latest streaming formats
Contact the Office of Events & Conferences for current video production rates.
Vendors and caterers can load-in/load-out at the corner of Dolly Roberson Lane but please make sure they park in front of the stone column barrier and not the yellow metal poles as they provide fire and facility access.
If vendors and caterers need to drive through campus, whether that be on Commerce street or the Prairie Line Trail, you need to reach out to Campus Security to assist with access.
Yes. We have lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers in GWP 410 & MLG 120. The UWT lactation rooms are for current students, staff, faculty, and UWT guests. The room can be used on a drop-in basis and is available when the buildings are open. The room is locked at all times.
For access, please fill out this questionnaire in advance.
If you have questions please contact:
Student Life (M-F, 8am-5pm)
MAT 103/ 253-692-4901
There is a loading zone by William Philip Hall off S 21st., turning on Dolly Roberson Lane, and by the Joy building off Commerce Street. See campus map here:
Yes. Here is a link to emergency evacuation routes, assembly points, heart defibrillator and emergency phone locations. There is also a first aid kit located in the Campus Safety Office in Dougan, Room 180.
External clients: Payments may be made online here, or through check, by mailing it to: Office of Events & Conferences, University of Washington Tacoma, 1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402
Internal UW Departments/Schools: Cost transfers will be pulled from your department/school's worktags.
Deadlines & Timelines
Event cancellations must be submitted in writing. Cancellation fees are then assessed for each booking, per room per day, as follows:
- 8-14 days prior to scheduled event will be charged 25% of the room rental rate plus any unique costs incurred.
- 7 days prior to a scheduled event will be charged the full room rental rate plus any unique costs incurred.
The Office of Events & Conferences attempts to accommodate short-notice requests to the best of our ability. However, when changes are requested fewer than five (5) business days prior to event date, a Short Notice or Change Fee of $100 will be applied. Changes include, but are not limited to: audio/visual, rentals, labor/staffing, food and beverage/catering, setup/layout or start/end time requests.
You may request the space beyond your event time for up to 2 hours prior to your event start time, and for up to 1 hour after your event end time. Your load-in and load-out will need to occur during this time frame. If you have extenuating circumstances and need a different time frame, please email our team at
Internal units: Please indicate your specific event hours in your 25Live reservation.
External clients: Please indicate your specific event hours in the room request form.
Reservation Time is the total time a client has access to the event space for their reservation. This includes any time necessary for load-in/setup and load-out/cleanup also best known as "pre-event" and "post-event" times.
Event Time is the start and end time for when the meeting or event is expected to take place. This time is usually what is advertised to attendees or participants.
Statement of neutrality
As a public university, it is the University of Washington Tacoma’s responsibility to provide open and inclusive environments for our entire community. We also must uphold free speech that does not violate federal and state laws or policies. The University is obligated by law to remain content neutral and neither promote nor oppose political views. There should be no implication that the UW in any way endorses the views of groups that lawfully pay to rent space on campus. No public funds are used to support non-UW events and all use of facilities is in accordance with state ethics laws and the Washington Administrative Code.