Main Content
On this page:
Applying for Change in Residency
Residency Requirements
Affidavit of Residency
Financially Dependent or Independent
Eligible Non-Citizens
Other Forms for Tuition Reduction
Additional Resources

Apply for Residency
For Transfer Students: Your residency status at any other Washington State Community & Technical College (CTC) or Washington State 4 year universities (including Bothell/Seattle campuses) does not transfer between schools. Make sure you understand both the requirements and how to apply for residency before you apply for admission.
Application for Washington State Residence Deadlines
Applications must be submitted no later than the 30th day of the quarter in accordance with WAC 250-18-025.
SUMMER 2024 | AUTUMN 2024 | WINTER 2025 | SPRING 2025 | SUMMER 2025 |
Jul 16, 2024 | Oct 24, 2024 | Feb 4, 2025 | Apr 29, 2025 | Jul 22, 2025 |
Residency Affidavit
The criteria of the affidavit has been revised. Beginning Summer 2022: The Washington residence must be primarily for purposes other than college. Students enrolled for more than 6 credits during the first 12 months in Washington are presumed to be here primarily for educational purposes. This means that students who immediately start college after moving to Washington as out-of-state students cannot be considered a resident student at a new college after 12 months of living in Washington, unless they can show conclusively that they are not here primarily for educational purposes.
- Meet the criteria of the affidavit.
- Received a high school diploma (or equivalent).
- Maintain a primary residence in Washington for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before your first term at the college determining residency. The Washington residence must be for purposes other than college. If you take any courses at another Washington college during the prior 12 months, you cannot have taken more than six credits in any given term. If you exceed that limit you must prove that you have a Washington residence for non-college reasons.
- Affirm that they are a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or that they will file an application to become a permanent resident of the United States as soon as they are eligible to apply.
- Complete and sign the Residency Affidavit.
- Note: Sign the form in ink or provide an Adobe Signature. If you have already completed the WASFA application, you do not need to submit this duplicated affidavit.
- Submit the completed original Residency Affidavit along with supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar Secure Document Upload Portal.
Residency Questionnaire
- Complete and sign the Residence Questionnaire.
- Upload materials to support :
- The bona fide domicile (permanent residence)
- Financial information to support dependence/independence
- If applicable, necessary Employee Authorization Document, immigration or citizenship material.
- Submit the completed original Residence Questionnaire along with supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar Secure Document Upload Portal.
Please note: Once the application and its contents have been submitted, it becomes the property of the University of Washington and will not be returned to students. The University keeps the documentation in a high security vault for 7 years (for records and auditing purposes) and destroys the files after that time period. It is suggested students make copies for themselves in case they need it for future references
Washington Residents Absent from State
Absence due to military/civil service
Washington residents who enter military/civil service while domiciled in Washington, or persons who establish a domicile while stationed here for a period of at least one year, will remain residents while stationed outside of Washington if they return within one year of discharge/end of service with the intent to be domiciled in Washington. Please see our military residency for information.
Absence for educational purposes only
Students who are Washington residents and have been out of Washington to attend an out-of-state college or university, need to submit a completed Residence Questionnaire to our office along with the following additional documentation.
- Verification that they resided in Washington for a minimum of one year prior to leaving the state to attend school.
- Verification from the out-of-state college or university that they were enrolled as a nonresident and paid nonresident tuition. (If you were enrolled in a private school, provide verification of enrollment.)
- Proof that they maintained all ties with Washington (such as driver's license, vehicle registration, bank accounts, voter's registration, property, etc.) and did not take steps to establish a domicile in another state.
Residency Requirements
Establishing A Bona Fide Domicile
The advice from the Office of the Attorney General, Education Division concerning presumption is that before domicile is established, an individual must do everything a resident of Washington is required to do (please see below).
To establish domicile in the state of Washington, students must provide documentation showing they meet the following guidelines:
A legal resident is an individual who has relinquished all valid legal ties (e.g., driver's license, voter registration, etc.) with their former state of residence and established such ties in Washington in accordance with state and local legislation.
- Driver's license/state ID. Students must obtain a Washington State Driver's License within 30 days of arrival if they have a current out-of-state driver's license. Students who do not possess a driver's license from any state, must obtain a Washington State Identification Card.
- Vehicle registration. Students who own or drive a vehicle in Washington must be registered in Washington within 30 days of arrival.
- Voter registration. Students who have a current out-of-state voter's registration must register to vote in Washington within 30 days of arrival. If an individual has previously registered to vote in another state, they must register to vote in Washington. If the student does not register to vote in Washington, this means that they may still vote absentee in the prior state of residency
- Establish a bank account in Washington.
Students who are under the age of 25 with parents/legal guardians elsewhere and are establishing a Washington bona fide domicile must show Financial Independence through personal income & include parents' most recent tax returns.
Students who are enrolled for 7 credits or more each term during the period in which they are establishing bona fide legal domicile are presumed by law to be in Washington State for purposes of education. Students must show conclusively that they have not come to Washington State primarily for educational purposes in order to qualify. One strong method of overcoming this presumption is through significant employment of 30 hours per week at a non-student position. Students can also demonstrate a combination of significant non-student employment and other ties such as community involvement (i.e. volunteering, etc.), active participation in state/local organizations, family, etc. to prove a non-educational purpose. The burden of proof lies on the student to demonstrate they have overcome this presumption.
Once the individual is in full compliance with all of Washington's requirements for residency, then they, as of that final date of compliance, have established domicile. Once domicile is established, the student is eligible for in-state tuition 12 months from the date of arrival if all legal ties were in place within 30 days. This is because the Washington statute says that domicile must be in existence for one year immediately prior to the first day of the quarter for which the student wants to be classified as a resident.
Examples of other factors that may help students establish proof of domicile include: disposition of property in the former state of residence, relocation of household members, participation in local community organizations, and generally becoming involved in activities that will help prove their intent to make Washington their official place of residence.
Affidavit of Residency
Residency Affidavit Requirements
The criteria of the affidavit has been revised. Beginning Summer 2022, The Washington residence must be primarily for purposes other than college. Students enrolled for more than 6 credits during the first 12 months in Washington are presumed to be here primarily for educational purposes. This means that students who immediately start college after moving to Washington as out-of-state students cannot be considered a resident student at a new college after 12 months of living in Washington, unless they can show conclusively that they are not here primarily for educational purposes.
Students qualify for residency if they meet all of the following conditions:
- Received a high school diploma (or equivalent).
- Maintain a primary residence in Washington for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before your first term at the college determining residency. The Washington residence must be for purposes other than college. If you take any courses at another Washington college during the prior 12 months, you cannot have taken more than six credits in any given term. If you exceed that limit you must prove that you have a Washington residence for non-college reasons.
- Affirm that they are a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or that they will file an application to become a permanent resident of the United States as soon as they are eligible to apply.
Students who meet all of the above criteria should complete and submit the updated Washington Higher Education Residency Affidavit. Note: Please sign the form in ink or provide an Adobe Signature. If you have already completed the WASFA application, you do not need to submit this duplicated affidavit.
Submitting a Residency Affidavit
Return the form to:
UW Tacoma | The form with an original signature must be submitted to the UW Tacoma Registrar's Office using the Secure Document Upload Portal. |
UW Bothell | Submit form to UW Bothell Office of Registrar. |
UW (Seattle campus) | Submit form to UW Residence Classification Office. |
*Students who apply to multiple campuses will need to submit an affidavit to each campus.
The information in this section is current as of 06/18/2021. The University of Washington reserves the right to update or remove this page as necessary for clarity and/or to reflect changes to residency law or university policies. This website is intended as guidance only and students are advised to refer to the Washington state laws on residency for current statutes and additional information. See RCW Chapter 28B.15, WAC Chapter 250-18, and WAC Chapter 478-160.
The UW Tacoma Office of the Registrar will administer residency determinations in accordance with the current law at the time of application.
Dependent or Independent Student for Residency Purposes
Financially Dependent Students
Dependent students are financially dependent upon someone else, and/or claimed on their parents’/legal guardians’ latest tax returns. If you are determined to be a financially dependent student, residency will be determined based on your parent’s/legal guardian’s domicile information and supporting documentation, not yours. Note: a married student applying for residency should apply as a financially independent student.
- Complete and sign the Dependent Residence Questionnaire.
Students who are financially dependent upon parents or legal guardians (provide court documentation verifying the guardianship is valid) must provide documentation to prove their parents/legal guardians have established a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington. Students must also provide documentation to show they are dependents claimed by the parents/legal guardians on the most recent U.S. Federal Income Tax return.
Students whose parents or legal guardians are either divorced or legally separated may be classified as residents if the following conditions are met:
- The students are claimed as a dependent on the most recent U.S. Federal Income Tax return by one of the parents/legal guardians.
- At least one parent or legal guardian has established a bona fide domicile in the State of Washington.
The students and parents/legal guardians will then fill out the Residence Questionnaire (students will complete the first page and the parents/legal guardians will do the second). All of the required documentation will be from the parents/legal guardians, not from the students.
Financially Independent Students
Independent students are not financially dependent upon someone else, or claimed on their parent’s/legal guardians’ latest tax returns. If you are determined to be a financially independent student, residency will be based upon your domicile information and supporting documentation. If you are applying as financially independent, you must also document your financial independence.
- Complete and sign the Independent Residence Questionnaire.
Students whose parents or court-appointed legal guardians do not reside in Washington can only obtain residency by fulfilling the requirements as a financially independent student. Students must complete and sign the Residence Questionnaire form (both pages) and provide all documentation as requested on the Residence Questionnaire and the Financially Independent Student Documentation Checklist.
In addition to documentation that the student has met all requirements for bona fide residency, the following is required for financially independent students:
To be considered financially independent, students must meet the following criteria:
- Parents/legal guardians have not claimed and will not claim the student as a dependent on Federal Income Tax returns for the current and previous calendar year.
- Parents/legal guardians or others (except spouse) have not and will not provide the student with significant financial assistance, directly or indirectly, for the current and previous calendar year.
- Students have been and will be independently paying at least 51% of their expenses (cost of attendance and living) with their own income for the current calendar year and previous calendar year.
Students must also provide documentation showing independent payments of the majority of their expenses for the previous calendar/tax year and independent payment of, or the ability to independently pay, the majority of their expenses for the current calendar/tax year.
These documents include:
- A copy of the students' most recent tax return (first two pages only showing income).
- A copy of the parents' most recent tax return (top half of first page only), showing dependents claimed.
- Verification of year-to-date earnings (i.e., a copy of the student's most recent pay stub with year-to-date earnings total listed).
Note: A married student applying for residency status should apply as a financially independent student.
Students who are receiving significant financial assistance from a spouse or registered domestic partner can qualify as financially independent as long as the marriage or domestic partnership has been in place for at least one calendar year prior to the quarter of application for residency. Documentation must be provided.
To establish a bona fide domicile, financially independent students must complete all basic requirements that a legal Washington resident is required to do by law.
- Physically reside in the state for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of the quarter students are seeking residency.A legal resident must also relinquish all valid legal ties (for example, driver's license, voter registration, etc.) with their former state/country of residence and affirmatively create legal ties and relationships in the state of Washington in accordance with state and local legislation.
- Students must demonstrate they are financially independent for the current calendar year for which they are applying for residency and the previous calendar year. This means the student has and will be paying for the majority of their expenses (cost of attendance and living expenses) with their own income and resources, that they are not and have not received significant financial assistance from parents, legal guardians, or others during that time period, and that they were not and will not be claimed as a dependent on a parents'/legal guardians' tax return for the previous or current calendar year.
- Students who are enrolled for 7 credits or more each term during the period they are in which they are establishing bona fide legal domicile are presumed by lay to be in Washington State for purposes of education.
- Driver's license/state ID. If students possess current, out-of-state driver's licenses, they must obtain a Washington State Driver's License within 30 days of arrival, including international driver's license. If an individual does not drive or possess a driver's license from any state or country, s/he must obtain a Washington State Identification Card.
- Vehicle registration. Individuals who own or operate a vehicle in Washington must have their vehicle registered in Washington within 30 days of arrival.
- Voter registration. Individuals who have previously registered to vote in their former state of residence must register to vote in Washington. Permanent Resident Card holders or any other status with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) are exempt from registering to vote.
- Establish a bank account in Washington. Existing bank accounts prior to arriving in Washington is sufficient as long as one's name and Washington address is associated with the account and documented.
- Lease/home agreement
Examples of other factors that might help students establish proof of domicile include the disposition of property in the former state of residence, relocation of household members, and generally becoming involved in activities that will help prove their intent to make Washington their official state of residence.
All domicile must be established at least one year immediately prior to the first day of the quarter the student is seeking residency. Once the individual is in full compliance with all of Washington State's requirements for residency, then s/he, as of that final date of compliance, has established domicile and is eligible to apply for residency. It is the student's responsibility to request a change in residency status once all requirements have been met.
Eligible Non-Citizens
The following non-US citizenship statuses are eligible to establish and apply for residency for tuition purposes through the Residence Questionnaire. Newly admitted students who are non-citizens should first determine if they may qualify through the Residency Affidavit.
Upon final approval for Permanent Resident immigrant status, students are eligible to apply for Washington State residency if they meet the following criteria:
- Application for adjustment to Permanent Resident immigrant status (I-485) was filed at least 12 months prior to the beginning of the quarter of application.
- Established bona fide domicile (with the exception of registering to vote). See Residency Requirements.
Upon final approval for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) status, students are eligible to apply for Washington State residency if they meet the following criteria:
- Application for adjustment to DACA status (I-821D) was filed at least 12 months prior to the beginning of the quarter of application.
- Established bona fide domicile (with the exception of registering to vote). See Residency Requirements.
Students must provide a copy of the I-797 notice, issued by USCIS, verifying approval of DACA (I-821D). The Employment Authorization Card (EAC) or I-797 notice of approval for the EAC (I-765) will not suffice.
See the example of the I-797 notice of approval of DACA (I-821D).
Note for all DACA students: When completing the Residence Questionnaire, students should note “DACA” at the top of their form. For section 1, students may disregard questions 5a, 5b, and 5c by checking “No” in each box.
Students may apply for Washington State residency for tuition and fee purposes if:
- Students are on an A, E, G, H, I, K, or L.
and - Meet all requirements listed under Residency Requirements (with the exception of registering to vote).
Dependents (spouse/child) of a qualifying visa holder is eligible to establish bona fide domicile. See: Qualifying Visas.
For more information, please reference the Residency FAQs.
If you currently hold one of these visas, and have applied for the visa for at least 12 months prior to the quarter of application, you may apply for residency as any other independent student for tuition purposes. After reviewing the rules and regulations, please fill out a Residence Questionnaire Application (below), and submit it to our office with the proper documentation.
In order to apply as a resident for tuition purposes based on your spouse* working in Washington, the student must submit the following:
- Residence Questionnaire Application
- Proof you have been domiciled in Washington for 12 months.
- A copy of your dependent H4 visa.
- A copy of your spouse's working visa.
- Proof of your spouse working in the state for 12 months.
* Note - because you are married, you are considered "financially independent" for Section 2 on (page 1).
*Any future change in visa status does not guarantee the ability to pay resident tuition in the future. Advance consultation is highly recommended prior to any visa change.
In order to apply as a resident for tuition purposes based on your parent working in Washington, the student must submit the following:
- Residence Questionnaire Application - (page 1) is filled out by the student, and (page 2) is filled out by your parent.
- Proof your parent has been domiciled in Washington for 12 months.
- A copy of your dependent visa.
- A copy of your parent's working visa.
- Proof of your parent working in the state for 12 months.
- A copy of your parent's tax return showing you as a dependent.
Students may apply for Washington State residency for tuition and fee purposes if:
- Student holds a current EAD that is approved and was applied for at least 12 months prior to the quarter of application
and - Meet all requirements listed under Residency Requirements (with the exception of registering to vote).
Students would not be eligible if holding a concurrent non-eligible visa status (most commonly F1, contact the Office of the Registrar to verify for all others).
Military Residency
Current or Former U.S. Military Personnel, Spouse or Child
Current and former U.S. military personnel, and their dependents may be eligible for resident tuition in various ways. The main categories are listed below. Please select the specific category for more details about the requirements, and how to apply for residency at the Tacoma Campus.
If you are granted residency as a service member, you are not eligible for certain state need-based financial aid programs such as Washington College Grant or College Bound. To establish residency in a way that makes you eligible for state need-based aid programs, consider the below:
- If you are newly admitted, but have a primary residence in Washington for period of 12 months prior to the first day of the quarter, please first consider the Residency Affidavit to obtain the resident tuition rate.
- If you are a continuing student, but have established Washington domicile for a period of 12 months after beginning enrollment, please consider completing the Residency Questionnaire to become bona fide resident.
I am seeking residence tuition as a(n):
Please carefully read the sections below and click on the one that applies to you.
Visit our Veteran and Military Resource Center for additional details. Documentation will be need to be submitted to the VMRC.
Visit our Veteran and Military Resource Center for additional details. Documentation will be need to be submitted to the VMRC.
Complete the following to apply for residency:
- Complete the Residence Questionnaire.
- Documentation of the active duty military member's home of record (L.E.S. - Leave and Earnings Statement)
- Documentation showing that Washington legal ties have been maintained while being stationed elsewhere. You need at least three of the following:
- Driver's License
- Voter Registration
- Vehicle Registration
- Bank Account
- Property Ownership
- Upload your documents to the Secure Document Upload Portal
Complete the following to apply for residency:
- Complete the Residence Questionnaire.
- Submit a copy of their DD-214 showing Washington as their place of entry and date separated.
- Provide verification of returning to the state of Washington within 12 months of discharge.
- Upload your documents to the Secure Document Upload Portal.
Eligible Non-Resident Refugees and Asylees
Tuition Reduction for Non-Resident Refugees and Asylees
You are eligible to pay reduced tuition and fees if you are classified as a refugee/asylee by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Your spouse and dependent children are also eligible for this exemption.
The reduction does not classify you as a Washington state resident; however, it reduces the amount of the nonresident portion of tuition. The waiver is restricted to persons who reside in Washington state and to four (4) consecutive quarters from their arrival in Washington state. For additional information, please refer to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), section 478-160-163.
Complete the application section below and attach a copy of your I-94 form, Departure Record, and documentation that attests to your arrival in Washington state. If you are requesting the exemption on behalf of your child or spouse, you must also attach verification of their status, e.g., marriage or birth certificate, top portion of tax return, etc.
Return the application via the Secure Document Upload at the UW Tacoma Registrar's Office.
Tuition Reduction for Non-Resident Refugees and Asylee Application Form
American Indian Students
American Indian students who meet the following two conditions are eligible to pay resident tuition at colleges and universities in the state of Washington:
- For a period of one year immediately prior to enrollment at a state institution of higher education, students must have been domiciled in one or a combination of the following states: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington.
- Students must be a member of one of the federally recognized Indian tribes, as determined under Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations (25CFR), whose traditional and customary tribal boundaries included portions of the state of Washington, or whose tribe was granted reserved lands within the state of Washington.
Review Federally Recognized Tribes Eligible for Resident Tuition in Washington State for a complete list of eligible tribes.
If you qualify under these conditions, please download the Resident Tuition for American Indian Students form.