DEI Resources for Your Workplace
DEI-related job postings increased 76% between February 2020 and August 2021 alone. With that in mind, we’ve curated a small list of articles, videos, and other resources for employers or leaders at all levels looking to make their team or organization more inclusive.
It is almost a cliché at this point to say that interest in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has skyrocketed in recent years. We at the Professional Development Center (PDC) have welcomed hundreds of professionals to our DEI webinars and workshops this year. DEI-related job postings increased 76% between February 2020 and August 2021 alone (source). With that in mind, we’ve curated a small list of articles, videos, and other resources for employers or leaders at all levels looking to make their team or organization more inclusive.
Note: When possible, we’ve chosen to highlight resources and articles by people within the highlighted community or who have a relevant lived experience.
General DEI Resources
“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Glossary of Equity-Related Terms (2021),” Washington State Department of Enterprise Services: https://ofm.wa.gov/sites/default/files/public/shr/Diversity/SubCommit/DEIGlossaryofEquityRelatedTerms.pdf
“She Coined the Term ‘Intersectionality’ Over 30 Years Ago. Here’s What It Means to Her Today,” Time.com: https://time.com/5786710/kimberle-crenshaw-intersectionality/
“Surface vs. Deep Culture (video),” GU Center for Child and Human Development: https://vimeo.com/424074055?embedded=true&source=video_title&owner=28397124
“The Dos and Don’ts of Attracting Diverse Talent,” Diversity and Ability: https://diversityandability.com/blog/the-dos-and-donts-of-attracting-diverse-talent/
Implicit Bias Resources: https://equity.wa.gov/people/resources
Society for Diversity: https://www.societyfordiversity.org/
“10 Tips for Inclusive Talent Management,” Diversity and Ability: https://diversityandability.com/blog/10-tips-for-inclusive-talent-management/
DEI Programs through the Professional Development Center: https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/pdc/diversity-equity-and-inclusion
Racial diversity and equity are often our first thought in conversations about “diversity” – and for good reason. Race is a significant factor in our experience of the world, of our workplaces, and with each other. It is important that we take a thoughtful approach to discussing and addressing racial equity in our organizations.
Figure out what tools you need. Racial Equity Tools (www.racialequitytools.org) is a great place to start, with a library of over 3,500 resources.
Prioritize working with and learning from organizations like the Center for Healing Racism (https://www.centerhealingracism.org/) that are explicitly led by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) individuals or racially diverse teams. They often feature approaches that support white people without centering them in the conversation.
Explore the idea of affinity groups or racial caucuses, which allow BIPOC and non-BIPOC groups the space to do the different types of work needed:
“Caucus and Affinity Groups,” Racial Equity Tools: https://www.racialequitytools.org/resources/act/strategies/caucus-and-affinity-groups
“How White People Can Talk to Each Other About Disrupting Racism,” DoSomething.org: https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/how-white-people-can-talk-to-each-other-about-disrupting-racism
“Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People,” The Arrow: https://arrow-journal.org/why-people-of-color-need-spaces-without-white-people/
Have the conversation! Many of us are hesitant to discuss diversity/sensitive topics in the workplace, but the only way forward is through. Here are some articles and videos to help you plan your approach:
(Dis)Ability in the Workplace
Accessibility has become a common talking point, but is too focused on legal compliance. Building a truly inclusive workplace for people of all abilities goes much further than poorly-place wheelchair ramps and alt text on your website. It is about making sure your physical space, policies, and organizational culture create space for everyone. In the wake of COVID-19 and the long-ranging effects of infection, creating a disability-friendly organization may be more important than ever.
Here are some suggestions for expanding your understanding and making changes that actually matter:
“Ask a Self-Advocate: The Pros and Cons of Person-First and Identity-First Language,” Massachusetts Advocates for Children: https://www.massadvocates.org/news/ask-a-self-advocate-the-pros-and-cons-of-person-first-and-identity-first-language
“How to Make Your Workplace More Accessible to People with Disabilities,” The Muse: https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-create-an-accessible-workplace
“Build an Inclusive and Accessible Workplace for Those With Disabilities….and Everyone Else, Too (Part II),” Liz Travis Allen: https://medium.com/@liztravisallen/build-an-inclusive-and-accessible-for-those-with-disabilities-and-everyone-else-too-part-ii-6fbbd83c3ad6
“Mental Health Toolkit,” Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN): https://askearn.org/page/mental-health-toolkit
“Workology Podcast Episode 351: Creating a Truly Inclusive Workplace with PIA and PEAT,” Workology: https://workology.com/episode-351-creating-a-truly-inclusive-workplace-with-pia-and-peat/
WorkWithoutLimits Resources (separate guides for employers, job seekers, etc.): https://workwithoutlimits.org/resources/
“Disability Inclusion Employment Best Practices,” Disability:IN: https://disabilityin.org/resource/disability-inclusion-employment-best-practices/
“Creating Inclusive Workplaces (Embracing neurodiversity and promoting positive mental health workplace cultures,” Diversity & Ability: https://diversityandability.com/blog/creating-inclusive-workplaces/
The June 2022 Special Report on Small Business & LGBTQ+ Inclusion by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce reveals that “most U.S. small business owners believe it is important to support the LGBTQ+ community and take action to ensure inclusion” (source). At the same time, most LGBTQIA+ employees don’t feel truly included at work (source).
So, how do you move from believing in to actually ensuring inclusion? Here are a few places to start:
The US Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s LGBT Inclusion Hub for Small Businesses has a great set of resources divided into “Get Educated,” “Enact LGBT-Friendly Policies,” and “Build an Inclusive Infrastructure”: https://www.uschamberfoundation.org/lgbt-inclusion-hub-small-businesses/resources
Find organizations in your area like Gender Justice League in Seattle, Washington, who provide resources to trans and gender diverse people often overlooked in more generic LGBT inclusion programs. Make the resources available to employees and engage your teams in training.
Acknowledge that LGBTQIA+ members of our organizations and communities are also impacted by their race(s), abilities, socioeconomic status, and other lived identities (“Intersectionality: A Vital Tool in Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights,” The Cloudburst Group: https://cloudburstgroup.com/2021/11/15/intersectionality-a-vital-tool-in-advancing-lgbtq-rights/).
Understand how the LGBTQIA+ community is evolving and how that impacts workplace inclusion approaches:
“Striving for Authenticity: LGBT+ views on enduring discrimination and expanding inclusion,” Out & Equal Workplace Advocates: https://outandequal.org/striving-for-authenticity-lgbt-views-on-enduring-discrimination-and-expanding-inclusion/
“A New LGBTQ Workforce Has Arrived – Inclusive Cultures Must Follow,” Boston Consulting Group: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2020/inclusive-cultures-must-follow-new-lgbtq-workforce
“That Song Is Already 10 Years Old?! Intergenerational Reference points, LGBTQ+ Leadership, and You,” Out & Equal Workplace Advocates: https://outandequal.org/that-song-is-already-10-years-old/
Explore potential best practices
“Beyond Diversity: An LGBT Best Practice Guide for Employers,” Great Place to Work® and Pride at Work Canada: https://prideatwork.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Beyond-Diversity-LGBT-Guide.pdf
“Toolkit for Change: Assessing LGBTIQ+ Inclusion in Your Workplace” (English and Spanish language versions), Out & Equal Workplace Advocates: https://outandequal.org/toolkit-for-change-assessing-lgbtiq-inclusion-in-your-workplace/