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Psychological & Wellness Services staff includes trained professional psychologists, doctoral psychology interns, advanced practicum clinicians, and a health promotions specialist/confidential campus based advocate.
Our current team members are:
Dr. Bernard Anderson, Ph.D. | Interim Director/Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Life |
Dr. Crystal Gonsalves, Psy.D | Interim Assistant Director and Group Therapy Coordinator |
Dr. Bonnie Benson-Palmgren, Ph.D | Training Director and Psychologist |
Dr. Shelley Eisenberg, Psy.D. | Staff Psychologist |
Madie Brown, M.S. | Health Promotion Specialist and Confidential Campus Based Advocate |
Emma Cheriel | Program Coordinator |
Trevor Taone, M.S. | Doctoral Psychology Intern |
Nikki Bruce, M.A. | Doctoral Psychology Intern |
Shawn Bleichert, M.A. | Doctoral Psychology Preintern |
Evelia Guizar, M.A. | Doctoral Psychology Preintern |