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Marcos Vieyra- Law & Policy Major
South Africa: Examining Township Community Development, Education and Racial Disparities in South Africa

Turning my dream of studying abroad into a reality was no easy task, but was worth it ten times over. Traveling abroad and immersing yourself in another culture will facilitate the process of becoming a global citizen. A global citizen that is culturally competent, rich with experience, and aware of the plight of those outside of one’s home country. Experiencing another culture through studying abroad facilitates learning in a way a book cannot.
If you are serious about studying abroad but are unable to fund your experience, scholarships are your best bet. While the task of paying for a study abroad may seem daunting, there are countless resources at your disposal to fund your trip. However, you must take the initiative to take advantage of these various tools and put the effort in completing application after application. While it may seem like a lot of work, if you receive even one scholarship it will provide some financial relief. Throughout the application process you may feel as if you are wasting your time. Push past this wall. You will thank yourself in the long run. This process is easier said than done but is an essential step in turning your dreams into reality.
My last bit of advice is to just go for it. Find a program that interests you and put your all into it. There will be few opportunities similar to the ones available to you during your time in university. But in the end, you must be willing to out the time and effort into it no matter how daunting the task may seem. Taking the first step is often the scariest part but once you do, you’ll never look back.