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Requirements overview
Students should plan to enroll in TNPRFT 490, Nonprofit Practicum, having completed all other required courses or are co-registered for their final required course. Since the goal of the Nonprofit Practicum course is to synthesize classroom theory with hands-on experiences in a non-profit organization, the Nonprofit Practicum course should be taken last.
The Nonprofit Studies minor requires 25 credits. All courses in the minor must be completed with a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Please see an adviser to discuss details.
- Nonprofit Core Course: 5 credits
- Nonprofit Organizations: 5 credits
- Nonprofit Financial Literacy/Grant Writing: 5 credits
- Electives: 5 credits minimum
- TBUS 300 Managing Organizations (if not taken for Organizations credits)
- TMGMT 465 Board Governance I and TMGMT 466 Board Governance II (7 credits)
- TNPRFT 432 Organization Development (if not taken for Organizations credits)
- TNPRFT 448 Cultural Administration and Policy
- TNPRFT 451 Essentials of Grant Writing (if not taken for Financial Literacy/Grant Writing credits)
- TNPRFT 453 Nonprofit Financial Literacy (if not taken for Financial Literacy/Grant Writing credits)
- TNPRFT 455 Philanthropy and Social Change
- Elective (5 credits) to be determined in conjunction with the nonprofit faculty
- Nonprofit Practicum: 5 credits
The requirements for completing the Nonprofit Studies minor or certificate program include an internship as part of TNPRFT 490. The general guidelines for this internship follow:
- Internships involve spending 12 hours per week for ten weeks on an approved project. These 12 hours per week are a combination of time spent working at the internship site and research and study related to the approved project.
- Internship projects should involve substantive, policy-oriented work. The goal is to use the internship to connect the theory that students have learned in the classroom with the experience of getting things accomplished in a non-profit organization.
- Internships should be done with a nonprofit or community-based organization and must be linked to a social purpose. Your internship should not consist of something that you already do as part of your job or volunteer experience. The goal of the nonprofit studies internship is to give students an opportunity to try out something new and to expand their experience.
- SIAS Internship guidelines and forms
Once your internship contract is signed by you, Ruth Bernstein (internship supervisor) and your site supervisor, you can obtain an entry code to register for the course.