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The writing and critical thinking skills students gain in our majors, coupled with an in-depth understanding of social institutions, means that our students graduate ready to enter a wide range of career tracks.

Some students, like Mohamed Rashed, embark on careers in business. Upon graduating with a major in PP&E in 2012, Mohamed pursued an MBA and is now a banker in Spokane.

Numerous students build on the political experience provided by our majors and follow careers into politics. For instance, several students work in Olympia as legislative assistants, work in the Governor’s office, are hired by state agencies such as the Department of Revenue or the Department of Health, or work for members of Congress. A number of students head up election campaigns, such as ones for a County Prosecutor or a State Senator. On occasion, students even make a run for office themselves; Pam Nogueira recently ran for the office of Pacific County Prosecutor.
Education is a good option for some students, while others are attracted to international careers such as the foreign service. Some students win post-graduation awards that take them to Washington D.C., or out of the country to places like China, Mexico, or Slovakia.
Graduate Schools

Many careers require a graduate degree. After graduating, many PPPA students continue their education, either directly upon graduation, or a year or more later. At UWT, law school is a common option, and we provide extensive support for students interested in law school. Our campus’ Legal Pathways offers extensive support and resources for students interested in law school. Many of our law school graduates stay active in local affairs, and after graduation return to the local community to work for private law firms, federal agencies, the Public Defender’s Office, non-profit organizations, or run for office.
Another common graduate school option for students are programs in public policy or public administration. The University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Policy and Governance is an excellent choice for many students; read about one of our recent graduates here. Some students pursue masters degrees in Criminal Justice, Social Work, or International Studies. And a few students go on to PhD programs.
PPPA faculty and our advisors are available to talk with you about your graduate school options. We also bring representatives of various graduate programs to campus to provide you with the information you need.