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After Prison

Omari Amili spent time in prison before earning three degrees from UW Tacoma. He interviews 10 other people who graduated after they got out.

December 18, 2020

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Never Too Late

Chris Oliver was given a choice: prison or the Army. He chose the latter, then went to college, setting an example for his siblings. "This is what thrills me...that it's never too late."

December 11, 2020

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Sarah Smith Plumbs the Depths

Sarah Smith, senior in communications, recently completed a documentary about an underwater ocean observatory, learning more about “one of the most underexplored places known to humans.”

November 25, 2020

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Building a Community Around Food

At Northwest Harvest, Urban Studies alumnus Chris Suh connects with people by remembering his own journey out of poverty.

November 25, 2020

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Making a Yoga Community

Hien Hong, ’15, saw that wellness had a diversity issue and set out to change that.

November 19, 2020

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An Open Book

A passion for reading and a turbulent childhood lead Professor Belinda Louie to create Project TELL which supports English language learners and their families.

November 5, 2020

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Why do we vote?

On the latest episode of Paw'd Defiance, the UW Tacoma podcast, members of the UW Tacoma community talk about why they vote and why they think voting is important.

November 4, 2020