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Name: Milla Tirona
Expected Graduation: Summer 2025
Hello! My name is Milla Tirona, and I am currently a senior at UWT. I am a Psychology major, minoring in Asian Studies. Choosing psychology as my major came out of a place of compassion for others as well as compassion for myself; I want to help others understand themselves and practice compassion towards themselves as I am constantly learning and trying to do.
I've studied abroad through UW Tacoma in Summer 2022 in the “Prague – The Psychology of Culture, Food, and Human Development” program. I had many worries and anxieties both during the application process and abroad. It was all worth it though; it was a life-changing experience that I want others to experience, and that's why I joined the Office of Global Affairs! I want to help students who want to study abroad and let them experience their own study abroad adventure 😆!
I've also studied abroad through UW Seattle in Summer 2024 in the CIEE Summer Accelerated Chinese Language in Taipei, Taiwan program. It was a unique experience to apply to study abroad through another UW campus, but I am glad to have more experience so I can better advise students who want to study abroad through other UW campuses. Getting the chance to improve my Chinese skills in a Chinese speaking country and the chance to focus on traditional Chinese characters in Taiwan was a wonderful experience.
Studying abroad has allowed me to have experiences where I grew and learned to understand both myself as well as others; whether that be my peers and program directors or the local culture and its people, I learned so much about my identity and myself, what it means to exist alongside others, and how to connect and understand each other. In the hopes that I can encourage other students to take the leap to study abroad, I share my own study abroad experiences. I am looking forward to meeting and connecting with everyone 😄!