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Jump to any specific Article in the Faculty Assembly Bylaws below:
In order to exercise the powers granted under Faculty Code, Section 23-43, and to advise the Chancellor as required in Section 23-43.B, in an orderly and expeditious manner, the faculty of the University of Washington Tacoma establishes herewith, under Faculty Code, Section 23-45.A, its organization and rules of procedures.
Section 1. The purpose of the University of Washington Tacoma shall be to provide programs within the larger context of the University of Washington, whose mission is defined in University Handbook, RCW, 28 B-20.020 Vol. 1-1.
Section 2. The faculty of the University of Washington Tacoma is the campus' governing body, under the Faculty Code, Section 23-41.
Section 3. In accordance with Executive Order No. IV, Legislative Authority of the Faculty the faculty of the University of Washington Tacoma shares with its Chancellor the responsibility for such matters as:
- Educational policy and general welfare;
- Policy for the regulation of student conduct and activities;
- Scholastic policy, including requirements for admission, graduation and honors;
- Approval of candidates for degrees;
- Criteria for faculty tenure, appointment, and promotion;
- Recommendations concerning campus and University budgets
- Formulation of procedures to carry out the policies and regulation thus established.
Pursuant to Section 23-43 of the Faculty Code, the faculty of the University of Washington Tacoma:
A. Shall, with respect to academic matters,
- Determine its requirements for admission and graduation;
- Determine its curriculum and academic programs;
- Determine the scholastic standards required of its students
- Recommend to the Board of Regents those of its students who qualify for the University degrees;
- Exercise the additional powers necessary to provide adequate instruction and supervision of its students
B. Shall, with respect to personnel matters, make recommendations to its Chancellor in accord with the provisions of Chapter 24 and of Section 25-41.
Members of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty who are voting members of the University faculty shall be voting members of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty, in accordance with the Faculty Code, Section 21-32:
A. Except as provided in paragraph B of this Section the voting members of the University faculty are those faculty members holding the rank of:
- Professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Research professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Teaching professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Associate professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Research associate professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Associate teaching professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Assistant professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Research assistant professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Assistant teaching professor, 50% appointment or greater
- Full-time senior artist in residence
- Full-time lecturer
- Full-time artist in residence, or
- A retired assistant professor, associate professor, or professor (including those with research or teaching titles), or a retired principal lecturer or senior lecturer, during the quarter(s) that person is serving on a part-time basis
B. Notwithstanding the rank held, the following are not voting members of the faculty:
- Persons serving under acting or visiting appointments
- Persons on leave of absence
- Persons serving under clinical or affiliate appointments
- Persons of emeritus status unless serving on a part-time basis
- Persons serving under adjunct appointments insofar as their adjunct appointments are concerned.
[For definitions of faculty titles, see Section 24-34.]
C. Research faculty may vote on all personnel matters as described in the Faculty Code except those relating to the promotion to and/or tenure of faculty to the following ranks:
- Senior artist in residence
- Associate Teaching Professor
- Teaching Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
- Associate Professor WOT
- Professor WOT
D. Voting Membership in Relation to Joint Appointment
A faculty member who has the privilege of participation in governance and voting in the primary academic program, school, or college may arrange with the secondary program(s), school(s), or college(s) either to participate or not to participate in governance and voting in the secondary unit(s). This agreement must be in writing and will be used for determining the quorum for faculty votes (Sec. 24-34.B.7).
Section 1. The organized faculty of the University of Washington Tacoma is referred to as the Faculty Assembly. For these Bylaws, “faculty of the University of Washington Tacoma” and the “Faculty Assembly” are identical in meaning.
Section 2: The Faculty Assembly is the governing body of the University of Washington Tacoma Faculty (23-41). The purpose of the Faculty Assembly shall be to serve as a forum for faculty deliberation, decision-making, and for the formulation and conveyance of advice to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors of the University of Washington Tacoma on a wide range of matters related to the mission of the University of Washington Tacoma. This body shall be concerned with all domains of faculty authority and duties of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty and the professional and personnel issues affecting faculty. Except as specifically provided in Article V, Section 1, all legislative powers of the Faculty Assembly are vested in the Executive Council as constituted under the provisions of Article V. The Faculty Assembly, however, reserves the power to approve or reject certain actions of the Executive Council in accord with the provisions of Article V, Section 1.
The Faculty Assembly, in addition, reserves the right and power by a majority vote of the voting members of the entire University of Washington Tacoma faculty to rescind the delegation of legislative powers to the Executive Council provided that such vote is taken at a meeting called specifically for the purpose of considering such action, that notice of such meeting is given to each voting member of the faculty at least two weeks before the date of the meeting and that the date of the meeting is set for a school day between October 15 and May 30.
Section 3: The Faculty Assembly consists of the voting faculty of the University of Washington Tacoma
Section 1. Faculty Assembly Chair, Vice Chair, and Terms
The officers of the Faculty Assembly shall be the Chair and Vice Chair. Each shall ordinarily serve for a one-year term, and the Vice-Chair shall ordinarily succeed to the office of the Chair. The Vice Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall assume office on September 1 in the calendar year of their election. The term of the Vice Chair shall end on August 31 of the following calendar year. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall assume office on September 1 in the calendar year in which their term as Vice Chair ends. The term of the Chair shall end on August 31 of the following calendar year.
Section 2. Responsibilities
The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall have overall responsibility for guiding and coordinating the affairs of the organization. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall chair the Faculty Assembly Executive Council (see Article V). The Vice Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall assist the Chair in the execution of the Chair’s responsibilities.
Section 3. Election
During the month of April, the incumbent chair of the Faculty Assembly shall announce an open call for nominations (including self-nominations) for the office of Faculty Assembly Vice Chair for the upcoming academic year. Such nominations shall be given to the Chair, who shall ascertain the willingness of each nominee to serve if elected. The Chair shall then prepare a ballot for the Vice Chair position for the next year. For the position of Faculty Assembly Vice Chair, all willing nominees (as described above) shall be listed. If no candidate for the position receives a majority of votes from among Faculty Assembly members casting votes, there shall be a single runoff election with a new ballot. The ballot shall contain the top two candidates for the Vice Chair position, with the winner being determined by a majority of those voting. Voting shall be completed in May.
Section 4. Eligibility
Program directors, deans, and other faculty holding full-time administrative appointments shall not be eligible to serve as Faculty Assembly Chair or Vice Chair, nor chair any Faculty Assembly Standing Committee.
Section 1. Executive Council
A. Responsibilities: The Executive Council is an elected faculty council of the Faculty Assembly. It shall provide leadership for the Faculty Assembly of the University of Washington Tacoma. The Executive Council is directly accountable to the faculty as a whole, from which it is elected. It will act on behalf of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty serving as its legislative agent with responsibility for formulating policies, rules, and regulations for the campus in all matters except amendments to these bylaws. It shall advise the Chancellor and inform the Faculty Assembly on matters of policy regarding faculty promotion and tenure, and on matters involving academic policy, including priorities, strategic planning, resource and salary allocation, and budgets (Sec. 23-45.B). Additionally, the Executive Council shall advise the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors on the general welfare of the campus. Substantial study and deliberation of the matters concerning appointment, promotion and tenure policy, academic standards, the curriculum, and faculty affairs will be undertaken in the Faculty Assembly Standing committees having jurisdiction over these matters as described in Article V, Section 2. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Council to ensure that such advice conforms with the broadly defined will of the faculty and, time permitting, to refer to the membership of the Faculty Assembly questions on which the faculty’s will is substantially unknown or unclear. The Executive Council shall report regularly to the Faculty Assembly and as completely as is possible, consistent with the occasional need for confidentiality in its advisory role to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall convey to the Chancellor the decisions and recommendations of the Executive Council in writing.
Upon request, the Chancellor shall provide the Executive Council information concerning salaries, teaching schedules, salary and operations budget requests, appropriations, allotments, disbursements, and similar data pertaining to the University of Washington Tacoma (23-46.H). The Executive Council will receive all policy recommendations from the Faculty Assembly standing committees and any ad hoc committees or task forces which may be established either by the Faculty Assembly or under this Council’s authority.
The Executive Council shall:
- Oversee, coordinate, and support the activities of all faculty standing committees at the University of Washington Tacoma,
- Recommend faculty representatives for campus wide committees , and
- Provide for the election of the Vice Chair and members of the Executive Council and the Chairs of the standing committees.
The agenda for Executive Council meetings shall be developed by the Executive Council with input received from individual faculty members, academic units, and the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors. Agenda items must be submitted to the Executive Council chair one week prior to each meeting.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority in the deliberations of the Executive Council
B. Membership: The Executive Council shall consist of the Chair of the Faculty Assembly (who shall chair the Executive Council), the Vice Chair of the Faculty Assembly, the prior year’s Chair of the Faculty Assembly, the Chairs of the Standing Faculty Committees, the Chair of the Undergraduate Education Academic Council, and at least one representative chosen from amongst the voting faculty of each of the academic units1 of the University of Washington Tacoma. Each of these units shall elect at least one representative. Units housing 21 to 42 voting faculty shall elect a total of two representatives. Units housing 43 to 64 voting faculty shall elect a total of three representatives. Units housing 65 to 86 voting faculty shall elect a total of four representatives. Units housing 87 – 108 voting faculty shall elect a total of five representatives:
Number of Faculty in Unit | Number of Executive Council Representatives |
1-20 | 1 |
21-40 | 2 |
41-60 | 3 |
61-80 | 4 |
81-100 | 5 |
101-120 | 6 |
121-140 | 7 |
141-160 | 8 |
161-180 | 9 |
181-200 | 10 |
For these purposes, representation will be based on unit census at the beginning of the autumn quarter. All members of the Executive Council who represent an academic unit will serve for a term of three years and can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms, at which point a member cannot be re-elected for one full year. The terms of the academic unit representatives to Executive Council shall begin September 16 in the year of their election and end September 15 three years later.
The immediate Past Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall serve a term of one year as a voting member of the Executive Council beginning on September 1 in the calendar year in which their term as Chair of Faculty Assembly ends. The term of the immediate Past Chair shall end on August 31 of the following calendar year. The Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the Director of the UW Tacoma Library (or designee) shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Executive Council.
Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the unit houses members of the voting faculty.
C. Legislation: Two types of legislation shall be distinguished: Class A shall consist of amendments to these bylaws. Class B shall consist of all other legislation and resolutions.
Class A: By a simple majority, the Executive Council may propose amendments to these bylaws. The Executive Council will forward these proposed amendments to the faculty as specified in Article VIII of these bylaws.
Class B: Class B legislation shall be approved by a simple majority of the Executive Council and requires no additional action by the Faculty Assembly.
By petition from at least 20% of the voting faculty gathered from among at least two academic units, the Chair will convene a meeting of the Faculty Assembly to review any policy, rule, or regulation adopted by the Executive Council. Signatures on this petition shall have been gathered over a period not to exceed fifteen instructional days prior to the submission of this petition. The Chair shall convene the Faculty Assembly to review this policy, rule, or regulation no later than ten instructional days following the instructional day on which the petition was received.
By a majority vote in each of at least three standing committees of the Faculty Assembly, the standing committees may request that the Chair convene the Faculty Assembly to review any policy, rule, or regulation adopted by the Executive Council. These votes shall have been concluded over a period not to exceed fifteen instructional days prior to the presentation of this request. The Chair shall then convene the Faculty Assembly no later than ten instructional days following the instructional day on which this request was received.
Section 2: Standing Committees
A. Faculty Affairs Committee
- Charge –The Faculty Affairs Committee shall investigate and respond to issues of widespread concern including, but not limited to, faculty governance, procedures regarding tenure and promotion, merit, teaching assessment, and an ongoing focus upon race and equity. Issues about race and equity will be taken to the Executive Council in order to develop a proactive and collaborative response by members of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Executive Council. Matters for investigation may be brought before the Faculty Affairs Committee by the Executive Council or any member of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty. Where warranted this committee shall formulate specific policy proposals and forward its recommendations to the Executive Council, which may bring proposals and recommendations to the Faculty Assembly for a vote or may adopt them as provided in Article V, Section C of these bylaws.
- Membership – The voting membership of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall consist of one representative from each of the academic units of the University of Washington Tacoma to be elected by each respective academic unit. Members will serve for a term of three years and can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms, at which point a member cannot be re- elected for one full year. The Chair will be elected by its members at the end of spring quarter and will serve for one academic year beginning September 16 in the year of their election and ending September 15 in the year after their election, unless re-elected. The term of all other members shall begin September 16 in the year of their election and end September 15 three years later. The chair of the Non-tenure Track Faculty Forum (Article V, Section 3) will attend Faculty Affairs Committee meetings in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
- Non-Tenure Track Faculty Forum:
Charge – The Non-Tenure Track Faculty Forum shall serve as a representative body from which Faculty Affairs can receive feedback and consultation on issues related to faculty not on the tenure track. They shall also provide open meetings for, and investigate and respond to issues specifically facing faculty not on the tenure track. Where warranted, this committee shall formulate specific policy proposals and forward its recommendations to the Faculty Affairs Committee. The chair of the forum will attend Faculty Affairs Committee meetings in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
Membership – The voting membership of the Non-Tenure Track Faculty Forum shall consist of seven full time non-tenure track faculty (regardless of contract length). No more than 3 members may be from a single academic unit (School). Members will serve for a term of one year and can be elected for a maximum of three consecutive terms at which point a member cannot be re-elected for one full year. The forum elects a chair for an academic year; this person will be elected from among its members, by its members, in Winter quarter of the previous year. The remaining 6 members will be voted upon by all full time non-tenure track faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma during the Autumn of the academic year. Part time faculty should be encouraged to attend meetings in order to discuss issues specific to their positions.
B. Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee
- Charge – The Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee. shall be responsible for matters of policy relating to the academic affairs of the University of Washington Tacoma, including proposals for new academic programs; majors, minors, concentrations, and undergraduate and graduate certificate programs; applications for new and revised courses; scholastic standards including admissions; and campus graduation requirements. It shall also provide guidance to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on policies regarding the interpretation and administration of academic regulations of the campus, as well as provide recommendations on initiatives requested by the Executive Council related to academic excellence and equity. Upon approval, the Committee shall forward its recommendations to the Executive Council, which may bring proposals and recommendations to the Faculty Assembly for a vote or may adopt them as provided in Article V, Section 1, Part C of these bylaws.
- Membership – The voting membership of the Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee shall consist of one representative for every 50 voting faculty members within each academic unit of the University of Washington Tacoma. Each academic unit shall elect at least one representative to the committee. Units housing 51 – 100 voting faculty shall elect a total of two representatives. Units housing 101 – 150 voting faculty shall elect a total of three representatives and units housing 151 – 200 voting faculty shall elect a total of four representatives.
Number of Faculty in Unit | Number of APCC Representatives |
1-50 | 1 |
51-100 | 2 |
101-150 | 3 |
151-200 | 4 |
For these purposes, representation will be based on unit census at the beginning of the autumn quarter. All members of the Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee who represent an academic unit will serve for a term of three years and can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms, at which point a member cannot be re-elected for one full year. The Chair will be elected by its members at the end of spring quarter and will serve for one academic year beginning September 16 in the year of their election and ending September 15 in the year after their election, unless re-elected. The term of all other members shall begin September 16 in the year of their election and end September 15 three years later. Membership in the committee shall also include, as ex officio, non-voting members, one representative each from the University of Washington Tacoma Library, Office of the Registrar, Academic Advising, Information Technology, and Office of Undergraduate Education, and also one representative from the Associated Students of the University of Washington Tacoma.
C. Faculty Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure
- Charge - The Faculty Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure shall advise the Chief Academic Officer on cases involving promotion and tenure of the faculty in accordance with Sections 24-54.C and 25-41.B of the University of Washington Faculty Code. The Committee coordinates discussion of appointment, promotion, and tenure procedures and expectations across academic units and with administration. It shall also be the responsibility of the Faculty Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure to review and, if necessary, propose changes to policies and procedures related to campus-level implementation of University appointment, promotion, and tenure policy in accordance with Section 13-23.A.5 and 13-31.A.4 and A.5 of the University of Washington Policy Directory. Proposed changes shall be referred to the Executive Council, which shall determine whether to refer the proposed changes to the Faculty Assembly for approval or may adopt them as provided in Article V, Section 1, Part C of these bylaws.
- Membership – The voting membership of the Faculty Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure shall consist of no fewer than seven (7) members. Each academic unit will be represented by a tenured faculty member. In units with no tenured faculty, there will be no representation. Each academic unit will elect a representative. Academic unit heads are not eligible to serve. Members will serve for a term of three years and can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms, at which point a member cannot be re-elected for one full year. The Chair will be elected by its members at the end of spring quarter and will serve for one academic year beginning September 16 in the year of their election and ending September 15 in the year after their election, unless re-elected. The term of all other members shall begin September 16 in the year of their election and end September 15 three years later.
Section 3. Non-Tenure Track Faculty Forum:
Charge – The Non-Tenure Track Faculty Forum shall serve as a representative body from which Faculty Affairs can receive feedback and consultation on issues related to faculty not on the tenure track. They shall also provide open meetings for, and investigate and respond to issues specifically facing faculty not on the tenure track. Where warranted, this committee shall formulate specific policy proposals and forward its recommendations to the Faculty Affairs Committee. The chair of the forum will attend Faculty Affairs Committee meetings in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
Membership – The voting membership of the Non-Tenure Track Faculty Forum shall consist of seven full time non-tenure track faculty (regardless of contract length). No more than 3 members may be from a single academic unit (School). Members will serve for a term of one year and can be elected for a maximum of three consecutive terms at which point a member cannot be re-elected for one full year. The forum elects a chair for an academic year; this person will be elected from among its members, by its members, in Winter quarter of the previous year. The remaining 6 members will be voted upon by all full time non-tenure track faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma during the Autumn of the academic year. Part time faculty should be encouraged to attend meetings in order to discuss issues specific to their positions.
A vacancy in either elected office or appointed committee membership can occur through such processes as resignation, faculty leave, termination of employment, or failure to attend two meetings of any committee without advanced notification.
If a vacancy should occur during the term of any office, the Executive Council shall be empowered either to appoint a replacement to complete the unexpired term or to provide for an election to a new term of office for that position.
A quorum for any meeting of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty shall consist of more than half the voting members of the faculty, with all departments represented.
A proposed action of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty under the authority of the Faculty Code, Sections 23-43 and 23-44, is effective if passed by a majority of the voting members present at a meeting. For voting in a meeting, voting may occur orally, by show of hands, or by secret ballot. If a quorum is not present at the meeting, a mail ballot or an electronic ballot may occur if the vote concerns an issue that was identified on the circulated agenda and that was discussed in that meeting, or if a discussion has occurred via electronic means, with all eligible faculty having had the opportunity to participate. Mail ballots or electronic ballots will be passed by a simple majority of those voting, provided that more than half of the members eligible to vote have cast ballots. Voting shall be expedited if an issue is urgent, as long as the opportunity for discussion has been afforded either at a faculty meeting or via electronic means, with all faculty members having had the opportunity to participate.
MEETINGS. At least one meeting of the Faculty Assembly shall be held during each academic quarter. During these meetings, the Chair shall report on the activities, legislation, rules, and policies concluded by the Executive Council. An annual calendar of meeting dates shall be established prior to the beginning of the Autumn Quarter by the Executive Council. Meeting dates will not be changed unless there is a major emergency, with information to the faculty regarding cause for change. Additional meetings shall be convened when called by the Executive Council, when requested by the Chair, when requested by a majority vote in each of at least three of the standing committees, when requested in writing by twenty percent (20%) of the voting membership of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty. The Chair or their designee presides at the meetings of the University of Washington Tacoma faculty.
ORDER OF BUSINESS. The Executive Council shall determine the order of business at a general meeting of the faculty.
AGENDA. The agenda shall be developed by the Executive Council with input from individual faculty members, academic units, councils, committees, task forces, and the Chair. Agenda items must be submitted in writing to the chair of the Executive Council two weeks prior to each Faculty Assembly meeting. A copy of the agenda shall be distributed to faculty at least one week prior to each meeting.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority. The rules contained in the University of Washington Tacoma Faculty Bylaws shall govern the faculty in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws or special rules of order of this University.
These bylaws may be amended at any regularly scheduled Faculty Assembly meeting by two-thirds vote of those present provided notice of intent is given at the previous regular meeting or when submitted in writing to all faculty at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which action is taken. The bylaws may be amended by mail ballot by two-thirds of those voting providing that the requirements for a quorum established in Article VIII have been met in the ballots returned and that the proposed changes and rationale have been circulated to all voting faculty at least two weeks prior to the date on which the ballots will be tallied.
The faculty of University of Washington Tacoma delegates to the faculties of its several academic units* the following powers and duties (23-43.C):
A. with respect to academic matters,
- To determine its requirements for admission and graduation;
- To determine its curriculum and academic programs;
- To determine the scholastic standards required of its students
- To recommend to the Board of Regents those of its students who qualify for the University degrees
- To exercise the additional powers necessary to provide adequate instruction and supervision of its students.
B. with respect to personnel matters, to make recommendations to the Chancellor in accord with the provisions of Executive Order V, Section 2, Chapter 24 and of Section 25-41.
Upon request, the administrative head of the academic unit shall provide the faculty of the unit with information concerning salaries, teaching schedules, salary and operations budget requests, appropriations, allotments, disbursements, and similar data pertaining to the programmatic unit (23- 46.H).
Footnote: *An academic unit is determined by the reporting structure of the head of the unit. For a unit to be an academic unit, the head of the unit (i.e. dean, director) reports to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or the Chancellor of the University of Washington.
Adopted by the Faculty Assembly 1995. Amended: May 15, 2001; May 29, 2002; January 23, 2003; April 20, 2005; January 17, 2006; February 9, 2009; December 3, 2009; April 16, 2010; May 18, 2012; October 25, 2012; June 18, 2013; May 9, 2016; June 6, 2017; February 16, 2021