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Language Matters - Your words become your world
Anti-racist, feminist, cultural scholar and activist, bell hooks, reminds us in Teaching to Transgress: Education as the practice of freedom (1994) that we must "resist the idea of the oppressor's language, certain that this construct has the potential to disempower those of us who are just leanring to speak, who are just learning to claim language as a place where we make ourselves subject"...therefore "language is also a place of struggle."
The concepts and ideas embeded in the language of social justice can inform authentic, humanizing approaches to teaching and learning. As faculty committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, we must align our words and actions, to fully actualize liberatory classrooms that transgress and transcend dominant, exclusive ways of knowing and thinking.
CLICK HERE for a GLOSSARY of Terms from Racial Equity Tools by World Trust
What are Pronouns? Why Do They Matter? Resources on Personal Pronouns

Image: Word cloud in multiple colors and font sizes with a variety of terms related to social justice themes. Retrieved from: