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INFORMATION for Students
How to Apply
Contact the individual employers to apply for a job. If you are eligible for Work Study you will receive an email confirming your eligibility. Please share the email confirmation with your employer as proof of your eligibility for Work Study.
Once hired, your Work Study employer will need to complete a Work Study Hiring Form before you start working. They can find the form on the Hiring a Work Study Student webpage. The form must be submitted to the Work Study Office so that we have a record of you being hired. It is very important that this form is completed before you start working. For students who worked full-time in the summer and wish to continue in autumn quarter, a new form will be required.
Please keep in mind that Work Study is only one type of job. There are non-Work Study positions on-campus and other part-time employment jobs off-campus. Handshake is the UW’s online job and internship database.
Find a Job
Search through available work study positions and find one that is a good fit for you!
How Work Study Works
In a work study program, the employer pays only 20-50 percent of your wages; the rest is subsidized by federal or state funds. You can, therefore, find jobs and may be able to keep your loan debt down by earning part of your needed funds so that you can borrow less. Jobs may be located on or off-campus with government agencies, non-profit organizations or private corporations. Many offer career-related and/or community service experience.
You may work up to 19 hours per week, and pay rates are the same as for comparable, non-work-study jobs. No job pays less than the prevailing minimum wage.
Work Study Guide
Learn about eligibility and how to qualify for work study, how to schedule work, how to get paid and more.
Summer Work Study
Learn about opportunities for summer work study and how the program works during this period.
View and download the various work study forms that you need.