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The Sustainability Leadership Certificate (SLC) offers a non-academic certificate option that all students at UW Tacoma may choose to complete during their academic career. The SLC provides all students an avenue to interact with and learn about sustainability and grow as sustainability leaders. Students will gain knowledge about all three pillars of sustainability, identify personal leadership values and strengths, strengthen and practice collaborative leadership, learn the basics of interdisciplinary sustainability practices, connect sustainability concepts to their academic coursework, and participate in hands-on service learning projects. This program will prepare students with the basic knowledge and confidence to reflect and implement sustainability into their careers by building stronger community connections, reflecting as leaders, and building hope for a healthy and resilient future.
*The SLC is not an academic or official degree certification.
Certificate Components and Learning Objectives
- Introduction
- Sustainability Pre-Check
- Attend four SLC Seminars-(Includes introductions video)
- Complete seminar reflections
- Complete two hours of service a quarter
- Attend at least two sustainability events on or off campus
- Complete one small sustainability project
- Submit a final project portfolio/deliverables
- Sustainability Post-Check
- Earn badge!
Learning Objectives
Students will...
- understand concrete ways to implement sustainability into their daily lives
- examine the intersections between environmental, social, and economic sustainability
- design and conduct and original service-learning project
- identify and solve problems using equity-based approaches
- apply sustainability leadership knowledge to their unique course of study
- demonstrate sustainability leadership skills including: listening, storytelling, and empowerment
Get Started
Certificate Preview
This is a list of sustainability related events on campus and in the surrounding Tacoma/Seattle community. This list is continually updated as organizations plan and publish event dates. Check back regularly to stay up to date!
One component of this certificate is completing a small sustainability project. Our team has compiled some ideas of possible projects, but you are not limited to this list.