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If you have an emergency on the Tacoma campus, help can be summoned using a variety of security and emergency phones that will put you directly in touch with Campus Safety & Security. Officers will respond directly or call other emergency services, if needed.

Blue Tower Emergency Phones
Blue Tower Emergency Phones
The blue tower emergency phones are equipped with a public address loudspeaker to broadcast emergency messages on campus. These towers serve as the UW’s outdoor alert system and are one of several different types of emergency communications that can be activated during a crisis. They also include a phone to call for help. To use the phone, simply press the button and Campus Safety & Security will be dialed automatically. A blue, flashing light will illuminate to help indicate your location and signal that immediate help is needed. These towers are located throughout campus. Look for locations of these phones on the campus emergency map.

Indoor Alert System
Indoor Alert System
The university’s indoor alert system is to notify building occupants of emergencies on campus and is one of several different types of emergency communications that can be activated during a crisis. This is designed to supplement the UW Alert system, which provides text messages to registered phones. Indoor alerts will either be audible or visual.

Silver Emergency Phones
Silver Emergency Phones
The Tacoma campus has a number of emergency phones that are blue or silver. To use the phone, simply press the button and Campus Safety & Security will be dialed automatically. A blue, flashing light will illuminate to help indicate your location and signal that immediate help is needed. These towers are located throughout campus. Look for locations of these phones on the campus emergency map.

Other Emergency Phones
Other Emergency Phones
Other outdoor emergency phones are available that have a very different appearance from the blue and silver emergency phones. Most of these phones are located in campus parking garages and are set up to automatically dial Campus Safety & Security.