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Faculty Course Interest

Main Content

  • Current Course Preference Webform Insructions
  • Summer Quarter Courses
  • Autumn Quarter Courses
  • Winter Quarter Courses
  • Spring Quarter Courses
  • Complete

Welcome to the Course Interest Webform for the 2023-2024 academic year.


This survey is designed to get a better understanding of which courses faculty would prefer to teach. For each quarter please choose your top 5 teaching preferences (please choose different courses for each preference). Faculty responses will be compiled and organized to assist Interim Dean Reyes in assigning faculty to courses. *Please note that faculty will be assigned based on preferences and scheduling needs. All faculty preferences will be taken into close consideration but there may be times that scheduling needs override faculty's requests.


Helpful Links

We suggest opening the following links for reference (Please note, these links will open a separate tab in your browser; it does not close the survey):