Main Content
Each year, the Associated Students of UW Tacoma runs an election cycle for the next year's ASUWT leaders. This page highlights important information regarding current elections, as well as information about past cycles.
2025 Elections
Download the 2025 ASUWT Elections Candidate Packet
It is the candidate's responsibility to review the 2025 ASUWT Elections Candidate Packet in full. Lack of knowledge of the Elections Code is NOT a valid excuse for violations.
Calendar is subject to change under extenuating circumstances.
Tuesday April 15, 2025
Presidential Debate
William Philip Hall
Wednesday April 16, 2025
Vice President & Director of Internal Affairs Debate/Open Forum
UWY 304
Wednesday April 16, 2025
Director of Legislative Affairs & Director of Outreach Debate/Open Forum
Milgard Hall Room 110
Thursday April 17, 2025
Director of Finance & Director of Student Technology Debate/Open Forum
UWY 304
Friday, April 18, 2025
Deadline to Withdraw from Elections by 5pm
Endorsement Deadline by 5pm
Voting Week (April 21-April 25)
Monday, April 21, 2025
Voting opens
ASUWT members will receive an email to their UW Tacoma Emails
*Unsure of your voter registration status as a member of ASUWT? Email Conor Leary ( before April 20th by 5pm to check
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Rock the Vote
Prairie Line Trail
Monday, April 28, 2025
Voting Results Verification & Announcement
Check your UWT Emails
All Campaign Materials must be removed
All Election Code Complaint determinations are due
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
All appeals to Election Code Complaint Submissions are due
Write-in Candidate Filing Deadline
Submit a Candidate Endorsement Form
-Rules are listed on the form
-Candidates who are currently campaigning should not submit endorsement forms on behalf of someone who is endorsing you.
Due: Friday, Aprl 18, 2025 at 5:00pm
Candidates: Please fill out the Expense Declaration Form by Monday, April 28 at 5:00PM.
Spring 2025 General Election
Questions about elections? Email Elections Administration Chair, Melissa Lopez-Barbosa, at

ASUWT President
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 192-240 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 800-1200 hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
STIPEND RANGE: Stipend of $18,848.00-28,800.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 14, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students. Manage and oversee ASUWT and serve as the student body president.
Duties and Responsibilities
Call and chair meetings of the Executive Board
Nominate students to University committees for approval by the Executive Board
Serve as the official representative of ASUWT and the students of the University of Washington Tacoma to University administration
At official functions, before the media, to the community,
Sign legal documents approved by the executive board as ASUWT's official representative, and
Develop projects and assign tasks related to student representation, involvement, engagement, and the advancement of student interests to other members of the Executive Board, and hired staff
Have a tiebreaker vote in the Executive Board
Oversee ASUWT Task Forces to ensure the advancements in student interests
Ensure that the organization’s productivity is in line with the organization’s mission and values of serving students

ASUWT Vice President
JOB TITLE: ASUWT Vice President
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 156-180 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 680-920 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
STIPEND RANGE: Stipend of $15466.00-22,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 14, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Serve as Acting President, with the powers and responsibilities of ASUWT President, if the ASUWT President is unable to serve, or if the position becomes vacant
Develop projects, events, and programs relating to student involvement in administrative and staff affairs, academic affairs, and shared governance
Oversee ASUWT Task Forces to assist ASUWT President and ensure the advancements in student interests
Oversee the productivity of the ASUWT Executive Board and provide reports to the ASUWT President as outlined in the ASUWT Bylaws
Chair the Council for Campus Engagement
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Bylaws, and
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to university affairs, academic affairs, and shared governance.

ASUWT Director of Internal Communications & Affairs
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 120-180 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 640-920 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
PAY RANGE: Stipend of $14060.00-22,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 14, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Maintain an official, accurate, and up-to-date copy of the ASUWT Constitution, Bylaws, and all policy documents,
Maintain accurate records of all historical and current documents and legislation passed by the Senate and Executive Board.
Send all notices required by the Open Public Meetings Act and similar legislation,
Evaluate the Executive Board and Senate for compliance with governing documents, and provide reports and suggested resolutions for compliance issues,
Oversee the accountability processes among hired and elected staff alongside the ASUWT President to ensure the advancements of student interests,
Oversee the productivity of the ASUWT Senate and provide reports to the ASUWT President as outlined in the ASUWT Bylaws,
Act as the chief human resources officer for ASUWT,
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Bylaws, and
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to internal communications and affairs.

ASUWT Director of Finance
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 108-120 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 640-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
STIPEND RANGE: Stipend of $13838.00-20,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 14, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students. Manage and oversee financial planning and record keeping for ASUWT
Duties and Responsibilities
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 108-120 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 640-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
STIPEND RANGE: Stipend of $13838.00-20,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 14, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students. Manage and oversee financial planning and record keeping for ASUWT
Establish budgets and budget proposals for ASUWT, for approval by the Executive Board,
Track expenditures and accounts held by ASUWT, and ensure that the organization remains financially solvent,
Propose action to the Executive Board relating to the responsible acquisition, maintenance, and disposal of property held by ASUWT,
Report on the finances of ASUWT to the Executive Board, and the Senate,
Sit on committees related to university finances, such as but not limited to Services Activities Fee Committee (SAFC), Student Technology Fee Committee(STFC), Campus Budget Committee, Council for Campus Engagement, etc,
The Director of Finance should sit and monitor as many committees as possible to gain an overarching understanding of the flow of finances within the university.
Keep a detailed log of wages, tracking time spent to student government tasks and payroll savings,
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Bylaws, and
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to the finances of the association.

ASUWT Director of Outreach
JOB TITLE: ASUWT Director of Outreach
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 144-180 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 680-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
PAY RANGE: Stipend of $15244.00-21,200.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 13, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 144-180 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 680-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
PAY RANGE: Stipend of $15244.00-21,200.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 13, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Maintain regular meetings with student organizations to gather feedback from diverse student communities.
Develop projects, events, and programs relating to student and community outreach.
Coordinate opportunities for collaboration between ASUWT and other organizations both inside and outside the University.
Chair Registered Student Organization (RSO) Committee to amplify student voices and concerns
Host at least one ASUWT Town Hall as outlined in the ASUWT Bylaws
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to student and community outreach.

ASUWT Director of Student Technology
JOB TITLE: ASUWT Director of Student Technology
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 48-120 Hours ( Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 748-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
STIPEND RANGE: Stipend of $13838.00-20,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 13, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
JOB TITLE: ASUWT Director of Student Technology
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 48-120 Hours ( Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 748-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
STIPEND RANGE: Stipend of $13838.00-20,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 13, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Chair the student committee responsible for allocating student technology fees.
Present the student technology fee committee’s proposal for the allocation of student technology fees to the Executive Board.
If necessary, negotiate on behalf of ASUWT with the Regents of the University and their designees to come to an agreement on student technology fee levels pursuant to second 288.15.051(3) of the Revised Code of Washington.
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to the student technology fee committee and allocation of student technology fees.

ASUWT Director of Legislative Affairs
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed biweekly)
SUMMER TIME SPENT: 120-180 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
ACADEMIC YEAR TIME SPENT: 640-920 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
PAY RANGE: Stipend of $14060.00-22,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 14, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and Responsibilities
Direct efforts to build students’ legislative power and influence.
Submit a legislative agenda, developed with the assistance of the Legislative Liaison, and City Legislative Liaison for senate approval.
Connect with students from other public institutions of higher education to influence the legislature on issues of mutual concern.
Serve as the direct liaison between UW Tacoma campus community and the ASUWT Legislative Liaison
Required to attend all legislative-focused functions, such as tri-campus lobbying events.
Chair student legislative committee to gather student voices regarding student legislative concerns
Promote opportunities for UW Tacoma students to be civically involved
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to legislative affairs.

ASUWT Senator Positions
9 Positions Available: 1 School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, 1 School of Engineering and Technology, 1 School of Urban Studies, 1 School of Education, 1 School of Social Work and Criminal Justice, 1 School of Nursing and Healthcare and Leadership, 1 Milgard School of Business, 1 Pre-Major Students, 1 Graduate Student
JOB TITLE: ASUWT Director of Outreach
PAYMENT TYPE: Stipend (distributed Quarterly)
STIPEND: $1,000
START DATE: June 13, 2025
END DATE: Commencement of 2026 (Tentatively June 13, 2026)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and Responsibilities
Maintain regular meetings with student organizations to gather feedback from diverse student communities.
Develop projects, events, and programs relating to student and community outreach.
Coordinate opportunities for collaboration between ASUWT and other organizations both inside and outside the University.
Chair Registered Student Organization (RSO) Committee to amplify student voices and concerns
Host at least one ASUWT Town Hall as outlined in the ASUWT Bylaws
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to student and community outreach.
2024 Elections
View the 2024 ASUWT Election Results Below
Candidates for Office (*Updated to reflect results of the Special Election 2024)
Candidate Filing Forms are officially closed!
All candidates must submit a 2024 ASUWT Candidate Filing Form. No candidate may file for more than one office in any election, nor may any candidate simultaneously serve as a campaign manager for another candidate.
The Candidate Filing Form is no longer available, and closed on Friday April 12, 2024.
Download the 2024 ASUWT Elections Candidate Packet
It is the candidate's responsibility to review the 2024 ASUWT Elections Candidate Packet in full. Lack of knowledge of the Elections Code is NOT a valid excuse for violations.
Calendar is subject to change under extenuating circumstances.
Tuesday April 30, 2024
Presidential Debate
William Philip Hall
Watch the Livestream:
Wednesday May 1, 2024
Candidate Forum: Candidates for Director of University Affairs, Director of Finance, and Director of Outreach
BHS 106
Thursday May 2, 2024
Candidate Forum: Candidates for Director of Student Technology, Director of Legislative Affairs, and Director of Internal Communications & Affairs
BHS 106
Friday, May 3, 2024
Deadline to Withdraw from Elections by 5pm
Endorsement Deadline by 5pm
Voting Week (May 13th-May 17th)
Monday, May 13, 2024
Voting opens
ASUWT members will receive an email to their UW Tacoma Emails
*Unsure of your voter registration status as a member of ASUWT? Email Conor Leary ( before May 8th by 5pm to check
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Rock the Vote
Prairie Line Trail
Monday, May 20, 2024
Voting Results Verification & Announcement
Check your UWT Emails
All Campaign Materials must be removed
All Election Code Complaint determinations are due
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
All appeals to Election Code Complaint Submissions are due
Write-in Candidate Filing Deadline
Submit a Candidate Endorsement Form
-Rules are listed on the form
-Candidates who are currently campaigning should not submit endorsement forms on behalf of someone who is endorsing you.
Due: Friday, May 10, 2023 at 5:00pm
Candidates: Please fill out the Expense Declaration Form by Monday, May 20 at 5:00PM.
Candidates are organized by School and in Alphabetical order. Voters will only be voting for senators that will represent the school they are currently registered in. Ballots will only include the candidates for the school that a voter is currently registered in.
Senate Composition 2023-2024School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences: School of Engineering & Technology: School of Social Work & Criminal Justice: School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership: School of Education: 1 Senator School of Urban Studies: 1 Senator Pre-Major Senators: 3 Graduate Senator: 2 |
Read Jonathon Angell's
Read Eamon Challinor's
Read Enmanuel Mujica's
![]() Read Fae Osborne's
Read Amber Cha's
Read Noemi Duncan's
Read Hugo Ennis's
Read Francisco Javier's
Read Kevin Nguyen's
Read Juane Tyrese Randall's
![]() Interested in becoming a write-in?

ASUWT President
144-240 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
811-1130 hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
16,464.20-27,400.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)|
June 7, 2024
Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students. Manage and oversee ASUWT and serve as the student body president.
Duties and Responsibilities
Call and chair meetings of the Executive Board.
Nominate students to University committees for approval by the Executive Board.
Serve as the official representative of ASUWT and the students of the University of Washington Tacoma to University administration, at official functions, before the media, and to the community.
Sign legal documents approved by the Executive Board as ASUWT’s official representative.
Develop projects and assign tasks related to student representation, involvement, engagement, and the advancement of student interest to other members of the Executive Board, and hired staff.

ASUWT Director of University Affairs
108-180 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
600-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
Stipend of $11,497.92-21,200.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 7, 2024
END DATE: Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Serve as Acting President, with the powers and responsibilities of ASUWT President, if the ASUWT President is unable to server, or if the position becomes vacant.
Develop projects, events, and programs relating to student involvement in administrative and staff affairs, academic affairs, and shared governance.
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Executive Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to university affairs, academic affairs, and shared governance.

ASUWT Director of Internal Communications & Affairs
108-180 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
600-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
Stipend of $11,497.92-21,200.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 7, 2024
END DATE: Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Chair senate meetings as a non-voting member.
Act as primary liaison between the ASUWT Executive Board and Senate.
Maintain an official, accurate, and up-to-date copy of the ASUWT Constitution, Executive and Senate Bylaws, and all policy documents.
Maintain accurate records of all historical and current documents and legislation passed by the senate and Executive Board.
Send all notices required by the Open Public Meetings Act and similar legislation.
Evaluate the Executive Board and Senate for compliance with governing documents, and provide reports and suggested resolutions for compliance issues.
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Executive Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to Internal Communications and Affairs.

ASUWT Director of Finance
48-120 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
600-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
Stipend of $10523.52-20,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 7, 2024
END DATE: Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students. Manage and oversee financial planning and record keeping for ASUWT
Duties and Responsibilities
Establish budgets and budget proposals for ASUWT, for approval by the Executive Board.
Track expenditures and accounts held by ASUWT, and ensure that the organization remains financially solvent.
Propose action to the Executive Board relating to the responsible acquisition, maintenance, and disposal of property held by ASUWT.
Report on the finances of ASUWT to the Executive Board.
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Executive Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to the finances of the association.

ASUWT Director of Outreach
48-120 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
600-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
Stipend of $10523.52-20,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 7, 2024
END DATE: Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students. Manage and oversee financial planning and record keeping for ASUWT
Duties and Responsibilities
Maintain regular meetings with student organizations to gather feedback from diverse student communities.
Develop projects, events, and programs relating to student and community outreach.
Coordinate opportunities for collaboration between ASUWT and other organizations both inside and outside the University.
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Executive Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to student and community outreach.
Conduct at least two (2) student forum per quarter; create other opportunities for students to express campus-wide concerns.
Maintain and Review all the Public Relations/Outreach of ASUWT.
Website and Directory development and Management.

ASUWT Director of Student Technology
48-120 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
600-880 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
Stipend of $10523.52-20,000.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 7, 2024
END DATE: Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Chair the student committee responsible for allocating student technology fees.
Present the student technology fee committee’s proposal for the allocation of student technology fees to the Executive Board.
If necessary, negotiate on behalf of ASUWT with the Regents of the University and their designees to come to an agreement on student technology fee levels pursuant to second 288.15.051(3) of the Revised Code of Washington.
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Executive Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to the student technology fee committee and allocation of student technology fees.

ASUWT Director of Legislative Affairs
108-120 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
634-852 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
Stipend of $12050.08-19440.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 7, 2024
END DATE: Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Direct efforts to build students’ legislative power and influence.
Submit a legislative agenda, developed with the assistance of the Legislative Liaison, and City Legislative Liaison for senate approval.
Connect with students from other public institutions of higher education to influence the legislature on issues of mutual concern.
Carry out responsibilities assigned under the Executive Bylaws.
Carry out assignments given by the ASUWT President relating to legislative affairs.
Review actions of the state government with regard to student concern and formulate appropriate responses to be forwarded to the ASUWT Executive Board for action.

ASUWT Senator Positions
14 Positions Available: 2 School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, 2 School of Engineering and Technology, 1 School of Urban Studies, 1 School of Education, 1 School of Social Work and Criminal Justice, 1 School of Nursing and Healthcare and Leadership, 2 Milgard School of Business, 3 Pre-Major Students, 1 Graduate Student
*Number of Senators per school is determined by enrollment in each school, taken from Census data collected in Winter 2024
10-96 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
252-364 Hours (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
Stipend of $4123.88-9200.00 (Range provided as final amount will be determined by SAFC approval)
START DATE: June 7, 2024
END DATE: Commencement of 2025 (Tentatively June 6, 2025)
Serve as a member of the board to represent students.
Duties and Responsibilities
Listen to Students at Large regarding issues affecting the Student Body.
Promote students’ interests and needs through participation, advocacy and representation.
Manage policies internal to the Senate, including the Senate Bylaws.
Approve Changes to the ASUWT Executive Bylaws brought forth by the Executive Board.
Interpret election policies and resolve election disputes.
Create committees to research and investigate student issues of concern.
Formulate official opinions on behalf of the student body of the University of Washington Tacoma.
2023 Elections
2023 Elections
Stay tuned to learn more about ASUWT elections for the upcoming school year! Candidate filing forms will be released on Monday, March 27th at 8:00 AM.
View the 2023 ASUWT Election Results Below
ASUWT 2023 General Election Candidate Filing Form
Note: When accessing this form, please use your UW NetID to log in.
Issues accessing the form? Email
It is the candidate's responsibility to review the 2023 ASUWT Elections Candidate Packet in full. Lack of knowledge of the Elections Code is NOT a valid excuse for violations.
Calendar is subject to change under extenuating circumstances.
Are you interested in getting involved with ASUWT elections but don't want to run for a position? Join the Elections Administration Committee (EAC)! If you are interested, email
About the EAC:
The Elections Administration Committee (EAC) is a group of at least three (3) members, including the Elections Administrator who serves as Chair. Members should ideally serve for one (1) academic year, and may be appointed for successive terms if interested. Day-to-day authority and control of all ASUWT Elections shall be delegated by the Executive Board to the ASUWT EAC.
EAC Responsibilities:
- Inform ASUWT and the university academic departments that an election is forthcoming, and aid in advertising such an event.
- Coordinate filing procedures for candidates and ballot issues.
- Conduct candidates' meetings.
- Act as a resource for all interested parties.
- Rule on properly submitted written complaints and violations of election codes.
- Coordinate polling and ballot tabulation on days of elections.
- Publicize election results.
Requirements to participate in the EAC:
- EAC members shall hold no other elected or appointed position within ASUWT.
- Members of the EAC shall not be eligible to run for an elected ASUWT Office unless they resign from the EAC at least five (5) school days before the beginning of a filing period.
- Members of the EAC shall not be allowed to actively support, promote, or campaign for or against any candidate or ballot issue to be decided on by an ASUWT Election.
Due: Friday, May 5, 2023 at 5:00pm
Candidates: Please fill out the Expense Declaration Form by Monday, May 15 at 5:00PM.
Past ASUWT Elections
2022 ASUWT Election Results
* Keep checking the website for updates on open Senate seats, the Elections Committee is verifying and contacting winners and tie-breakers and will have more updates for you soon!