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Coding and Computing by Design

Happenstance brought Ping Luarn, an international student from Taiwan, to UW Tacoma and its information technology program, but she’s made a home here.

June 10, 2021

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Engineering Something Amazing

Heather Dillon is a big believer in human-centered design, and student-centered engineering education.

February 26, 2021

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The Monstrous

Some monsters hide under beds or in sewer drains. Most, however, live inside us. Ingrid Walker and Dustin Annis talk about the role of the monstrous imagination in culture and politics.

October 30, 2020

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Thnwa Ahmed: Hard Work Pays Off

In five years, Thnwa Ahmed, MCL ’20, lived in four countries, learned multiple languages, got two college degrees, and became a certified ethical hacker.

September 17, 2020

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A Giant Leap

Every student's journey to a degree is unique, and the great leap they take into the world beyond. Read about four 2020 grads: from psychology to cybersecurity to space!

September 16, 2020

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Clinton Sizemore: New Tools for the Job

Because he stayed the course despite twists and turns, Clinton Sizemore, MCL ’20, has new tools in his toolbox, including his graduate degree in cybersecurity.

September 16, 2020

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The Performer

Andrew Fry's skills on stage translate to the classroom and his role as Director of Industry Partnerships with the School of Engineering and Technology.

March 11, 2020