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Anastasia Cale: Living On Her Principles

West Point grad and military veteran Anastasia Cale wants to use her planning degree as a springboard to community action and public office.

June 12, 2019

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Diana Sheila Algomeda Villada: Sense of Belonging

"I have a growth mindset. I'm always looking for new opportunities and experiences. I like being in places where I can advocate for others." -- Diana Sheila Algomeda Villada

June 11, 2019

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Justin Cabanos: Enabling Success

Justin Cabanos, '19, who comes from a long line of college graduates, knows that "success is never truly your own."

June 11, 2019

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A Bridge Over Barriers

UW Tacoma's Campus Safety and Security has teamed up with the Office of Global Affairs on a project to help international students.

June 6, 2019

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Bearing Witness

UW Tacoma Professor Marian Harris and graduate student Zea Mendoza recently spent a week helping asylum seekers held at the South Texas Family Residential Center.

May 23, 2019

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The Giving Garden at Age Ten

More bees. More beds. A paid coordinator. Even hops. At age ten, UW Tacoma's community garden is growing and bearing fruit.

May 14, 2019

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Augustine Canales: Something to Offer

As a kid, Augustine Canales didn't want to be anything. The UW Tacoma student is now a teacher, student, father and soon to be college graduate.

May 9, 2019