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Name: Kuniya "Kuni" Yoshikawa
Intended Graduation Quarter: Winter 2020
Hello! I am an international student from Japan! I have lived in the Seattle/Tacoma area over 3 years since I graduated from high school in Japan. In my first two years in the US, I went to the ELS Language Center Tacoma to build a foundation in English and Green River College (GRC) in Auburn to get my associates in Arts. Currently, I am a senior majoring in Communication, with a minor in Global Engagement at UW Tacoma.
While studying in GRC, I learned the importance of expanding connections and making friends from different cultures through various events and activities on campus. Then, I acknowledged my advantages as being a Japanese international student in the US college. I previously ran Japan club at GRC to provide a space for all students to interact with each other through activities regarding Japanese culture. In addition, I planned and promoted on-campus events and off-campus trips as an International Student Ambassador in the 17-18 academic year. I am currently running International Talks, a Registered Student Organization [RSO], as a president and also voluntarily teaching Japanese every quarter at UW Tacoma.
I am very excited to participate in more and more events/activities at UW Tacoma while I plan and promote events as an OGA Fellow! Feel free to say hi to me when you see me on campus! I would love to make new friends and chat with you! Also, feel free to email me for any questions!