Main Content
The Minor in Innovation and Design (25 credits) is open to all UW Tacoma students, equipping them with ways of thinking, creating, and intervening in problems in the world in a way that invites collaboration and ethically engages communities. Students will participate in iterative cycles of design thinking, a generative and creative problem-solving approach that places the human experience at the heart of its process. The Minor will draw on methods and theoretical perspectives from the human sciences and the design disciplines.
Different perspectives will be leveraged through a collaborative teaching and learning model. To further UW Tacoma’s urban-serving mission, students will engage in design projects that link them to pressing issues of the community. The global framework will extend such engagement to projects across the world. Capstone projects are presented at the annual Global Engagement Conference, providing students with a unique professional development and career building opportunity.
Students may expect to:
Participate in a project-based, hands-on, and collaborative design curriculum.
Develop a portfolio of their work to share with future employers.
Work with community and industry partners to solve real-world problems.
Learn a creative approach to problem solving, cultivate deep empathy, and generate innovative ideas.
Explore issues of design justice and consider how design can intervene to make positive changes in the world around us.
Present at the annual Global Engagement Conference
Complete the Minor in one or two years.

Watch our video to learn more about the Minor in Innovation and Design!
Curriculum and Admissions
Students completing the Minor in Innovation and Design will choose one foundation course from the list below.
- TWRT 350 Principles of User-Centered Design. No prerequisite. (This course is a common entry point for the Minor and encapsulates and functions as a microcosm of the Minor as a whole.)
- T COM 330: Mobile Communication & Social Practice
- T WRT 353: User Experience Writing See course description for prerequisites.
- T WRT 355: Usability Testing and Research Prerequisite: TWRT 291
- T WRT 440: Cross-Cultural Communication Design
- TCSS 452 Human-Computer Interaction See course description for prerequisites.
- T INFO 220: Human Computer Interaction for ITS
Practicum Course
TGID 320 Innovation & Design Studio. (5 credits, taken twice) Offered in Winter and Spring Quarters only
This is a studio-based course focused on situated, practical, and adaptive design. Students work in small interdisciplinary teams where they undertake design projects to develop innovative solutions to challenges arising within the campus, local, or regional community. Student teams are mentored by the instructor(s) and paired with an external stakeholder. Students extend their practice beyond the idealized “toolbox” approach of the introductory course by attuning to the particulars of the design situation that they face and responding adaptively, requiring the learning and use of additional research/design methods and communicative forms from those previously encountered.
Prerequisite: TWRT 350, TCOM 330, TCSS 452, T INFO 220, TWRT 353, TWRT 355, or TWRT 440
Portfolio Course
TGID 420 Reflexive Design Portfolio. (5 credits) Offered in Spring Quarter only
In this capstone course for the Minor, students will engage in a series of reflective exercises in relation to prior and current design activities, linking these activities to their Major degree and future trajectory. The focus, and its reflexive character, will be in attending to the ways in which design activities result in reciprocal changes to the world and to oneself as a designer. This course serves to integrate across the range of activities and ideas encountered in the Minor, to build connections between the Minor and (inter)disciplinary ideas and practices of each student’s Major, and to suggest possibilities for extending design practice in whatever future endeavors a student undertakes after graduating.
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of 2.0 in TWRT 350; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in TGID 320.
Students completing the Minor in Innovation and Design will choose one design-oriented course within programs across campus from the list below. In this course, students will encounter one or more conceptions of design and its application within one or more domains of human activity.
** indicates a course that can also serve as an alternative prerequisite for the T GID 320 Innovation & Design Studio course.
Elective Courses
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- T COM 320: Principle of Web Design
- ** T COM 330: Mobile Communication & Social Practice
- T COM 350: Editing & Design for Print Media
- T COM 420: Advanced Web Design
- T PSYCH 306: Community Psychology, Research, and Action
- ** T WRT 353: User Experience Writing
- ** T WRT 355: Usability Testing and Research
- ** T WRT 440: Cross-Cultural Communication Design
- T WRT 450: Principles of Accessible Design
School of Engineering and Technology
- TCSS 325 Computers, Ethics, and Society
- ** TCSS 452 Human-Computer Interaction
- ** T INFO 220: Human Computer Interaction for ITS
- T INST 401: Technology in the Service of Society: A Seminar in the Integration of Technology and Social Interests
- T INST 475: Entrepreneurship in Computing and Software Systems
- T INST 493: Technology and Society: a Global Perspective Study Abroad
Milgard School of Business
- T MGMT 433: Building a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mindset in the Workplace
- T MGMT 455: Managing Teams
- T MGMT 474: Entrepreneurship: Idea Development
- T MGMT 475: Creating, Leading, and Implementing Change
- T MKTG 450: Consumer Marketing
- T MKTG 460: Marketing Research
School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
- T HLTH 215: Innovation, Wireless and Digital Healthcare
- T HLTH 320: Promoting Health Through Social Marketing
- T HLTH 465: Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching
- T HLEAD 405: Health Informatics I: Fundamentals
School of Urban Studies
The Minor consists of five five-credit courses named below, including a Foundation course, a Practicum course (taken twice), a Portfolio course, and an elective course. The Minor is designed so that it can be completed in one or two years depending on student schedules.
To enroll in the Minor in Innovation and Design, students must have:
- Declared a Major
- A minimum of 45 credits at the time of admission
- Less than 135 credits at the time of admission
- 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (either from UW Tacoma or as an incoming transfer)
To enroll in, or declare the Minor in Innovation and Design, students are required to book an advising appointment with the IIGE Academic Advisor.
Please email us if you are having any issues accessing the bookings website: