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In the event of severe weather conditions or emergency situations, campus leadership will make a decision no later than 6 a.m. – earlier if possible – whether to suspend operations for the entire day or operate on a delayed schedule. When operations are suspended, classes are not held, administrative offices are closed and events and activities are cancelled.
Delayed Start
When a delayed schedule is announced, classes and offices will resume operations at a later than usual time, usually at 10:30 a.m. or 12:00 p.m., depending on conditions. Any classes or events happening before that time are cancelled.
Closing Early
If a storm hits in the middle of the day, campus leaders may decide to suspend operations early. An announcement is usually made by 2 p.m. that day. In a situation with unusually severe storm conditions, an announcement could be made later. Any classes or events happening after that time are cancelled. When evening operations are suspended, classes are not held, administrative offices are closed and events and activities are cancelled.
Suspension of operations for an evening does not determine whether or not the university will suspend operations the next day. You must check in the morning.
Can't safely get to campus? Stay home!
Keep in mind that conditions may be different at your home than they are on campus. When the university is in operation, but severe weather conditions exist, use your best judgment about getting to campus.
Students, faculty and staff who are unable to get to campus because of dangerous conditions may decide to remain home, even if the university is open. Each decision is a personal one and should be made according to individual judgment.
Missed Classes
Faculty should make every effort to notify students of any class cancellations when the university is open.
Students who cannot get to class should let their faculty know as soon as possible, and should discuss options about making up class time lost during any suspension of operations or if they are unable to get to campus.
If my class is not canceled but I can’t attend because of bad weather, will I be penalized for not making it to class?
The University advises faculty members to balance concern for student learning and accountability with concern for student safety. We trust faculty to be fair in such circumstances. However, students who feel that they have been unfairly penalized for classes they missed due to bad weather should first speak with the faculty member. If that conversation does not resolve the issue, students should contact the faculty member's department chair or dean.
Missed Work
Staff should contact their supervisors if they will be unable to get to work on time or at all because of the weather conditions.
If you have additional questions about pay and leave use, please contact UWT Human Resources at 253-692-5669.
Court 17
When the university closes, it cancels any scheduled classes and events. However, university residence halls remain open and the residential and retail dining outlets will remain open per scheduled hours as much as possible.
Notification Systems
- UW Tacoma website:
- Subscribe to UW Alert for text message alerts and/or emails:
- UW emergency telephone hotline: 253-383-4636 or 866-897-4636 (toll-free)
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- FlashAlert:
More resources
- Take Winter by STORM: Tips, information and resources for Western Washington
- Washington State Emergency Management: Preparedness for home, work, school; disaster assistance
- Road conditions, winter driving, mountain passes information (Washington Dept. of Transportation)
- Washington State D.O.T. Traffic Cameras
- Tacoma forecast on