Main Content This form is for IIGE internal use only, to be filled out by staff at the end of each quarter. Current IIGE Impact Database Complete First and Last Name Date of your entry Quarter you are reporting for Quarter you are reporting for - Select -FallWinterSpringSummer ASummer BOther… Enter other… IIGE budget you are reporting for IIGE budget you are reporting for - None -06-0349 INNOVATION & GLOBAL EN74-0362 GLBL HONORS PRGM-IAS-T64-0183 UW TAC IIGE DISC FUND06-8527 GLOBAL INNOV-PRG REV68-0915 UWT GLOB INNOV DESIGNWILLIAM W PHILLIP ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPOther… Enter other… Opening balance as of July 1 (start of academic year) Closing balance as of June 30 (end of academic year) Total income/revenue (insert amount or NA for state budgets) Total expenditure IIGE Program/Unit you are reporting for IIGE Program/Unit you are reporting for - None -Global Honors ProgramGlobal Innovation and Design LabInnovation and Design MinorGlobal Engagement MinorNextGen ProgramGID InternshipOther… Enter other… Number of students enrolled Award you are reporting for Award you are reporting for - None -BFGEIIGE Travel/Conference AwardGID Internship StipendIIGE Core Paper/Project AwardWilliam W Philip AwardIIGE Study Abroad AwardOther… Enter other… Number of students awarded Total amount disbursed Digital Badge you are reporting for Digital Badge you are reporting for - None -Design Thinking Applied ProjectNextGen Civic Leader CorpsGlobal Engagement CertificateOther… Enter other… Number of badges awarded Additional comments Additional Information One file only.15 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods. Leave this field blank