Main Content
The need for improved access to mathematics education for all citizens is eloquently presented in the executive summary of Foundations For Success: The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008):
"The eminence, safety, and well-being of nations have been entwined for centuries with the ability of their people to deal with sophisticated quantitative ideas. Leading societies have commanded mathematical skills that have brought them advantages in medicine and health, in technology and commerce, in navigation and exploration, in defense and finance, and in the ability to understand past failures and to forecast future developments…. There are consequences to a weakening of American independence and leadership in mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering. We risk our ability to adapt to change. We risk technological surprise to our economic viability and to the foundations of our country’s security…. The national workforce of future years will surely have to handle quantitative concepts more fully and more deftly than at present. So will the citizens and policy leaders who deal with the public interest in positions of civic leadership. Sound education in mathematics across the population is a national interest."
To declare the math minor please reach out to your academic advisor. You must have earned a minimum of 45 credits and declared a major before declaring a minor. If you have any questions about this process, please see your advisor.
Courses used as part of the minor must have a minimum grade of 2.0 for each course. At least 8 credits of the coursework applied to the minor must be outside of the student's major(s) requirements. Students must earn a minimum 10 credits of TMATH courses taken in residence at UW Tacoma. Advanced Placement (AP) credit may only count for up to 11 credits of the minor.
Required Courses (15 credits):
- TMATH 125 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
- TMATH 126 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
- TMATH 300 Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning
Minor Electives (17 credits):
Of these 17 credits, students must earn a minimum of 12 credits from at least three courses numbered at 300-level or above. That is, no more than 5 credits can be satisfied by a course numbered below 300.
- TBECON 420 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (5)
- TCSS 321 Discrete Structures I (5)
- TCSS 322 Discrete Structures II (5)
- TCSS 343 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (5)
- TESC 430 Environmental Modeling (6)
- TESC 490 Special Topics in Quantitative Studies (1-7, max 7)
- TMATH 207 Introduction to Differential Equations (5) (formerly TMATH 307)
- TMATH 208 Matrix Algebra with Applications (5) (formerly TMATH 308)
- TMATH 210 Intermediate Statistics with Applications (5) (formerly TMATH 310)
- TMATH 224 Multivariable Calculus (5) (formerly TMATH 324)
- TMATH 316 Financial Mathematics (5)
- TMATH 342 Applied Topology (5)
- TMATH 344 Fundamentals of Geometry (5)
- TMATH 390 Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Science (5)
- TMATH 393 Introduction to Probability Models (5)
- TMATH 402 Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (5)
- TMATH 403 Abstract Algebra II (5)
- TMATH 410 Regression Modeling with Applications (5)
- TMATH 412 Cryptography: Theory & Practice (5) or TCSS 487 Cryptography (may receive elective credit for one class only)
- TMATH 413 Coding Theory (5)
- TMATH 420 History of Mathematics (5)
- TMATH 424 Real Analysis I (5) (formerly TMATH 327)
- TMATH 425 Real Analysis II (5) (formerly TMATH 328)
- TMATH 427 Complex Analysis (5)
- TMATH 495 Collaborative Mathematics Research Experience (3)
- TMATH 498 Directed Readings in Mathematics (1-5)
- TME 311 Computational Physical Modeling II
- TME 351 Engineering Probability and Statistics
Core Courses
- Required courses:
- TMATH 125 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
- TMATH 126 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
- Plus any TWO of the following three courses:
- TMATH 300 Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning
- TMATH 307 Introduction to Differential Equations
- TMATH 308 Matrix Algebra with Applications
Minor Electives
12 credits of courses numbered 300 or higher that were not counted in the required courses:
- TBECON 420 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (5)
- TBUS 301 Quantitative Methods (5)
- TCSS 321 Discrete Structures I (5)
- TCSS 322 Discrete Structures II (5)
- TCSS 343 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (5)
- TESC 430 Environmental Modeling (6)
- TESC 490 Special Topics in Quantitative Studies (1-7, max 7)
- TMATH 210 Intermediate Statistics with Applications (5) (formerly TMATH 310)
- TMATH 300 Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning (5)
- TMATH 307 Introduction to Differential Equations (5)
- TMATH 308 Matrix Algebra with Applications (5)
- TMATH 324 Multivariable Calculus (5)
- TMATH 344 Fundamentals of Geometry (5)
- TMATH 390 Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Science (5)
- TMATH 402 Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (5)
- TMATH 403 Abstract Algebra II (5)
- TMATH 410 Regression Modeling with Applications (5)
- TMATH 412 Cryptography: Theory & Practice (5) or TCSS 487 Cryptography (may receive elective credit for one class only)
- TMATH 413 Coding Theory (5)
- TMATH 420 History of Mathematics (5)
- TMATH 424 Real Analysis I (5) (formerly TMATH 327)
- TMATH 425 Real Analysis II (5) (formerly TMATH 328)
- TMATH 427 Complex Analysis (5)
- TMATH 498 Directed Readings in Mathematics (1-5)
Additional Requirements
- Minimum grade of 2.0 for each course used as part of the minor.
- At least 8 credits must be outside of students' major(s).
- Advanced Placement (AP) credit may only count for up to 11 credits of the minor.
- At least 12 credits of courses numbered 300 or higher to be taken in residence at the UW Tacoma.
Mathematics Minor Objectives
- To strengthen student facility with quantitative analysis in their chosen discipline
Current mathematics offerings at UW Tacoma support science, technology, and business students across campus. With a few well-selected upper-division courses, these students can complete mathematics minors and thereby document their analytical strengths to prospective employers.
- To provide necessary content for future teachers
By providing greater mathematical content in student-centered, active learning environments, we can support prospective and in-service mathematics teachers. The UW Tacoma Education department is currently developing a secondary mathematics endorsement. Native mathematics minors may increase demand for this line of engagement. The focus of the endorsement is methodology, pedagogy, theory and practice. The necessary mathematical context is expected to be mastered before enrolling. By improving our mathematics offerings, we will assist those pre-service teachers in need of further mathematical studies, making the proposed endorsement a more attractive option.
Graduates will pursue careers in teaching, finance, science, engineering and professional fields such as law and medicine with stronger documentation of their analytical abilities.
Educational Outcomes
The study of mathematics emphasizes exposure to the core foundational areas of analysis, modern algebra, and geometry. A mathematician's skill set includes the technical tools specific to each area as well as the development of critical thinking skills necessary for logical reasoning. A student completing a minor in Mathematics should be able to:
- Demonstrate mathematical skill with basic computational tools and methods.
- Use analytical reasoning to organize and write strong arguments.
- Demonstrate understanding of at least one foundational area of mathematics.
- Apply mathematical theory to another discipline.