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From the Heart

Alumna Amalia Perez’s choice of degrees and careers reflects her commitment to helping others.

February 14, 2023

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2023 Huskies On The Hill Recap

ASUWT lobbied for bills that would benefit all students at UWT, with the main focus being Senate Bill 5703, which would expand access to the Washington State College Grant eligibility, providing crucial financial support to students in need.

February 10, 2023

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Who Made This? Algorithms and Authorship Credit

Milgard Professor Arthur Jago and coauthor Glenn Carroll, across a variety of creative and work domains, compared the credit people receive when they work alongside algorithms.

February 5, 2023

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The Wordsmith

When he's not working in the library, staff member Jamal Gabobe is busy writing and publishing.

January 31, 2023

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Initiatives: Increasing Feminine Hygiene Products Access

ASUWT has partnered with the Husky Sustainability Fund and the University Y to launch a quarter-long pilot program providing free menstrual products in select bathrooms inside the University Y. The program aims to gather data with the hope of making the initiative permanent.

January 18, 2023

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Practicing Medicine

Majoring in biomedical sciences is helping junior Christian "CJ" James further his dream of becoming a physician.

January 12, 2023