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Tuition charges are based on a student's classification (undergraduate or graduate) rather than on course level. Because University costs are supported by state taxes, the rates charged to students who are not residents of Washington state are higher than the rates for Washington residents. Tuition rates are subject to change without notice.
To be classified as a full-time student by the University of Washington Tacoma, an undergraduate student must register for and complete at least 12 credits per quarter. A graduate student must register for and complete at least 10 credits per quarter. Financial aid and tuition rates do not necessarily correspond to these credit requirements.
For tuition rates from previous years, see the UW Tuition History page.
Rates shown include student fees.
Undergraduate Tuition Rates for 2024-25
(Includes nonmatriculated students and post-baccalaureate students taking undergraduate courses)
Quarterly Tuition Rates
Credits | Resident | Non-resident |
10-18 credits* | $4,390 | $14,468 |
9 credits | $3,973 | $13,044 |
8 credits | $3,556 | $11,620 |
7 credits | $3,139 | $10,196 |
6 credits | $2,722 | $8,772 |
5 credits | $2,305 | $7,348 |
4 credits | $1,888 | $5,924 |
3 credits | $1,471 | $4,500 |
2 credits | $1,054 | $3,076 |
*Additional fee for each credit over 18 credits | $396 | $1,404 |
Annual Tuition Rates
Resident | Non-resident |
$13,168 | $43.404 |
Includes Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters; most undergraduate students are not required to attend summer quarter. Assumes full-time enrollment (10-18 credits per quarter). Enrolling in more than 18 credits per quarter will result in additional fees.
Graduate Tuition Rates for 2024-25
Tier I Graduate Programs
UW Tacoma does not currently offer any graduate programs at the Tier I level
Tier II: Education (MEd), Nursing (MN), Community Planning (MA), Master of Social Work (MSW), School Psychology (EdS)
Quarterly Tuition Rates
Credits | Resident | Non-resident |
7-18 credits** | $6,599 | $11,441 |
6 credits | $5,688 | $9,839 |
5 credits | $4,777 | $8,237 |
4 credits | $3,866 | $6,635 |
3 credits | $2,955 | $5,033 |
2 credits (minimum) | $2,044 | $3,431 |
Tier III: Computer Science and Systems (MS)
Educational Leadership (EdD), Computer Science and Systems (PhD)
Quarterly Tuition Rates
Credits | Resident | Non-resident |
7-18 credits** | $7,323 | $12,714 |
6 credits | $6,309 | $10,930 |
5 credits | $5,295 | $9,146 |
4 credits | $4,281 | $7,362 |
3 credits | $3,267 | $5,578 |
2 credits (minimum) | $2,253 | $3,794 |
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
New MBA students are assessed a one-time program fee of $815.00. This fee covers new course activities and Success Center services. Contact the Milgard School of Business for more information.
Quarterly Tuition Rates
Credits | Resident | Non-resident |
7-18 credits** | $7,074 | $10,293 |
6 credits | $6,096 | $8,855 |
5 credits | $5,118 | $7,417 |
4 credits | $4,140 | $5,979 |
3 credits | $3,162 | $4,541 |
2 credits (minimum) | $2,184 | $3,103 |
Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)
Quarterly Tuition Rates
Credits | Resident | Non-resident |
7-18 credits** | $6,034 | $7,487 |
6 credits | $5,204 | $6,450 |
5 credits | $4,374 | $5,413 |
4 credits | $3,544 | $4,376 |
3 credits | $2,714 | $3,339 |
2 credits (minimum) | $1,884 | $2,302 |
Graduate Nonmatriculated
(Includes nonmatriculated and post-baccalaureate students enrolled in courses at the 500-level or above)
Quarterly Tuition Rates
Credits | Resident | Non-resident |
7-18 credits** | $7,323 | $12,714 |
6 credits | $6,309 | $10,930 |
5 credits | $5,295 | $9,146 |
4 credits | $4,281 | $7,362 |
3 credits | $3,267 | $5,578 |
2 credits | $2,253 | $3,794 |
**For quarterly tuition costs for more than 18 credits, see the charts on the OPB website.
Fee-based programs
Students in fee-based programs and fee-based degrees are ineligible for the tuition exemption program, institutional tuition waivers and the Undergraduate/Graduate University Grant programs, including the Husky Promise program.
These fees are already included in the tuition rates shown above. Annual cost is based on three quarters (fees in summer quarter may be different.)
Fee | Resident | Non-resident |
Technology Fee | $44/quarter ($132/year) | $44/quarter ($132/year) |
Services & Activities fee | $164/quarter ($492/year) | $164/quarter ($492/year) |
University YMCA Student Center fee | $180/quarter ($540/year) | $180/quarter ($540/year) |
U-PASS fee | $45/quarter ($135/year)* | $45/quarter ($135/year)* |
Building fee (undergraduate) | $230/quarter ($690/year) | $632/quarter ($1,896/year) |
Building fee (graduate tier II) | $185/quarter ($555/year) | $386/quarter ($1,158/year) |
Building fee (graduate tier III) | $207/quarter ($621/year) | $430/quarter ($1,290/year) |
Building fee (MBA) | $200/quarter ($598/year) | $345/quarter ($1,035/year) |
Building fee (MSBA) | $168/quarter ($504/year) | $247/quarter ($741/year) |
*For students residing in Thurston County, the U-PASS fee is $20/quarter ($60/year).
Required Fees
Special Course and Laboratory Fees
Some courses have additional expenses associated with them and, in such cases, the university may charge course fees in amounts that approximate the added instructional or laboratory costs.
Technology Fee
The Technology Fee is used in whole or in part, to cover the costs of providing and maintaining services to students that include, but are not limited to the following: access to the internet, email, computer and multimedia workstations and laboratories, and computer software. Part-time students (those paying less than full-time tuition) are charged on a prorated basis. The fee is included on the quarterly tuition billing.
Services and Activities Fee
These fees are paid by each enrolled student every quarter and are used to fund student activities and programs. These programs include ASUWT student government, Student Activities Board (SAB), student publications (e.g. the Ledger, Tahoma West), the Childcare Assistance Grant Program, intramurals, special speakers/events, and many other student services. The funds are allocated by the Services and Activities Fee Committee (SAFC), comprised of students and advisers.
University YMCA Student Center Fee
This fee is assessed to fund the University YMCA Student Center. All students who are enrolled for credit and charged tuition are assessed this quarterly fee and have access to the University YMCA Student Center as well as other YMCA facilities in Pierce and Kitsap counties. This fee, voted on and approved by students, is included on the quarterly tuition billing.
The U-PASS is a transit pass that is integrated with your Husky ID card and allows full fare coverage on Community Transit, Everett Transit, Kitsap Transit, Metro Transit, Pierce Transit and Sound Transit buses. In addition, it covers the full fare for the Sounder commuter train service, Link light rail, paratransit services and subsidizes vanpool fares. The fee is $45 per quarter for students ($20 per quarter for student who reside in Thurston County). Questions about getting a U-Pass and terms of use.
Additional Information
To read more about student fees, click here.