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Name: Zaira Rojas
Intended Graduation Quarter: Spring 2020
I am a senior at UWT pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics on the International Studies track as well as minors in Gender Studies and Global Engagement through the Global Honors Program. My life has been fundamentally shaped by global issues starting with my move to the United States from Mexico with my family when I was three. I have spent most of my life between cultures and languages and have thus built a deep fascination with all things global. I am deeply interested in looking at social justice issues through a interdisciplinary and global perspective. I believe it is only through collaborative work with people from diverse backgrounds that we can truly begin to shape meaningful and lasting solutions for the problems we face. My personal interests drew me to the Global Ambassadors Program where I believe I have found a perfect fit and hope to find other like minded students.
Though I’m excited to be graduating next spring I am currently working on law school applications and hope to start law school next year in the fall. Outside of classes I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, mostly in the form of board game nights, movie nights, and old fashion home cooked dinners. I love to read and am alway looking for good recommendations. I also been dedicating some time to the art of cooking, mostly traditional Mexican food, but have also been attempting to learn how to cook all kinds of international dishes.