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Physical address
1932 Pacific Avenue [map]
Do not send mail to this address. The mailing address for all UW Tacoma offices is 1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402-3100.
Transportation Services – MDS 113
UW Autism Center — MDS 110
Conference Room — MDS 312
Built 1890-96 / Renovated 2015
Similar to the neighboring Cherry Parkes building, McDonald Smith was built for the wholesale trade that flourished along Pacific Avenue at the end of the 19th and in the early 20th centuries.
E.A. McDonald and F.C. Smith were in the wholesale hay, grain and feed business. Like several of its neighbors, it was later taken over by the Younglove Grocery Company for its operations. In later years, the building became loft apartments until the University took it over in 2012.
The University officially renovated the building in 2015 and it now houses classrooms, study spaces and faculty offices. As with all of the campus buildings that front Pacific Avenue, the ground floor continues to house retail.
The McDonald Smith renovation was designed to meet LEED Silver standards, although the University did not pursue official certification.