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Normal campus operations resume 2/26
Updated February 25, 2025, 5:54 p.m.
We are pleased to report that power and heat have been successfully restored in all buildings. Normal operations will resume on Wednesday (2/26).
There are still two classrooms in BHS (104 and 106) that will be offline for the remainder of the quarter. The Registrar’s Office will coordinate with any faculty members scheduled to teach in these rooms to find alternative locations.
If you notice any facilities or technology issues on campus, please submit a Facilities Service Request or contact UWT Help Desk.
What happened?
Early Monday (2/24) morning, a pipe burst on the first floor of Birmingham Hay & Seed (BHS), causing flooding in the basement, where a main power grid is located. The Facilities Team quickly responded, working diligently to remove and dry the water from the affected area. Before restoring power, the team needed to conduct thorough inspections to ensure the equipment was undamaged.
This process required drying and extensive testing to guarantee safety and functionality. Once the power grid was secured, the team performed comprehensive building checks across campus to confirm that power and heating systems were fully operational.
Gratitude to our community
We sincerely thank the Facilities Team for their tireless efforts, expertise, and dedication to swiftly and efficiently resolve this situation. Your hard work is deeply appreciated.
We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the students, faculty, staff, and Pacific Avenue business owners and operators whose work and routines were disrupted over the past two days. We recognize the inconvenience and challenges this situation may have caused, and we appreciate your patience, flexibility, and understanding as the team worked to resolve the issue.
Most of campus operating normally on Tuesday (2/25) / GWP, BB, BHS, WCG and JOY remain closed
Updated February 25, 2025, 10:19 a.m.
Related to the current power outage: This morning, we discovered that some buildings on campus have power but no heat. These buildings are:
- Cherry Parkes (CP)
- Dougan (DOU)
- Mattress Factory (MAT)
- Philip Hall (WPH)
- Snoqualmie (SNO)
- Walsh Gardner (WG)
Power and all other life safety systems are functioning normally in these buildings. Temperatures in the buildings are expected to stay between 60-68˚ throughout the day.
Faculty teaching in these buildings can choose to hold their classes remotely at their discretion. Please note that many areas of the South Sound remain without power due to last night’s storm.
Staff working in affected buildings may coordinate with their supervisors to work remotely or arrange an alternative work location with approval.
We will have an update on the work to restore power and heat by 3 p.m. today.
We appreciate your patience as our Facilities team works diligently to resolve these issues.
Updated February 24, 2025, 5:52 p.m.
Power has been restored to most of the campus, and operations will return to normal on Tuesday (2/25) with some exceptions.
Repairs are still in progress to safely restore power to five buildings on campus:
- Birmingham Block (BB)
- Birmingham Hay & Seed (BHS)
- Garretson Woodruff & Pratt (GWP)
- Russell T. Joy (JOY)
- West Coast Grocery (WCG)
These five buildings will be closed throughout the day and only accessible to staff working on the repairs.
If you have a class scheduled in one of these buildings, faculty are strongly encouraged to hold the class remotely. Faculty are also strongly encouraged to notify students in affected classes via Canvas.
Students who may end up with a mix of remote and in-person classes on Tuesday can take remote classes on campus in the Computer Lab (WG 108) or by reserving a study space. Laptops are available for free checkout in the Computer Lab on a first-come, first-reserve basis.
If you work in one of these buildings, you are encouraged to work remotely if operationally feasible on 2/25. Those who cannot telework should follow the UW Suspended Operations Policy. These buildings will be closed to all but essential personnel for safety reasons while work is completed.
Any events scheduled in these buildings for 2/25 are canceled.
Please note that this outage also affects the retail businesses on Pacific Avenue in these buildings.
All other buildings will be open for business as usual.
We will provide another status update on the five closed buildings by 3 p.m. on Tuesday (2/25).
Delayed start on 2/24
Updated February 24, 2025, 12:07 p.m.
Operations will be suspended for the remainder of today (2/24). Classes may be canceled or held online at the instructor's discretion. Students should check with their instructors. All events on campus today are canceled.
Power is available in some buildings on campus, but the outage has affected building access across campus. The University encourages staff to work from home during suspended operations if operationally feasible. Those who cannot telework or are unable to continue teleworking due to power outages or other impacts should follow the UW Suspended Operations Policy.
We are working on isolating the issue to the Birmingham Hay & Seed (BHS) building and safely restoring power to the remainder of campus.
We will provide a status update and more information by 6 p.m.
Thank you for your flexibility following this incident and for taking all measures to ensure community safety while operations are disrupted.
Updated February 24, 2025, 8:09 a.m.
UW Tacoma will delay operations due to a power outage caused by a water leak in the BHS building on Monday (2/24). Classes may be canceled or held online at the instructor's discretion. Students should check with their instructors. Events on campus scheduled to start before noon are canceled.
Non-essential staff should not report to campus in person before noon. If you are unsure of your status or whether you have the option to work remotely before noon, contact your supervisor.
We will post an update no later than noon.
Delayed start on 2/6
Updated February 5, 2025, 4:49 p.m.
UW Tacoma will delay operations due to inclement weather on Thursday (2/6) until 10 a.m. Classes before this time may be canceled or held online at the instructor's discretion. Students should check with their instructors. Events on campus scheduled to start before 10 a.m. are canceled.
Non-essential staff should not report to campus in person before 10 a.m. If you are unsure of your status or whether you have the option to work remotely before 10 a.m. contact your supervisor.
Road conditions are expected to be icy in the morning. Please check your local roads with WSDOT or public transportation schedules before you come to campus. See more tips on dealing with winter weather here.
We will continue to monitor weather conditions overnight and make updates if necessary.
Delayed start on 2/4
Updated February 3, 2025, 4:50 p.m.
UW Tacoma will delay operations due to inclement weather on Tuesday (2/4) until 10 a.m. Classes before this time may be canceled or held online at the instructor's discretion. Students should check with their instructors. Events on campus scheduled to start before 10 a.m. are canceled.
The UW Tacoma Library will also close early on Monday (2/3) at 8 p.m.
Non-essential staff should not report to campus in person before 10 a.m. If you are unsure of your status or whether you have the option to work remotely before 10 a.m. contact your supervisor.
Road conditions are expected to be icy in the morning. Please check your local roads with WSDOT or public transportation schedules before you come to campus. See more tips on dealing with winter weather here.
We will continue to monitor weather conditions overnight and make updates if necessary.
Delayed start on 2/3
Updated February 2, 2025, 6:18 p.m.
UW Tacoma will delay operations due to inclement weather on Monday (2/3) until 11 a.m. Classes before this time may be canceled or held online at the instructor's discretion. Students should check with their instructors. Events on campus scheduled to start before 11 a.m. are canceled.
Students participating with Huskies on the Hill, please check your university email for up-to-date messages from your trip leaders.
Non-essential staff should not report to campus in person before 11 a.m. If you are unsure of your status or whether you have the option to work remotely before 11a.m. contact your supervisor.
Road conditions are expected to be icy in the morning. Please check your local roads with WSDOT or public transportation schedules before you come to campus. See more tips on dealing with winter weather here.
We will continue to monitor weather conditions overnight and make updates if necessary.
Holiday Office Hours
Updated December 23, 2024, 7:58 a.m.
Most offices, except for some essential services, will be closed or operating remotely from December 23 to 31. Before visiting campus, please confirm the office’s availability and mode of operation.
The Library is closed December 21 - January 1. The Computer Lab and Multimedia Lab are closed December 14 - January 5.
The campus will be officially closed on December 25 and January 1, which are University holidays.
Great Washington Shakeout Drill on 10/17
Updated October 16, 2024, 11:58 a.m.
On Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024 at 10:17 a.m., we will hold an all-campus earthquake drill as part of the Great Washington ShakeOut.
We expect that all students and employees will participate in this year’s drill wherever you may be at drill time.
- 10:17 a.m. — The drill begins with announcements, using UW Alert, via SMS, e-mail, website, TV screens, and indoor and outdoor speakers. Wherever you are, if safe to do so, please practice DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON for 90 seconds.
- 10:19 a.m. — The drill continues with an announcement to evacuate campus buildings and move to assembly points. Campus Safety and Facilities team members will be present directing occupants to assembly points. Even if you will not be on campus, take a moment to find your building evacuation plan and assembly point.
- 10:30 a.m. — All clear announcement; drill ends.
Here are some resources for the drill:
- Campus evacuation map with assembly points
- Seven steps to prepare, survive, and recover from an earthquake
Email delivery delay
Updated August 20, 2024, 4:25 p.m.
UPDATE 4:25 p.m.: The technical issue that caused a delay in inbound and outbound email messages in the domain has been fixed, and UW-IT expects that email will return to normal delivery times by Wednesday morning. UW-IT is continuing to monitor system recovery, including a backlog of emails being processed.
UPDATE 10:40 a.m.: Inbound and outbound email messages in the domain remain significantly delayed. Consider using alternative methods of communication for time-sensitive issues until this incident is fully resolved.
No estimated restoration time is available. Users are reporting that they are receiving most emails from outside the UW.
UPDATE 8:20 a.m.: No estimated restoration time is available currently, but UW IT is starting to see improvements.
UPDATE 7:39 a.m.: UW IT continues to work with the vendor, who is deploying a possible fix.
7:10 a.m.: The University of Washington email system is experiencing some delays in receiving and sending emails due to a technical issue. UW Information Technology engineers are actively working with the vendor to resolve the problem.
Between 8 p.m. on Monday and 2 a.m. today, some inbound emails to UW accounts may have been lost and are not recoverable. Outbound messages were not lost. UW IT does not have an estimated time for a resolution. UW IT does not have an estimated time for a resolution.
For resources and answers to common questions during this power outage, please visit our Power Outage FAQ and Resources page.
Normal operations resume on 8/7
Updated on August 6, 2024, 4:55 p.m.
The switch from generator power back to main city power has been successful and the campus will resume normal operations on Wednesday 8/7.
Suspended operations on 8/6
Updated on August 5, 2024, 10:10 a.m.
UW Tacoma will suspend in-person operations for the day on Tuesday 8/6 so the campus can be switched from generator power to the main power source. Normal operations are expected to resume on 8/7.
Faculty and staff working on campus on Monday: Please power off any technology before you leave for the day.
Where possible, please plan to work, teach, or learn from another site while we finish this critical next step.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility!
Mattress Factory closed 7/26 - 8/12
Posted on July 26, 2024, 1:49 p.m.
The Mattress Factory (MAT) is offline effective 7/26 until 8/12. Services are available remotely and by appointment only.
Power update & advance notice of 8/6 suspended operations
Posted on July 24, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Our plans for moving from phase 1 (generator power) to phase 2 (reconnection to the power grid) are coming together and work is underway. The switch from phase 1 to 2 requires advanced preparation, as well as another day of suspended operations. Phase 2 will last approximately 18 months while a permanent solution is developed and implemented -- the final, phase 3 of our recovery effort.
Suspended operations likely Tuesday 8/6
On Tuesday 8/6, we anticipate that the switch to the power grid can occur. During this time, power will again be interrupted and operations suspended for the full day.
Please watch for updates on 8/6 in the event that work takes longer than anticipated.
Classes on 8/6 and preparation on 8/5
Classes scheduled to be in person on Tuesday 8/6 should be prepared to switch to remote instruction.
To accommodate equipment disconnections prior to the switch, some classrooms and spaces may be unavailable the afternoon of Monday 8/5. Individuals and classes that may be impacted will be contacted in advance.
Next communication 7/31 and other updates
Critical work will be done through Tuesday 7/30 that will allow us to assess if the transition can proceed on Tuesday 8/6. Please watch for another message on Wednesday 7/31 that either confirms the scheduled outage on Tuesday 8/6 or provides an update regarding the estimated time.
Additionally, I am pleased to report that TPS, Science, and Dougan are now open and operational, ahead of the scheduled reopening date of Monday 7/29.
Campus will reopen Monday (7/22)
Posted on July 19, 2024, 5:10 p.m.
Thanks to the tireless, diligent work of so many people, we are well on the way to reopening this Monday (7/22)! I am pleased to provide an update, as well as important details to assist us in preparing for returning to campus.
Campus power status and building reactivation
Generators have arrived and are placed next to the Mattress Factory and across from Milgard Hall.
Facilities and IT teams are systematically powering up and activating each building, ensuring everything works correctly including technology, ventilation, and air conditioning. As of today (Friday), all buildings have electricity and we are working to bring HVAC online. Crews will continue working through the weekend. Air and water systems will be flushed. Buildings will take some time to cool down following system reactivation.
Air quality is being measured around the clock and will be checked no less than three times a day. Additional measures such as fans and charcoal filters are being installed on the Mattress Factory. If you experience air quality issues near the generators, please contact Environmental Health & Safety at They are ready to assess and implement additional measures if needed.
Buildings and Labs
Science, Tacoma Paper Stationary, and Dougan buildings and the labs in Milgard will not be accessible for classes until 7/29. Cheryl Greengrove will be sending further information to faculty and staff who use these lab spaces after hood inspection on Monday (7/22). ADA access for public will be the Keystone building elevator to navigate between Jefferson Avenue and Commerce Street.
Following the accident, which has eliminated access to Cragle, and also additional equipment on campus, 56 parking spots are unavailable, most of which are hourly spots. To alleviate this pressure on our parking infrastructure, enforcement in UWT lots will be suspended for the remainder of Summer quarter. Drive through safety patrols will continue, but tickets will not be issued.
I am impressed by our collective resilience and adaptability in the face of this interruption. Please remember that it will not immediately be business as usual as we get resettled and identify issues to be resolved once we have reopened campus. Let us all be patient and give ourselves, and each other, grace. Also, when we are back, please join me in personally thanking our colleagues in Finance & Administration (Emergency Preparedness, Campus Safety & Transportation, Integrated Facilities Management, Administrative Services, Fiscal Services & Human Resources) and Information Technology for the extraordinary efforts they have made in the last two weeks.
Solution to power outage & return to campus 7/22
Posted on July 15, 2024, 3:40 p.m.
Today I am thrilled to share the good news that the end to the power outage is in sight!
There will be three phases involved in restoring power as quickly as possible, while creating a permanent, safe solution.
Phase 1: Two generators will restore power to the entire campus. Generator set up and remediation will occur this week. We will reopen campus on Monday (7/22), barring unexpected issues and with limited exceptions.
- Sourcing the generators and ensuring this short-term solution could be implemented safely required careful planning and risk assessment by professionals to ensure our people and facilities are safe throughout.
- We are finalizing the operational sequence of restoring power this week, which will begin once the generators arrive in the next two days.
- After arrival and set up of the generators, each building will be brought back online individually and safely to ensure systems and technology are not damaged.
- Cooling systems will require time to bring the buildings back down to a safe temperature before we return.
- Generators will be situated outside the Mattress Factory. The outside air intake will be shut off and noise levels will be monitored.
- Some science and other facilities with specialized equipment may require a longer timeline to reopen. Information will be shared separately with those impacted.
Phase 2: In the next few weeks, our campus will be reconnected to the main power source.
- We are leasing switch gear that will replace the gear destroyed in the accident, which will allow us to reconnect.
- This phase will likely last for more than a year while we prepare for the final phase (Phase 3).
Phase 3: We will complete design and construction for a new permanent solution.
- A reliable source of power is critical to the safety and security of our campus community. Knowing that 21st Street is already problematic, we will continue working with agencies and contractors to redesign and rebuild this critical power access point that meets our needs.
- We anticipate phase 3 finishing in approximately 18 months.
This week, Monday (7/15) through Saturday (7/20), we will continue with suspended in-person operations, while planning for our reopening on Monday (7/22).
I am grateful to our partners at Tacoma Public Utilities for providing consultation and support to craft and implement these solutions following the devastating blow to our campus infrastructure. Also, we owe thanks to Tacoma Community College and Pierce College, which have both provided resources, space, and more to support continuity of operations. Colleagues from UW central offices, such as Campus Community Safety and UW Facilities, have been invaluable.
Expect another communication on Friday (7/19) with a final update regarding our reopening.
I am looking forward to once again seeing our campus buzzing and alive! Thank you for your flexibility during this period of uncertainty and disruption.
Suspended operations extended through 7/20
Posted on July 10, 2024, 1:53 p.m.
First, thank you for the extraordinary flexibility and resiliency you have shown this week. I am incredibly impressed by how our campus has pulled together to navigate the power outage following Saturday’s tragic car accident. As you know, the accident destroyed critical electrical infrastructure we need to power our campus.
Update on work to restore power
Teams including staff and leaders from UW Tacoma, along with representatives from UW’s central emergency management and IT, have been working tirelessly to identify a solution to the outage. The extent of the damage is significant. Here is what we know now, which is encouraging as we believe we have identified the components of a solution:
- The equipment needed to restore power is not readily available. A refurbished piece of equipment has been located. It needs to be evaluated for compatibility and tested to ensure it is working properly.
- Cable was damaged in the accident and needs to be replaced. The team is identifying sources for the replacement cable.
- Additionally, the overall rebuild of the infrastructure will require design, permitting, procurement and construction. Design work for the rebuild is beginning.
- Tomorrow (7/11), a team of contractors, designers, and representatives from UWT and UW Facilities will convene on-site to plan out the next steps for completing the project as quickly as we can.
- In parallel the team is exploring the possibility of sourcing generators to provide limited power for parts of campus and/or tenants.
Teams are working as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it will not be an overnight fix. By Monday, we should have a better idea of the scope of work and hopefully a clearer timeline for a resolution that would allow a return to campus.
Campus status: Suspended in-person operations continue through Saturday 7/20
Based on information we have now, it is clear that we will not be able to return to on-campus operations next week.
Suspended in-person operations will continue through Saturday 7/20. Note that it may be necessary to extend remote operations beyond 7/20, but at this stage we do not yet have a date for the restoration of power. Please make arrangements for continuing with remote work, teaching, learning and research through next week. Summer term A will continue to be taught remotely through the end of finals. For faculty teaching in Summer B term, please reach out to enrolled students to inform them that the term will be starting remotely on 7/18.
Next update
Expect the next update on the status of the project and campus operations on Monday 7/15.
Accessing campus
The finance and administration team will have dedicated staff available on site to permit building access for 15-minute intervals on Thursday, 7/11, and Friday, 7/12, between 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.
To request an access window, please select a time for your building by completing this form. When you arrive to your building, present your Husky Card or other photo ID to the staff member at the door. You will be escorted to your workspace as well as out of the building to ensure no employee remains inside, minimizing risk to health and safety. These requests are intended for brief trips only so faculty or staff may retrieve office items, such as laptops or physical files, that are necessary for remote work.
Employees with extenuating circumstances, such as separating from the University or maintaining research work, should work with their supervisor and/or department head to identify these needs and communicate with Campus Safety at
Additional support
Knowing that the accident and this continued disruption are difficult for all, I offer a reminder that the UW provides free and confidential support services, including counseling with licensed mental health professionals, via the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
It has been especially heartening to see many members of our community work so diligently and compassionately to support each other since Saturday morning. I am deeply grateful to all of you and want to especially acknowledge campus safety and security officers, IT, and facilities staff who have been working around the clock in hot conditions to help us through this disruption. I am optimistic that with so many dedicated people working on solving this problem, we will have the path forward defined soon.
Suspended operations 7/8-7/13 due to power outage
Posted on July 7, 2024, 12:14 p.m.
On Saturday, July 6, shortly before 6 a.m., a tragic car accident resulted in severe damage to the campus electrical system housed in the Cragle parking lot. This has led to a campus-wide power outage, with the exception of Court 17 and other limited areas. We are working closely with multiple agencies to identify a solution. We do not yet have an estimated day or time for power to be restored.
Remote working/learning week of 7/8 through 7/13
For the period of Monday, July 8, through Saturday, July 13, in-person operations will be suspended. Learning and working will continue remotely where possible. We remain in suspended operations today.
Due to HVAC systems being out and the current forecast of high temperatures this week, it is not safe to be on campus unless you are essential personnel. Please do not come to campus.
Continuity of learning for faculty and students
Faculty should consult the instructional continuity website for guidance:
Students should seek guidance from their instructors as needed.
Guidance for staff
The UWHR website provides information about pay and leave practices during suspended operations. If you have additional questions, contact UW Tacoma HR at or 253-692-4701.
Information Technology
Information Technology support and resources can be found here: Contact UW Tacoma IT at or 253-692-HELP (4357), if you need assistance during regular hours (Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.).
Food Resources for Students
Due to the power outage, The Pantry and the Cupboard are temporarily closed. Off-campus resources are available for UW Tacoma students at
Please work with your supervisors and/or deans as needed. Thank you for your flexibility following this incident, as well as taking all measures to ensure your own safety and the safety of others while operations are disrupted.
Suspended operations to power outage
Posted on July 6, 2024, 7:06 a.m.
UPDATE 1:58 p.m. - Campus power outage due to car accident continues. The accident has been cleared but power has not been restored. Operations still suspended. We expect to issue another update on Sunday, July 7.
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UPDATE 7:45 a.m. - The power outage is expected to last throughout the day.
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Campus operations are suspended Saturday, July 6 due to power outage. No in-person classes. The power outage was caused by a car accident at S 21st Street & Commerce Street at about 6 a.m. Tacoma police are investigating. Tacoma Public Utilities is working to restore power to those impacted.
Power outage on campus
Posted on May 17 2024, 3:15 p.m.
UPDATE May 19 1:17 p.m. - Campus operations are normal for Sun. May 19.
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UPDATE May 18 4:20 a.m. - Campus operations are normal for Sat. May 18. All events and classes will occur as scheduled. Tacoma Public Utilities has restored power to south downtown Tacoma and campus facilities managers have restored most building functions such as security, life-safety and data systems. Some isolated systems are still undergoing repair. Signage will describe alternative access.
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UPDATE: 4:42 p.m. - Campus operations are suspended for the day. TPU does not expect power to be restored until 7 - 9PM. All evening events, including the Student OSCARs, are cancelled.
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UPDATE: 4:00 p.m. – City road construction on 21st Street damaged a transformer. TPU is still working to determine how long repairs will take. Power remains out on campus and the nearby area. Buildings are closed for safety.
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Power is out across all of campus and the immediate vicinity. Tacoma Public Utilities is investigating the cause. Anyone on campus is recommended to leave the buildings and go their Emergency Assembly Points.
Employees are encouraged to work from home for the remainder of the day, if they can. If unable to work remotely, make alternative arrangements with your supervisor.
At this time we do not expect power to be restored before 4 p.m. More updates as information is available.
Public Safety Alert May 8
Posted on May 8 2024, 9:49 a.m.
UPDATE 9:58 a.m. - Tacoma Fire Department report that this incident has been resolved. You may resume normal activities. The broken pipeline was not in the vicinity of campus but in the area of Tacoma General Hospital.
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Tacoma Fire Department has reported a broken gas pipeline in the area. Hazmat team is monitoring air quality. Temporarily shelter in place unless told otherwise.
Fire drills on April 18
Posted on April 18 2024, 9:08 a.m.
We will be conducting fire drills by building on Thursday, April 18 between 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All occupants must evacuate to the designated building assembly areas.
Building alarm activation schedule:
- JOY/WCG/BB/BHS/GWP - 9:30 - 9:40 am
- WG /WPH/ CP/MDS - 9:45 - 9:55 am
- KEY - 10:05 - 10:15 am
- DOU/TPS - 10:20 - 10:30 am
- PNK - 10:45 - 10:55am
- MAT - 11:05 - 11:15 am
- CT 17/student housing - 12 - 12:10 pm
- SNO/TLB - 12:30 - 12:40 pm
- MLG - 1 - 1:10 pm
- SCI - 1:15 - 1:20 pm
Armed robbery near campus March 29
Posted on March 29 2024, 5:36 p.m. Updated 5:58 p.m.
UPDATE: Police search of UWT campus has ended for suspect in armed robbery. Investigation ongoing.
Posted at 5:58 pm
UPDATE: Police still searching for suspect in armed robbery near UWT campus. Stay indoors. Avoid area.
Posted at 5:40 p.m.
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Armed robbery near UWT campus. Police are searching for suspects. Avoid the area. More info to come.
Posted at 5:36 pm
Call 911 if you have further information on this incident.
Car prowls Jan. 18
Posted on Jan. 18 2024, 12:12 p.m. Updated 8:18 p.m.
Campus Safety and Tacoma Police responded to car prowls in Tioga, Cragle and Whitney parking lots. The incidents occurred on Jan. 18, 2024, at approximately 11:15 a.m.
The suspects are described as two individuals driving a beige KIA with no license plates. Suspects departed campus heading southbound, driving recklessly.
Campus Safety and Transportation Services are contacting affected owners. Campus Safety placed plastic and tape over damaged car windows. Integrated Facilities Management cleaned broken glass in parking lots.
Call 911 if you have further information on this incident.
Campus operations normal Jan. 12 - 14
Posted on Jan. 12 2024, 5:58 p.m.
The UW Tacoma campus will operate normally on Friday, Jan. 12 through Sunday, Jan. 14. The campus will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday, but scheduled events, including the 2024 Unity Breakfast, will occur as planned.
Keep in mind that conditions may be different at your home than they are on campus. When the university is in operation, but severe weather conditions exist, use your best judgment about getting to campus.
Students, faculty and staff who are unable to get to campus because of dangerous conditions may decide to make alternate arrangements, even if the university is open. Each decision is a personal one and should be made according to individual judgment.
Contact your instructor or supervisor to let them know if you are unable to get to campus.
More information on weather-related operations policies is here.
Great ShakeOut drill today at 10:19AM
Posted on Oct. 19 2023, 7:52 a.m.
UW Tacoma will participate in the Great Washington ShakeOut drill on Thursday, Oct. 19 at 10:19 a.m. You will receive a UW alert to Drop, Cover and Hold On and then to evacuate to your emergency assembly point. The drill should take about 10 minutes total. We appreciate everyone's participation in this vital practice. Learn more about the Great ShakeOut.
ALL STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES should participate in this year’s drill wherever you may be at drill time.
- 10:19 a.m. — The drill begins with announcements, using UW Alert, via SMS, e-mail, website, TV screens, and indoor and outdoor speakers. Wherever you are, if safe to do so, please practice DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON for 90 seconds.
- 10:21 a.m. — The drill continues with an announcement to evacuate campus buildings and move to assembly points. Campus Safety and Facilities team members will be present directing occupants to assembly points. Even if you will not be on campus, take a moment to find your building evacuation plan and assembly point.
- 10:30 a.m. — All clear announcement; drill ends.
All campus lockdown drill happening at 10AM
Posted on Apr. 6 2023, 10:00 a.m.
The UW Tacoma lockdown drill has begun. Practice going into the nearest room and determine how to lock or barricade the door. Remain in place until the “All Clear” message is sent. Review the guidelines at
Campus on-site operations suspended through 12/23/22 due to icy cold weather
Posted on Dec. 20, 2022, 7:15 p.m.
Due to forecasts of cold temperatures and predicted icy conditions, UW Tacoma will suspend campus on-site operations Wed., Dec. 21 through Fri., Dec. 23, 2022.
Essential staff will report to campus as usual (consult with your supervisor if you are unsure of your status), and student housing will be open and operational.
Campus operational status for UW in Seattle is here. UW Bothell campus operational status is here.
UW Environmental Health & Safety has prepared a guide to walking safely on wet, icy and slippery surfaces.
FOR STAFF: Time off and pay practices
The UWHR website provides information about pay and leave practices during inclement weather and suspended operations. If you have additional questions, contact UW Tacoma HR at or 253-692-4701. Remember, when the university is in operation, but severe weather conditions exist, use your own best judgement about getting to work.
Telework may be a feasible option both for employees in essential positions and for employees who would not normally work during a suspension of operations. Employees may telework during suspended operations as long as they have the advance written approval of their supervisor or manager.