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Join us every second Tuesday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm for Grit City Think & Drink.
Grit City Think & Drink brings scholars and experts from various disciplines face-to-face with the public in a comfortable, lively atmosphere, either virtually or in person. The evening begins with a presentation or lecture (often interactive) followed by giveaways and a moderated Q&A. Grit City Think & Drink is free to the public and open to all ages.
- School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- 7 Seas Brewing
- Office of Community Partnerships
Hosted by UWT Associate Professor Jim Gawel. Click on each title for more information and the option to add it to your calendar.
Upcoming Events
March 11, 2025
6:30PM - 7:30PM
Location: 7 Seas Brewing, 2101 Jefferson Avenue Tacoma, WA 98402
Sponsored by 7 Seas Brewing!
Self-reflexivity, Media, and the Performance of English Teachers with Daniel Lewis, UW Tacoma
Talk Abstract
In this talk, Dr. Lewis will examine multiple film, television, and other media representations of English (or literature/creative writing) educators in order to explore the ways in which a teacher’s performance in the classroom - their chosen readings/subject matter, word choice, speech patterns, clothes, tone of voice, physicality, and sexuality - are presented as (un)desirable or (un)cool, as admirable or as a source of mockery. Dr. Lewis will discuss how those representations influence the real-world performances of educators at work, showing how these fictional representations of educators shape the real-world performances of actual professors and teachers.
Dr. Daniel Lewis is a professor and avid viewer of movies and shows about professors. His research interests include masculinity studies, including gender performance in film, television, and social media.
April 8, 2025
6:30PM - 7:30PM
Location: 7 Seas Brewing, 2101 Jefferson Avenue Tacoma, WA 98402
Sponsored by 7 Seas Brewing!
Seeds are Portals: Witnessing, Learning & World-Making in Apocalyptic Times with Ilā Ravichandran, UW Tacoma
Talk Abstract
As we witness the horrors of late-stage capitalism unwinding before us at varying frequencies, we have also gotten fleeting glimpses into seed-keepers, who have not had enough staying power in our memories, cultures, or knowledges, yet quietly engaged in a world making process for our collectivities. We might know of seed keepers -- from Indigenous peoples of the Turtle Island to enslaved peoples from Africa to those made into stateless refugees from Palestine --- who resisted, survived, and carried the hope of life and seeds with them. Re-centering these moments through history, my talk offers meditations on seeds as portals of the past, present and future. By encountering seed epistemologies and seed keeping praxis as bridges of resistance and world-making, I attempt to bring seeds back into our consciousness, to highlight the importance of pausing, witnessing, and learning about them and their ability to teach us survival, resilience, resistance, birth, death, destruction, and renewal.
Dr. Ilā Ravichandran is an Assistant Professor of legal studies at the University of Washington Tacoma. She is an interdisciplinary scholar-activist-artist, studying and practicing abolition as a global and local project of taking down carceral systems and simultaneously building up spaces for liberatory world building.
May 13, 2025
6:30PM - 7:30PM
Location: 7 Seas Brewing, 2101 Jefferson Avenue Tacoma, WA 98402
Sponsored by 7 Seas Brewing!
Nonviolence and the Right to Self Defense: A dialogue on feminism, racism and movements for change with Carolyn West and Mike Honey, UW Tacoma
Talk Abstract
This dialogue draws on Carolyn West's teaching, writing and work with the public to curb violence against women and Michael Honey's teaching, writing and work on labor and civil rights history and nonviolence as a means to bring change. They have both been very active in the public sphere and will talk about their experiences with trying to bring about change.
Dr. Carolyn M. West is an award-winning author, internationally recognized speaker and documentary filmmaker, and expert witness. For more than three decades, she has been investigating gender-based violence, with a special focus on domestic violence and sexual assault in the lives of African American women. Dr. West is featured in the upcoming documentary Chris Brown: A History of Violence, which will premiere October 27 on Investigation Discovery.
Founding UWT faculty and emeritus professor Michael Honey brought renowned nonviolence leader James Lawson to campus. With the help of Paul Lovelady, Adam Nolan and others at UWT, he made Lawson's lectures into a film called Love and Solidarity and a book, Revolutionary Nonviolence, Organizing for Freedom. A recipient of Guggenheim, Harvard Radcliffe and other fellowships and book awards, Honey is currently writing a book about his time as a movement organizer in the South after Martin Luther King's death. He has donated part of his civil rights book collection to the UWT Library Chihuly Reading Room.
MISSED A RECENT GRIT CITY THINK & DRINK? You can find past 2023 - 2024 Talks on our Grit City Think&Drink Youtube Channel.
JANUARY 14: Grow your own tropical island, fast! with Marjorie Cantine, Earth and Space Sciences, UW Seattle. YouTube:
NOVEMBER 12: Mind, body, and plate: Biopsychological perspectives on food choice and well-being with Leighann Chaffee, UW Tacoma, Sciences and Mathematics. YouTube:
OCTOBER 8: Le Nain Rouge: The Decolonial Deity of Detroit with Jessi Quizar, UW Tacoma, Urban Studies. YouTube:
JUNE 11: Green Cities: Busting the Myth with Nara Almeida, Ph.D. YouTube:
MAY 14: Queer Stacks: Resisting LGBTQ Book Bans Information from the talk here:
APRIL 9: Radical Adaptation through Inclusive Design with Ann Paradiso (she/her), Principal Research Designer at Microsoft Research and the founder and director of the Microsoft Hands Free Music Project. YouTube:
MARCH 12: A Disappearing Alaskan Permafrost Donut with Joel Eklof (he/him), PhD Candidate in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Washington. YouTube:
FEB 13: Tacoma v. Puyallup Tribe Recognition with Dr. Danica Miller (Puyallup Tribe of Indians), Associate Professor of American Indian Studies at UW Tacoma. YouTubr:
JAN 9: Life Near the Bone: A Journey of Discovery in the Wild with Dr. Ellen Bayer, storyteller and Associate Professor of Environmental Arts & Humanities at the University of Washington Tacoma. YouTube:
DEC: Can VAR Make Soccer an Equitable Game? with Dr. Harvey, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Washington Tacoma. YouTube:
OCT 10: Our earliest ape ancestors’ environments with Kirsten Jenkins (PhD - U Minnesota; BA -WWU), Biological Anthropologist and Archaeologist at Tacoma Community College. YouTube:
SEP 12: Carrots, sticks, and competition – how feedback can contribute to inequalities with Dr. Anna Lovász, Assistant Professor of Economics at UW Tacoma. YouTube:
JULY 12: Putting Students First: Human-Centered Approaches to College Success with Dr. Bonnie Becker, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Associate Professor of Marine Ecology at UW Tacoma. YouTube:
JUNE 13: The History and Science of Brewing with Caitlin Moats, IT Project Manager at UW Tacoma. YouTube:
APRIL 11: New Studies on an Old Poison: Arsenic in Shallow Lakes with Dr. Jim Gawel, Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering at UW Tacoma. Youtube:
MARCH 14: Ewww! Repulsive Renaissance Poetry with Natalie K. Eschenbaum, PhD, Professor and Dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington Tacoma. YouTube:
FEB 14: Is It Really Cheating? Understanding the New Relationship Students Have with Information and Truth with Ander Erickson, assistant professor of mathematics education at the University of Washington Tacoma. YouTube:
JAN 10: Do Some F-ing Yoga and Get Back to Work with Dr. Alex Nutter, teaching professor of media studies and the Vice Chair of Culture, Arts, and Communication at the University of Washington Tacoma. YouTube:
DEC 13: Outdoor Recreation in the Smartphone Age with Rachel Fricke, PhD student in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle. YouTube:
NOV 8: Red snow and pink glaciers: How snow microbiomes help shape the future of alpine snow and glaciers with Robin Kodner, Associate Professor of Environmental Science, Western Washington University. YouTube:
OCT 13: Reflections on four decades of economic development in a Mauritania village with Katie Baird, Professor of Economics, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
APRIL 12: You and the UW Sustainability Action Plan: How can we make it real for all of us? with Marilyn Ostergren, Interim Director, UW Sustainability. YouTube:
MARCH 8: Getting to Net-Zero and Beyond: What are the stakes and what will it take? with Chris Forest, Professor of Climate Dynamics, Pennsylvania State University; Director, Center for Earth System Modeling, Analysis, and Data. (Note: This presentation was not recorded.) Click to view slides provided during the presentation.
FEB 8: They Never Can Jail Us All: My Life in the Freedom Struggle with Michael Honey, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
JAN 11: The Power of Direct Cash Payments: After stimulus checks and Child Tax Credits, are we ready to embrace a Guaranteed Income? with Anne Aurilio, Federal Campaign Director, Economic Security Project. YouTube:
DEC 14: The Politics of Matching, Messaging, and Making the First Move in Online Dating with Riki Thompson, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
NOV 9: If Furniture Could Talk: Culture, Power, and Politics with Ali Modarres, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
OCT 12: Low Cost, Engineered Materials for Enhanced Contaminant Removal in Urban Stormwater with Jessica Ray, UW Seattle. YouTube:
SEPT 14: Barcoding the Sound: Genetic approaches to Quantifying Salish Sea Crustacean Diversity with Kristin Hultgren, Seattle University. YouTube:
AUG 10: Dogs, Rats, and Goats! Oh My!: On the Wonderful World of Nonhuman Humanitarians with Ben Meiches, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
JULY 13: Global Themes in World History since 1500 in Five Images with Libi Sundermann, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
MAY 11: Transnational and spatial stories of becoming Nisei in pre-WWII Tacoma with Mary Hanneman and Lisa Hoffman, UW Tacoma. Youtube:
APRIL 13: Stand up for the earth while you sit down to dinner: Understanding the connections between our food, climate change, and antibiotic resistance in the environment with Jenny Jay, UCLA. Youtube:
MARCH 9: More than a meal: Exploring the diverse ways that fish contribute to society with Julian Olden, UW Seattle. YouTube:
FEB 9: Gender Justice and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People with Charlene Aqpik Apok, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Executive Director, Data for Indigenous Justice; Director of Gender Justice & Healing, Native Movement. YouTube:
JAN 12: When Should We Restrict Hate Speech? A Social Justice Response to Escalating Hatred in the US with Chris Demaske, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
DEC 8: From Black Lives Matter to Black Wives Matter: Exploring How Pornography Has Sexualized Social Justice Movements with Carolyn West, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
NOV 10: Save the Whales: Using Citizen Science to Conserve Alaska’s Critically Endangered Cook Inlet Belugas with Alison Gardell, UW Tacoma. YouTube
OCT 13: Enhancing Inclusivity and Access Using Evidence-Based STEM Teaching Practices with Shannon Seidel, Pacific Lutheran University. YouTube:
SEPT 22: All Districts Are Gerrymandered, But How Matters! with Jim Thatcher, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
SEPT 9: A Tale of Two Plagues: The 1918 Flu Pandemic and the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 with Anna Groat Carmona, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
JULY 14: Volcanic Ecology: Just Add Water with Carri LeRoy, The Evergreen State College. YouTube:
JUNE 9: The Rise of Chinese Wine: A Political Economy Story with Cynthia Howson, UW Tacoma and Pierre Ly, University of Puget Sound.
MAY 12: The Social Value of Property in the Quest for Affordable/Attainable Housing with Anaid Yerena and Rubén Casas, UW Tacoma; Flavia de Ávila, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil. YouTube:
APRIL 14: Global Competition of Social Messaging Platforms with Huatong Sun, UW Tacoma. YouTube:
FEB 11: Smokey Bear: Friend or Foe of our Forests? with Maureen Kennedy, UW Tacoma
JAN 14: We Are Puget Sound - Stories of Hope with Mindy Roberts, Washington Environmental Council