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Note: Students majoring in PP&E and EPA cannot minor in Economics. This minor is open to students majoring in Law and Policy.
The study of economics emphasizes conceptual and analytical thinking. With a minor in Economics, you will gain a solid understanding of economics and its historical, political, environmental and social contexts by learning how to:
- Engage in and employ economic reasoning;
- Examine and explain the economics behind current events;
- Analyze the relationship between economics and other areas of inquiry.
As an Economics minor, your studies prepare you for careers in teaching, journalism, business and law, as well as for admission to graduate programs in public policy, law, business, international relations, journalism, and related fields.
All minors must be completed with a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Students may request to transfer up to ten (10) credits to be applied toward the courses fulfilling the minor.
- TECON 200 OR TBECON 220 Introduction to Microeconomics (5)
- TECON 201 OR TBECON 221 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5)
15 credits from upper-division courses (300 - 400 level) from the economics track of the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PP&E) major. Only 5 credits from TBECON 420, TBECON 421, TBECON 422, or TBECON 423 may count towards the minor.
- TBECON 420 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory*
- TBECON 421 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory*
- TBECON 422 Econometrics*
- TBECON 423 Financial Markets and Institutions*
- TECON 316 Current Issues in U.S. Public Policy (formerly TECON 416)
- TECON 320 Gender and Development
- TECON 321 Economics of Education (formerly TECON 420)
- TECON 325 Contemporary Issues in International Political Economy (formerly TECON 425)
- TECON 350 Law and Economics
- TECON 360 Poverty in Developing Countries
- TECON 361 Current Issues in the Chinese Economy (formerly TECON 461)
- TECON 362 China's Rise and its Global Economic Implications (formerly TECON 460)
- TECON 370 Economics and Social Mobility
- TECON 410 Economics of Public Policy
- TECON 418 Urban Problems and Policies
- TECON 421 Environmental Policy
- TECON 430 Behavioral Economics
- TECON 441 International Economics (formerly TECON 340)
- TECON 450 Labor Economics and Policy
- TECON 470 Economics of Health and Health Policy
- TECON 480 Seminar in Economic Analysis
- TGEOG 349 Geography and International Trade
*Only 5 credits of TBECON 420, TBECON 421, TBECON 422, or TBECON 423 may count towards the minor.
Declare a minor by completing the Request to Declare/Change a Major or Minor form and submitting it to the Office of the Registrar. You must have earned a minimum of 45 credits and declared a major before declaring a minor. If you have any questions about this process, please see your advisor.