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The Office of Community Partnerships stands ready to support you in your community engaged research and learning. Below is a compiled list of networks, organizations, opportunities and more to help aid you in this work.
Association of American Colleges & Universities - "The American Association of Colleges and Universities is a global membership organization dedicated to advancing the democratic purposes of higher education by promoting equity, innovation, and excellence in liberal education."
Campus Compact -Campus Compact is a national nonprofit organization. They are the largest and oldest higher education association dedicated to higher education civic and community engagement. Members make up a force of thousands of presidents, faculty, researchers, students, and civic and community engagement experts at colleges and universities. Campus Compact takes a comprehensive approach to supporting member institutions—helping them build the knowledge, skills, and capacity needed to enable a just, equitable, and sustainable future.
Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) - The purpose of ARIS is to advance impacts of research for the betterment of society and the expansion of research. We elevate research impact by providing high-quality resources and professional development opportunities and by creating connections among researchers, community partners, and engagement practitioners.
Community Engagement Fellows - “Community Engagement Fellows empowers educators and community leaders to nurture engaged citizens, serve the public, and improve the Salish Sea bioregion and the planet."
Engagement Scholarship Consortium - “The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization, is composed of higher education member institutions, a mix of state-public and private institutions. Our goal is to work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships anchored in the rigor of scholarship and designed to help build community capacity.”
Imagining America (IA) - The Imagining America consortium (IA) brings together scholars, artists, designers, humanists, and organizers to imagine, study, and enact a more just and liberatory ‘America’ and world. Working across institutional, disciplinary, and community divides, IA strengthens and promotes public scholarship, cultural organizing, and campus change that inspires collective imagination, knowledge-making, and civic action on pressing public issues.
International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) - international organization whose expressed primary purpose is to cultivate, encourage, and present research across all engagement forms and educational levels. The Association promotes high quality trans-disciplinary research across a wide range of approaches and forms and builds the capacity of scholars, practitioners, and community partners to engage in such research.
Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES) - The Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES) is a peer-reviewed international journal through which faculty, staff, students, and community partners disseminate scholarly works. The JCES integrates teaching, research, and community engagement in all disciplines, addressing critical problems identified through a community-participatory process. The editors and editorial board strive to make the JCES a leading journal of community engagement scholarship, one that is read, comprehended, and appreciated by both professional scholars and lay people. Board reviewers are supplemented by a diverse range of additional reviewers, including community partners and students, approved by the editor. The JCES is published by the Division of Community Affairs of the University of Alabama.
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE) - The Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal for the advancement of theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement between higher education institutions and communities. This includes highlighting innovative endeavors; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service. The JHEOE is published by the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education and College of Education, of the University of Georgia.
MetroLab Network - “MetroLab’s mission is focused on the belief that when local governments and universities work together, innovation can thrive in a catalytic and inclusive manner. At its core, MetroLab is a convener and thought leader, living at the intersection of research and implementation.”
Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good - Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good (formerly Washington Campus Compact) is a community of higher education institutions committed to advancing the public purpose of colleges and universities, educating students for the workforce and civic leadership, and working in partnership to cultivate vital and sustainable communities.
Western Region Continuums of Service Consortium - The Western Region Continuums of Service Consortium is a coalition of organizations supporting higher education institutions in their region.
Internal Resources:
- UW Tacoma Office of Research Resource List
- UW Tacoma Office of Global Affairs Funding Resources for Faculty and Researchers
- UW Seattle Comprehensive List of Funding Opportunities for Faculty, Staff & Students
- UW Scholarships available to employees and their families
External Resources:
- Moving Beyond the Policy: Practical Considerations for Reforming Promotion and Tenure - North Carolina Campus Engagement and LEAD California
- UW Professional Development Opportunities
- MetroLabs Network: Speaker Series
- Campus Compact: Webinars On-Demand
- Engaged Scholars Initiative: Info Sessions
- UPCOMING Community Conversations: The Elements of Community Partnerships - offered by: Michigan State University, March 17, 2025 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM PST | ZOOM
- UPCOMING Summer Intensive on Community-Engaged Scholarship - offered by: Michigan State University, June 2-6, 2025 APPLICATION DEADLINE: APRIL 4, 2025
- UPCOMING The Community-Engaged Learning Student Experience- offered by: Michigan State University, April 16, 2025 6:30 - 7:50 AM PST | ZOOM
- UW SafeCampus - SafeCampus provides anonymous support to discuss concerns regarding the safety and well-being of yourself and/or others around you.
- UW Tacoma Psychological & Wellness Services (PAWS)
- Washington Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - Find an array of work/life resources that go beyond the ordinary. From counseling and legal assistance to financial resources and employee support programs. WA EAP offer comprehensive solutions to meet your unique needs. These services are staffed by local professionals in Washington, ensuring personalized support that aligns with our commitment to your well-being. Starting July 1, 2023: Contact WA EAP at 877-313-4455 for services.
- Employee Emergency Fund - Donations made by Faculty and Staff to help support other employees facing financial hardship during COVID-19
- Comprehensive list of Child Care & Parenting Resources at UW
- UW Race & Equity Initiative Anti-Racism Resources
- Graduate Tacoma - 65 Ways to be Anti-Racist in Tacoma