Main Content
The Office of the Registrar oversees the publication of the Time Schedule. Additionally, the Office of the Registrar coordinates academic space reservations for meetings and events, and is the campus point of contact for all matters related to 25live, which is the space and event scheduling application that is used across UW Tacoma.
This website contains information specific to academic scheduling. If you are looking for information about event scheduling, click here to visit the Use of University Facilities website.
Time Schedule Production Calendar
Note: This calendar is intended for the sole purpose of UW Tacoma Time Schedule Coordinators/Administrators and the Office of the Registrar. The dates listed here are not a definitive commitment and are subject to change with or without prior notice or publication here.
Academic Year 2024-25
AUTUMN 2024 |
WINTER 2025 |
SPRING 2025 |
SUMMER 2025 |
TS Construction available (dates are approximate & depend on the other campuses) | November 9, 2023 | November 13, 2023* | December 8, 2023* | March 22, 2024* |
UW Tacoma TS Construction turned off to departments. Notifications due. | March 21, 2024 | September 5, 2024 | December 12, 2024 | January 2, 2025 |
Dead Period - No requests for additions or changes will be processed during this period of time. Room preview is sent on last day of dead period or after all conflicts are resolved (whichever comes first) | March 22 - April 5, 2024 | September 6 - October 4, 2024 | December 13, 2024 - January 10, 2025 | January 3 - 24, 2025 |
SLNs assigned. SLNs assigned. TS Update available to TS coordinators the next day. No enrollment limit changes should be made in TS Update until after dead period. | March 22, 2024* | September 6, 2024* | December 13, 2024* | January 3, 2025* |
UW Tacoma Tentative Time Schedule Posts | March 25, 2024 | April 12, 2024 | April 12, 2024 | January 6, 20225 |
University Time Schedule available on the web | April 12, 2024 | October 11, 2024 | January 17, 2025 | January 31, 2025 |
Registration begins | May 3, 2024 | October 31, 2024* | February 13, 2025* | April 14, 2025* |
*Tentative date
Other Academic Years
Academic Year 2025-26
AUTUMN 2025 |
WINTER 2026 |
SPRING 2026 |
SUMMER 2026 |
TS Construction available (dates are approximate & depend on the other campuses) | November 8, 2024 | November 12, 2024 | December 6, 2024 | March 24, 2025 |
UW Tacoma TS Construction turned off to departments. Notifications due. | March 20, 2025 | September 4, 2025 | December 11, 2025 | December 31, 2025 |
Dead Period - No requests for additions or changes will be processed during this period of time. Room preview is sent on last day of dead period or after all conflicts are resolved (whichever comes first) | March 21 - April 7, 2025 | September 5 - October 6, 2025 | December 12, 2025 - January 12, 2026 | January 2 - 26, 2026 |
SLNs assigned. SLNs assigned. TS Update available to TS coordinators the next day. No enrollment limit changes should be made in TS Update until after dead period. | March 21, 2024* | September 5, 2025* | December 12, 2025* | January 2, 2026* |
UW Tacoma Tentative Time Schedule Posts | March 24, 2025 | April 11, 2025 | April 11, 2025 | January 3, 2026 |
University Time Schedule available on the web | April 11, 2025 | October 10, 2025 | January 16, 2026 | January 30, 2026 |
Registration begins | May 8, 2025 | October 30, 2025 | February 12, 2026 | April 13, 2026 |
*Tentative date
Time Schedule Production Tools
Build Courses During Construction Period
Use the Time Schedule Construction System to create, revise, and delete courses during the construction period.
You will be required to login using your UW NetID, password and 2FA.
Tips for Setting Up Courses
Notifications are additional instructions that are considered during the initial academic scheduling process, which include but are not limited to:
- Faculty accommodation requests
- Classroom requirements (e.g. installed technology, furniture type)
- Departmental (non-general classroom) space assignments
- On-campus meeting dates for hybrid courses
- Adjustments to class times that you cannot complete using TS Construction
- Joining/withering sections
In TS Construction, select "non-general assignment classroom" in the Meetings section. Choose the building from the drop-down menu and then enter the room number in the appropriate text field. Non-general assignment rooms include, but not limited to:
- Science labs
- SET labs
- Urban Studies studios
- Whitney studios/spaces
- CP 109, CP 007
If no room is needed, select the asterisk (*) from the drop-down menu and then enter " *" (two spaces and an asterisk) in the room field.
During the initial academic scheduling process, please consider adding this information to the notifications that are submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
In order to optimize the use of space, building preferences and room features are taken into consideration instead of specific classroom requests. An example would be to request JOY (building) and Tacoma Auditorium (feature) and the available spaces are JOY 117 and JOY 215. Time Schedule coordinators have been trained in providing scheduling information in this manner.
Keep in mind that indicating room preferences is not a guarantee that you will get the space/feature you requested. Please understand that every effort will be made by the Office of the Registrar to find a room to meet your teaching requirement.
TS Construction Room Attribute/Feature | Definition |
Tacoma Auditorium | General assignment classrooms that have tiered seating with fixed tables. Chairs may or may not be fixed, depending on the space. |
Tacoma Computer Classroom | General assignment spaces that are equipped with individual student PC computer stations. |
Tacoma Flexible Classroom | General assignment classrooms with tables that are on casters that can easily be moved around. |
Tacoma Non-Flexible Classroom | General assignment classrooms with tables not on casters. These rooms should remain in front-facing/lecture layout. |
Tacoma Seminar Room | General assignment spaces that are furnished with a large conference room table, or the tables are configured in a conference room layout. |
Use TS Construction (and TS Update) to add approved Writing (W), Research (R) and/or Community-Engaged Learning (S) designations to your courses.
The designations are located in the attributes section, as shown in the image below. Remember to click the "Update General Attributes" button to save the changes.

Additional Resources
Academic Affairs
- Time Schedule Matrix
- Summer Quarter Time Schedule Matrix
- Clarifications and Guidelines for the New Time Schedule Matrix & Equitable Teaching Guidelines (from Faculty Assembly website)
- University Curriculum Office (Seattle)
- UW Curriculum Management System (UW CM)
- UW Undergraduate Program Proposal Tracker
Digital Learning
Tri-Campus Digital Learning Alliance
Change Courses After Construction Period Ends
The Time Schedule Update System will display course details, such has the Schedule Line Number (SLN), location assignment or the final exam schedule. Use TS Update to make the following course changes:
- Update course enrollment limits (which do not exceed assigned room's seating capacity)
- Add designations for Writing (W), Community-Engaged Learning (S), Research (R), or Honors
- Add grade submission delegate at the course section level
- Withdraw course sections
- Suspend course sections with registered students
- Update registration restrictions and requirements
- Generate entry codes
- Edit course comments
You will be required to login using your UW NetID, password and 2FA.
Best Practices for Course Changes
It is possible to make updates to course details after registration begins. However, certain changes require re-registration, which can get complicated because registration holds/blocks may be placed by other offices at any time, thus impacting re-registration. The following course changes require dropping and re-adding students:
- Credit amount
- Course fee changes
- Creating new SLNs, especially when creating new secondary sections such as labs or quiz sections.
- Self-sustaining flag
Changes to mode of instruction after registration begins will require approval from Dean/Director and student notification. If your course change form does not include Dean/Director approval, the Office of the Registrar will reach out separately. These additional steps ensure that 1) the change request has been vetted by academic leadership and 2) that students are given the opportunity to revisit their class schedule, especially if the new course mode does not work for them.
Course Form: Add, Change, Withdraw
Course changes that you are not able to complete yourself via TS Update may be requested through this web form, which include but are not limited to:
- Adding courses
- Withdrawing joint courses
- Changing credits, grading type, fees, and content
- Changing meeting days, times, or locations
- Updating online learning/hybrid components
- Updating course titles
- Update approved course fees
Add/Change Course Fees
With Dean approval, course fees may be charged for some course sections in addition to tuition. Please become familiar with the course fee policy outlined in UW Executive Order No. 44. Course fees are subject to the same billing and collection process as tuition. Any financial aid a student is receiving will apply to course fees. The course fee will be applied to the academic department’s worktag indicated on the course fee form.
Per UW Executive Order No. 44, students in the affected department must be notified at least 30 days prior to the implementation of any new course fees. When new fees are implemented, every effort should be made to notify students prior to the start the quarter so that students can incorporate estimated expenses into their financial planning.
It is the responsibility of the department to notify the Office of the Registrar of any additions or changes in fees to existing courses in the Time Schedule.
1. Download and fill out the Add/Change Course Fee Form.
- Include a detailed list showing how you arrived at the proposed course fee and describe how the funds will be used in the justification section.
- Student input is required for new course fee proposals. One of many methods for obtaining student input may include consultation with the registered student organizations (RSOs) that are associated with the academic program.
2. Obtain signatures from the Dean/Director and Program Administrator. These are the only two signatures required at this point of the process.
3. Finally, email the signed form(s) to the Registrar at by the suggested submission date.
Important: We discourage course fee additions or changes after registration begins. However, we understand that extenuating circumstances may prevent you from meeting the suggested submission dates. In these situations, please contact the Registrar directly for advice.
Next Steps
- The Registrar will forward the form(s) to the appropriate parties for the remaining required signatures.
- Finance Office will have the first review and will add a signature to Associate Vice Chancellor/Finance field if approved. If additional information is needed, they will reach out to the Program Administrator who submitted the request.
- From the Finance Office, the form is routed to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.
- If the course fee is less than or equal to $50 (or less than 10%), then this is the last signature before it returns to the Office of the Registrar.
- If the course fee is greater than $50 (or increases greater than 10%), the form is also sent to the Finance, Planning & Budgeting (FPB) by the Finance Office for the final signature before it is returned of the Office of the Registrar.
- The Office of the Registrar will enter the approved course fee information into UW Curriculum Management before returning the final version back to the academic department and the Finance Office.
- If the academic department wishes to apply the newly approved course fee to a course, they may use TS Construction, or the course form if it is after the TS Construction deadline. Refer to the TS Production Calendar to determine which method is appropriate.
Suggested Submission Dates
Academic Year 2024-25 |
AUTUMN 2024 |
WINTER 2025 |
SPRING 2025 |
SUMMER 2025 |
Greater than $50, or increases greater than 10% | Friday, 3/29/2024 | Friday, 9/27/2024 | Friday, 1/10/2025 | Monday, 3/10/2025 |
Less than or equal to $50, or course fee increases less than 10% of prior approved fee amount | Friday, 4/12/2024 | Friday, 10/11/2024 | Friday, 1/24/2025 | Monday, 3/24/2025 |
Registration Period I Begins | Friday, 5/3/2024 | Thursday, 10/31/2024 | Thursday, 2/13/2025 | Monday, 4/14/2025 |
Course fees greater than $50,
or increases greater than 10%
New course fees greater than $50, or course fee increases greater than 10% of the previously-approved fee amount, must be approved by the Finance, Planning, & Budgeting (FPB) at the Seattle campus. Since additional time is required for FPB review, we ask that you submit the course fee form no later than five weeks from the start of registration.
Course fees less than or equal to $50,
or increases less than 10%
Course fees less than or equal to $50, or course fee increases less than 10% of the previously-approved fee amount, are reviewed at the campus level only. You may submit the completed and signed course fee forms no later than three weeks before the start of registration.
How Fees Are Applied to Students
- Payment is due by the third Friday of the quarter and a late fee is charged for past due balances.
- Any financial aid the student is receiving will apply to the course fee.
- Non-payment by the end of the quarter results in the student account being turned over to an outside collection agency and reported to the student’s credit bureau or may impact the student’s credit rating.
- If the course is dropped by the 14th calendar day of the quarter, the course fee is automatically canceled from the student’s account.
- If the course is dropped after the 14th calendar day, the course fee is presumed to be owed and remains on the student’s account.
- Course fees cannot be canceled after the end of the academic quarter.
- It is recommended that departments establish and publish a refund policy for adjustments to a course fee after the second week of the quarter.
- Adjustments or removal of course fees are processed by the Office of the Registrar per the request of the academic department. If the quarter has past, Student Fiscal Services (SFS) will need to get involved.