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Name: An Nguyen
Intended Graduation Quarter: Spring 2019
I am a senior and am majoring in Global Studies. I lived in Vietnam until I was ten-years-old when my family moved to the United States. My experience growing up in two different cultures prompted my curiosity about that world. I followed that curiosity and participated in two study abroad programs through UW Tacoma. I was in Taiwan and China over the summer and South Korea for the 2018 Fall quarter. Other than studying abroad, I also did my own traveling through Vietnam and Cambodia.
I love being involved with our diverse community, to learn about different cultures even when I am not traveling. That is why I am currently an officer for the Filipino-American Student Association and I am also a part of the Global Ambassadors program through the Office of Global Affairs. Since traveling is a big passion of mine, I try my best to make use of every opportunity that is thrown my way. Even after I graduate, my goal is to take part in an international fellowship that will allow me to explore the world. I want to study different languages so that I can communicate with people from all walks of life and listen to their stories.
Being a Global Affairs Fellow is the perfect position and platform for me to help those with similar interests and passion that I have. This position will also allow me to be more involved with the campus and the Global Affairs Office that offers so many great studystudying abroad programs for students. I absolutely enjoy talking to people about traveling and sharing my experiences abroad. So if you have any questions, or want to simply talk about traveling abroad, come visit me at the Global Affairs Office!