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Term | Year | Application Deadline | Start Date | End Date | Dates Abroad | Location(s) | Budget |
Summer | 2020 | February 23, 2020 | June 22, 2020 | August 21, 2020 | June 29-July 10, 2020 | Leon, Spain |

In this study abroad program, students will learn about Mobile Application Programming and Cryptography from UW Tacoma faculty, professors at the Universidad de Leon, and experts at the Spanish National Center for Cybersecurity (INCIBE) in the historic town of Leon, Spain. Leon is renowned in the area of Cybersecurity, which has been a popular topic in the design and development of applications for the last two decades. Participants will engage with robotics, flight simulartor, and 3-D printing labs at the Universidad de Leon, take part in site visits to startups like Smartfense or Drainware, and visit the Super Computer Center (SCAYLE). Lectures will take place at the University of Washington Leon Center, which is housed in the 16th century Renaissance tower of Palacio del Conde Luna. Participants will also collaborate with Spanish students studying at the Universidad de Leon and will reside with families in order to better examine and explore the Spanish culture.
This study abroad program is led by Menaka Abraham and Anderson Nascimento.
Program Cost
The program fee is $4,760.
Included in the cost of the program:
- Instructional Fee (replaces the cost of tuition for the 12-15 credits earned)
- Housing and meals while in Leon, Spain from June 29-July 10
- Program activities and site visits
- All transportation to and from the programed events in Leon, Spain
- $450 Study Abroad Administrative Fee
Not Included in program fees:
- Airfare to/from the Spain
- Transportation to and from airport
- UW Student Abroad Insurance
- Personal expenses (phone calls, eating out, etc.).
Payment Due Date: July 10, 2020
Program fees will be posted to your MyUW student account and can be paid the same way that you pay tuition and other fees. Check your MyUW Account periodically for due dates.
Academic Content
Students will earn 12-15 credits for this study abroad program:
TCSS 450: Mobile Application Programming (5 credits)
This course covers mobile programming principles. It explores the application life cycle, user interfaces, data management, graphics libraries, memory management, localization, and web services.
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Describe and explain the unique challenges relevant to mobile programming.
- Describe different mobile platform architectures.
- Implement user interfaces using mobile design principles for mobile devices.
- Program to support memory and power constrained devices.
- Apply software engineering principles to develop, test, package, and deploy mobile applications.
**Course will take place on Fridays from 9:00-11:30am after the study abroad portion of the program**
TCSS 487: Cryptography (5 credits)
This course covers basic concepts of cryptography, including authentication, public key cryptography, and digital signatures. Additionally, it covers modern definitions of security, implementation aspects of cryptographic schemes and their use in computer networks and the internet.
Learning goals include:
- Understand the basic results of cryptography and their applications.
- To use and implement symmetric encryption algorithms.
- To use and implement asymmetric encryption algorithms.
- To use and implement digital signature algorithms.
- To understand and identify the uses of cryptography in real world protocols.
**Course will take place on Wednesdays & Fridays from 1:00-3:30pm after the study abroad portion of the program**
Select one of the two options below:
Option A: TCSS 497: Internship in CSS
Project as delineated in a contract between student, faculty advisor, and community sponsor.
Your study abroad program director will be your sponsor. You must fill out this form and email it to Menaka Abraham to participate in this option.
Option B: TCSS 498: Directed Readings (2-5 credits)
Students will choose Mobile Application directed readings or Cryptography directed readings in agreement with faculty.
Learning goals for Mobile Application directed readings include:
- Research one or two popular hybrid mobile technologies.
- Implement one or two mobile technologies
- Compare and contrast hybrid and native technologies
Learning goals for Cryptology directed readings include:
- Deliver an oral presentation of two recent papers (2010 - ) published in leading cryptographic/security venues (Crypto, Eurocrypt, Asiacrypt, IEEE Trans on Info Theory, IEEE Oakland S&P, ACM CCS)
- Deliver a presentation introducing Secure Multiparty Computation for a general audience (based on the book A Pragmatic Introduction to Secure Multiparty Computation by Evans. Kolesnikov and Rosulek)
- Implement a simple SMC protocol

Program Schedule
The program runs from June 22 - August 21, 2020. Students will spend June 29 - July 10 in Spain and will be taking classes at UW Tacoma in the first week of the program and after their return from Spain.
Students will stay with local host-families which are vetted and organized by the University of Washington Leon Center.
Student Eligibility
This program is for undergraduate students with at least 1+ years of transcripted programming experience (preferably Java) and discrete math experience. Students in Engineering and Computer Science disciplines who are looking for a global perspective in the areas of Cryptograhy and Mobile Application Programming are preferred.
Application Deadline
Applications are due on January 31, 2020. Applicants will be notified of acceptance decisions February 14, 2020. Once accepted to the program, applicants will need to confirm their participation in the program by March 1, 2020. Click the "Apply Now" button below to begin.
Travel Documents and Insurance
Passport and Visas
No visa or other paperwork is required for U.S. citizens. For international students, the Office of Global Affairs is not responsible for obtaining visas for your travel. You can research visa requirements by calling the consular offices of countries to where you will be travelling or visiting the following website:
The cost and requirements for obtaining visas vary. It is your responsibility to determine visa requirements for all countries you plan to visit while abroad including countries that you plan to visit before or after your study abroad program. This is an especially important consideration if you are planning to do more than one study abroad program.
The University of Washington requires students engaged in educational activities abroad – including study, research, internships or community engagement – to purchase UW Student Abroad Insurance. If you are a current UW student, you are required to purchase coverage UW Student Abroad Insurance. Details are on the UW Study Abroad Insurance page.
The $450 UW Study Abroad Administrative Fees are non-refundable once a contract has been submitted. Students withdrawing from a program are responsible for paying a percentage of the program fee depending on the date of withdrawal. More details about the withdrawal policy are included in your payment contract. No part of the program fee is refundable once the program has begun (please refer to Emergency Withdrawal information below, if applicable). The date of withdrawal is considered the business day a withdrawal form is received by the Office of Global Affairs. Notice of withdrawal from the program must be made in writing by completing the following steps:
Please email and copy your program director(s) providing notice that you will no longer be participating in the program. You will also need to respond to any further communication from the Office of Global Affairs to finalize your withdrawal.
If a program is cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, student will not be charged either the UW Study Abroad Administrative Fee or the UW Tacoma Study Abroad Program Fee.
Emergency Withdrawal
If you cannot participate in a study abroad program, you may submit an Emergency Withdrawal Petition. If granted, the Emergency Withdrawal may allow for partial relief from your financial obligations to the program.
An Emergency Withdrawal Petition may be submitted in the following circumstances:
- Unanticipated change in financial situation
- Medical emergency
- Death in immediate family
- Active military duty
- Unusual or extenuating circumstances
To submit an Emergency Withdrawal Petition, complete this form and email it to
Financial Aid and Scholarships
- A large percentage of UW students utilize financial aid to study abroad. Most types of financial aid can be applied to study abroad fees.
- For UW Tacoma students, you can submit a revision request to increase the amount of aid for the quarter you are studying abroad. These additional funds are usually awarded in the form of loans. To apply, fill out a revision request form, attach the budget sheet (available via the link at the top of this brochure) and submit these documents to the UW Tacoma Office of Financial Aid.
- For UW Seattle or Bothell Students, you can apply by filling out a revision request form, attach the budget sheet (available via the link at the top of this brochure) and submit these documents to the Office of Financial Aid.
- Consult the Financial Aid section of the UW Study Abroad website for more information on applying for financial aid, special considerations for summer and early fall programs, and budgeting and fundraising tips
- Please also review this list of scholarships: these are opportunities that can help fund your study abroad experience. Please note that many of them have deadlines before your study abroad application is due. For help with the application process, please contact
Budgeting Tools
We understand that figuring out your finances for study abroad can be complicated, and we are here to help. Here are some ways to find additional support:
- Click on the Budget Sheets link at the top of this brochure to view the estimated budget of all expenses for this program.
- UW Tacoma students can attend a How to Fund Your Study Abroad event - more information is on the Events page of our website.
Changes in Cost or Scope of Program
In the event of significant devaluations of the dollar, some adjustments to program activities may be necessary. If there are any political events that might compromise the safety of the participants, a rescheduling or cancellation of the program may be necessary. If such changes occur, students will be notified of the changes and options will be presented.

To be eligible to study abroad, all program participants must attend an online pre-departure orientation facilitated by the Office of Global Affairs as well as your program-specific orientations, offered by your program directors. Orientation must be completed prior to the enrollment deadline for the quarter that you are studying abroad.
Program Cancellation
If viable enrollment is not reached by April 15, 2021 the program will be cancelled. Participants will be notified and the administrative and program fees will be refunded.
Disability Accommodations
The University of Washington is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, and education for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation for this program, contact Disability Resources for Students at least 8 weeks in advance of your departure date. Contact info at