Weather Closure
What does “suspended operations” mean? Where do I get current information? Here are some things you should consider when weather affects campus operations.
Anticipated snowfall has led to the decision to close the UW Tacoma campus at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 8. The campus will remain closed through Saturday and Sunday. Conditions will be reassessed Sunday evening and early Monday morning and a decision about operations on Monday will be communicated through campus and community channels.
Where to get information
The best and fastest way to learn about severe weather or other incidents that affect campus operations is by signing up for UW Alert. The system provides email and text notifications and you can sign up for notices about any or all of the three UW campuses.
Updates about campus operations will also be posted on the UW Tacoma website and to the Emergency Communications Blog (emergency.tacoma.uw.edu). If no alert messages are posted on the website or blog, assume campus is open.
Suspended operations
In general, “suspended operations” means that the campus is closed, classes are not held, administrative offices are closed and all events and activities are cancelled.
Campus leadership will assess conditions early in the morning and make a decision no later than 6 a.m., earlier if possible, about whether to suspend operations for the entire day or operate on a delayed schedule.
Check the UW Tacoma website for more information on inclement weather procedures, suspended operations HR policy, missed classes and general weather and storm tips.
Closing campus? Really?
Safety of campus users is our first priority. When campus is closed, we urge people to stay away. Even when campus is operational, please use your own discretion about your level of comfort in moving about and your own knowledge of local conditions before traveling to and from campus.
We understand that, even when campus operations are suspended and buildings are closed, there are people who will be on and around campus. Campus Safety & Security personnel and Facilities staff will be on duty even when campus operations are suspended. If you see hazardous conditions on marked and cleared campus walkways, contact Campus Safety & Security.
Facilities staff will continually assess conditions and their ability to keep pace with snow and ice accumulation. They and Campus Safety & Security may, at their discretion, close certain areas and pathways until such time as those areas may be treated for safety. Please be aware of directional signage that may designate closed areas or preferred routes for navigating through campus spaces.
Even when announcements specify operational status and hours of operation, supervisors and instructors may communicate directly with their staff and students and make other arrangements.