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School of Education Newsletter, Volume 6, issue 3
Update from the Dean

Dear Friends of the School of Education,
In this edition of E3, I am delighted to share several accomplishments and milestones. We are honored to welcome our first undergraduate student cohort in our 32-year history at UW Tacoma. Our BA in Education cohort, under the leadership of Dr. Julia Aguirre, just started their cohort courses this spring 2024. The School of Education is also looking forward to our commencement activities and will have more to share in our summer 2024 newsletter but there are two major milestones to celebrate: (1) the graduation of our inaugural EdS in School Psychology Program cohort, who started with us in autumn 2021, and (b) the graduation of our MEd Muckleshoot cohort, who started with us in autumn 2022.
In this edition of E3, I am delighted to share several accomplishments and milestones. We are honored to welcome our first undergraduate student cohort in our 32-year history at UW Tacoma. Our BA in Education cohort, under the leadership of Dr. Julia Aguirre, just started their cohort courses this spring 2024. The School of Education is also looking forward to our commencement activities and will have more to share in our summer 2024 newsletter but there are two major milestones to celebrate: (1) the graduation of our inaugural EdS in School Psychology Program cohort, who started with us in autumn 2021, and (b) the graduation of our MEd Muckleshoot cohort, who started with us in autumn 2022.
I also am delighted to announce that Noemi Duncan has been elected as the School of Education’s Associated Students of UW Tacoma Representative for the academic year 2024-2025. I would like to take a moment to thank our outgoing ASUWT Representative, Santino Wong, for his leadership this past academic year 2023-2024.
I am incredibly inspired by the accomplishments of our alumni, current students, faculty, and staff. In this edition of E3, we feature several examples of their accomplishments.
Finally, I thank Brian Anderson and Cody Clark from the Office of Advancement, along with Janne Heckeroth and Taylor Merwin, for their support in creating this edition of our E3 newsletter.
Rachel Endo
Dean & Professor, School of Education
Welcoming our Inaugural BA in Education Cohort!
UW Tacoma's School of Education is honored to officially welcome our first cohort of undergraduate students into the new Bachelor of Arts in Education program. This historic launch under the leadership of Dr. Julia Aguirre, Professor and Faculty Director of our graduate and undergraduate Teacher Certification Programs, expands our School's offerings and aims to prepare the next generation of caring and equity-minded educators. Students started their cohort classes this spring 2024. Click here to learn more about the cohort and students.
Remarks from Noemi Duncan, Incoming School of Education ASUWT Representative

Noemi Duncan was recently elected to serve as the School of Education’s Associated Students of UW Tacoma representative this academic year 2024-2025 and offers. Dean Rachel Endo would like to thank the School of Education’s outgoing ASUWT representative, Santino Wong, for his leadership this past academic year. To learn more about ASUWT, visit:
Greetings to all! For those who have not had the chance to meet me yet, my name is Noemi. I am currently a junior transitioning into my senior year at UW Tacoma.
I am so excited to step foot into becoming your ASUWT senator for the School of Education this upcoming 2024-2025 academic year.
It is an honor to be a part of the first ever Bachelor of Arts in Education cohort here in the School of Education and have a chance to represent all students within the school. I am looking forward to working closely with the staff and gaining feedback from students to ensure the needs of students are heard and taken action upon.
You will often see me around campus between my on-campus job, being a president of a Registered Student Organization (RSO)) here on campus, and now stepping into ASUWT in this role.
Feel free to contact me as I am ecstatic to get to know you all and assist you through your journey. I may be reached at
Congratulations to Education & Community Engagement Minor, Danalyn Lia Fernandez

Congratulations Danalyn Lia Fernandez, a pscyhology major in Psychology completing a minor in Education & Community Engagement, who has been honored twice this spring.
First, she was named as a member of the UW Husky 100, which recognizes 100 UW undergraduate and graduate students across the tri-campus system who are making the most of their time at the UW. Fernandez is one of seven recipients of this prestigious award at UW Tacoma.
Then it was announced that Danalyn is receiving the 2024 UW President's Medal. Each year, the President's Medalist is selected from the graduating seniors with the most distinguished academic record. This very high honor will be presented at the UW Tacoma Commencement Ceremony on June 7.
Get to Know Staff Member Janne Heckeroth

The School of Education is delighted to announce that Janne Heckeroth has joined UW Tacoma, in a split role with us and the AAPI THRIVE team on April 8, 2024 as our new Administrative Assistant. In this role, she reports directly to Donna Braboy, Office Supervisor in the School of Education and Nestor Enguerra Jr, Project Director of the AAPI THRIVE team. She holds a BA in Graphic Design from the International Academy of Design & Technology and a BS in Information Technology from AMA Computer University in the Philippines.
Q1: Tell us a bit about your background.
I spent my formative years in the Philippines before relocating to Botswana, Africa, at the age of eight, where I spent a significant portion of my childhood until high school. Following my time in Botswana, I returned to the Philippines to pursue my college education. Subsequently, in 2008, I ventured to Seattle, driven by a desire to reunite with family and explore professional opportunities in the area.
Q2: What drew you to UW Tacoma?
Working at UW Tacoma offers a dynamic environment fostering academic excellence and collaboration within a diverse and inclusive community. I chose UW Tacoma for its conducive environment that empowers me to excel in my role. The collaborative and welcoming atmosphere appealed to me, where I feel valued and respected, which is a stark contrast to the impersonal dynamics of larger corporations where I felt like a mere cog in the machinery, lacking appreciation regardless of my dedication and efforts.
Q3: What hobbies do you enjoy doing outside of work?
In my spare time, I indulge in a diverse range of hobbies, I love to read books and delving deep in the immersive world of video games. Additionally, I enjoy expressing my creativity through various artistic pursuits, including crafting and DIY projects at home. As a devoted Anime/Pop Culture enthusiast, I eagerly participate in conventions to connect with fellow fans and celebrate the vibrant Anime/Pop Culture community. Whenever circumstances allow, I seize the opportunity to explore new travel destinations with my husband.
Quote from Donna Braboy, Office Supervisor and Nestor Enguerra Jr, AAPI THRIVE Project Director:
Drawing on a rich professional history of executive assistance and project coordination, Janne brings invaluable experience to our respective teams. She has supported esteemed professionals across diverse industries from pivotal roles at distinguished companies like Steve Madden, Expedia, Harper Engineering, and Google. Her steadfast commitment to excellence makes her a dynamic asset to our respective teams.
EdD Faculty Program Director Update

Following an international search for a new Faculty Program Director in our EdD in Educational Leadership Program, the School of Education was unable to secure a viable candidate to join our team.
After consulting with campus leadership and our Elected Faculty Council, we agreed that maintaining stability for the program is our top priority. We are grateful to share that Dr. Christopher Knaus, a Professor in the School of Education and Founding Director (2013-2016), has agreed to serve as EdD Director through AY 2025-2026. Dr. Knaus served exceptionally well as Interim EdD Director this AY 2023-2024, bringing much-needed stability to the program. We are also grateful that Dr. Michelle Montgomery, a Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary & Sciences, has agreed to continue supporting the EdD Muckleshoot cohort in partnership with the EdD program, at least through the end of AY 2024-2025.
In the coming months, the EdD program and the School of Education as a whole will assess the program’s longer-term priorities, including permanent leadership needs. We will keep stakeholders apprised of new developments.
Finally, special thanks to the search advisory committee- they ran an excellent search from start to finish: Dr. Christopher Knaus (Chair), Dr. Dawn Hardison-Stevens, Dr. José Rios, Dr. M. Billye Sankofa Waters, Ashley Walker, and student reps Dennis Denman (on-campus cohort) and Madrienne White (Muckleshoot cohort).
School of Education Latinx Faculty Recognized at UW Latino Center for Health Event

The Latino Center for Health at UW recognized UW Tacoma School of Education faculty members Professor Dr. Julia Aguirre and Associate Professor Dr. José Rios as honorees at the Sixth Latinx Faculty Recognition Event. This special event honored the scholarly achievements of Latinx faculty across the tri-campuses of the University of Washington between 2022-2024. This inaugural event took place on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at the Lyceum in the HUB at the Seattle Campus.
Dr. Amy Maharaj Madeo recipient of 2024 Dean’s Distinguished Service Award

Dr. Rachel Endo, Dean of the School of Education at UW Tacoma, is pleased to announce that Dr. Amy Maharaj Madeo (2023 EdD Muckleshoot Cohort alumna) is the recipient of the Dean’s Distinguished Service Award for her outstanding service at all levels. In addition to serving on the UW Tacoma School of Education’s Advisory Board and launching our Colloquium Series in 2020, Dr. Maharaj Madeo has served exceptionally well as a part-time lecturer in our graduate and undergraduate Teacher Certification Programs, providing equity-conscious leadership to support their professional development as aspiring classroom teachers.
Dr. Maharaj Madeo notes: "I am beyond honored to have received the Dean's Distinguished Service Award. I am so grateful to have worked with an amazing team at UW Tacoma on creating new programs and pathways for underserved students, such as the formation of the Muckleshoot Doctoral Cohort - in which I was honored to be a part of. I continue to serve as a part-time instructor to wonderful students and on the School of Education Advisory Board; in which I am in awe of Dean Endo and the other members and their commitment to equity and inclusion."
Faculty, Staff, Student & Alumni Accomplishments
We are proud to spotlight the accomplishments of some of our amazing alumni/current students, faculty, and staff. These are not exhaustive.
Julia Aguirre, Professor
- Aguirre was cited in a Newsweek article titled "Young Students Gravitate to Math. How Teachers Can Build on That Curiosity” (May 28, 2024). Click here to read the full article:
Kathleen Beaudoin, Associate Professor
- Beaudoin, K. (2023, July). Serving students with social-emotional behavioral needs: Supporting teachers through best practice PD. Paper presented at the annual Division of International Special Education and Services. Bangalore, India.
Kawena Begay, Assistant Professor
- Gabrielsen, T. P., Begay, K. K., Campbell, K., Hahn, K., & Harrington, L. T. (2023). Assessment of autism in females and atypical presentations. Springer.
- Feuerborn, L. L., Begay, K. K., Tyre, A. D., & Wallace, C. (2024, February). Centering student voice in behavior & discipline systems. Mini-skills presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Convention 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rachel Endo, Professor
- Hartlep, N., (75%), & Endo, R. (25%) (2024). Exploring leadership diversity in educator preparation programs: An Asian/Americanist Perspective. Thought Leadership Series, American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education. To view the full 6-part series, visit:
- Endo, R. (03/2024). An Asian/American woman leader reflects on disrupting academia’s dehumanizing spaces: A Third World Feminist perspective. National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education Annual Conference. Seattle, WA
- Hartlep, N., & Endo, R. (05/2024). Beyond recruitment and retention: Building intentional pathways for Asian/Americans and other BIPOC faculty to advance in educator preparation leadership roles. Thought Series Webinar for the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education.
- Endo, R. (05/2024). Invited keynote panelist. Career education for career readiness and community impact. With City of Tacoma Mayor Victoria Woodards, Dawn Michele Whitehead (American Association of Colleges & Universities Vice President of the Office of Global Citizenship), and Divya McMilian (Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation & Global Engagement at UW Tacoma). UW Tacoma Annual Global Engagement Conference. Tacoma, WA.
- Endo, R. (05/2024). Invited panelist. Forever foreigners or honorary Whites? The Asian ethnic experience today forum. With Senator John Liu, Honorable L. Austin D’Souza, Kevin Kumashiro, Sandy Hahn, and Rupam Saran. The Medgar Evers College President’s Anti-Hate Initiative. Brooklyn, NY (04/2024). Learn more:…
- Endo, R. (03/2024). Beyond recruitment and retention: Equity-conscious approaches to mentoring and supporting BIPOC faculty. Co-sponsored by the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s College of Education & Human Services Diversity, Equity, Access, & Inclusion Committee; Center for Faculty Excellence; and Office of Diversity & Equity, Access & Inclusion.
- Invited featured speaker with Tanya Velasquez, UW Tacoma (11/2023). The dual pandemics. University of Washington Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity Radical Listening Session on Interrupting Privilege Project. Also: Featured UW scholars for Northwest African American Museum showcase of project in spring 2024.
- Workshop facilitator (09/2023). Decolonizing mentoring: A praxis primer for BIPOC mentors. Associated Colleges of the South, Cross-Institutional Faculty of Color Mentoring Program.
Dawn Hardison-Stevens, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Hardison-Stevens was recently recognized with the 2024 WSIEA Higher Education Indian Educator of the Year. 39th Washington State Indian Education Association Conference, Auburn, WA.
- Hardison-Stevens, D. (2024). Honorably renaming instruction: The John McCoy (lulila?) Since Time Immemorial Curriculum. SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL Tribal Sovereignty in Washington Educator Preparation Program Newsletter, Spring, 1-3.
Chris Knaus, Professor
- Gumbo, M. T., Knaus, C. B., & Gasa, V. G. (2024). Decolonising the African doctorate: Transforming the foundations of knowledge. Higher Education,
- Knaus, C. B., & Rogers-Ard, R. (2023). Critical race teacher leadership: Leading anti-racist systems change. Urban Education: Special Issue (Online First).
- Knaus, C. B., Rogers-Ard, R., & Wilson, K. O. (2024). Black Seeds within Burning Plantations: Sustaining Blackness within anti-Black Institutions. Presented to the 36th Annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in Higher Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Sankofa Waters, M. B., Knaus, C. B., & Smith, M. P. (2024). Decolonising Intertwined Minds: Dreaming Across Anti-Black Societies. Presented to the 12th Teacher Education and Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Ezulwini, Eswatini.
- Knaus, C. B., Rogers-Ard, R., & Wilson, K.O. (2024). Teacher shortage or system design? Responding to systemic racism through Critical Race Theory centered grow your own pathways. Presented to the Critical Questions in Education Conference Academy for Educational Studies, New Orleans, LA.
- Knaus, C. B., Rogers-Ard, R., & Wilson, K.O. (2023). Anti-Blackness in the bones of our schools: Reimagining and decolonising educational leadership. Presented to the 5th International Conference on Educational Leadership and Management, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Miranda Kucera, Assistant Teaching Professor
- Dr. Kucera was named to serve on the Technical Assistance Brief subcommittee of the Graduate Educators Committee with the National Association of School Psychologists.
- Blazen, J., Kucera, M., & Beam, TK (2024, February). Balancing advocacy and self-care as a queer school-based practitioner. Practitioner conversation presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
José Rios, Associate Professor
- Rios, J. M. (2023). Seeing science, engineering, and sustainability all around us: The community science and engineering walk [Presenter]. Washington Science Teachers Association Annual Science Education Conference 2023, Chehalis, WA.
M. Billye Sankofa Waters, Assistant Professor
- Richards, D., Muhammad, G., Grace, W., May, K. Reid, S., Sankofa Waters, M. B., & Winn, M. (2023). “Love liberates”: A kitchen-table talk on Black liberatory education. Equity & Excellence in Education, 56(4), 495-512, DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2023.2291903
- Muhammad, G., Sankofa Waters, M. B., & Reid, S. (2023). Editorial. Equity & Excellence in Education, 56(4), 493-494, DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2023.2291904
- Sankofa Waters, M. B. (2023). For the culture. Equity & Excellence in Education, 56(4), 513-516, DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2023.2298581
- Sankofa Waters, M. B. (2023). Graphic design: Educational reparations for 40 years of reform. In B. Love, Punished for dreaming: How school reform harms Black children and how we heal (p. 280). St. Martin’s Press.
- Sankofa Waters, M. B., Knaus, C. B., & Smith, M. P. (2024). Decolonising Intertwined Minds: Dreaming Across Anti-Black Societies. Presented to the 12th Teacher Education and Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Ezulwini, Eswatini.
Sae saem Yoon, Assistant Professor
- Anderson, K., Rodriguez-Martinez, S, & Yoon, S. (2024). Educators’ stancetaking on standardized English: From prescriptivist to critically conscious and somewhere in-between. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 1-16.
- Yoon, S. (2024). Engaging preservice teachers’ critical consciousness through drama. Roundtable presentation at the 2024 American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, April 11-13, Philadelphia, PA.
- Yoon, S., Basu, M. (2024). Exploring the role of creative assessment in students’ understanding of diversity. Paper presentation at the 2024 American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, April 11-13, Philadelphia, PA.
- Yoon, S., Chaomuangkhong, T., Ozbek-Damar, S. (2024). Making ripples in the water: A critical duoethnography of foreign-born teacher educators of color. Presentation at the American Association for Applied Linguistics, March 16-19, Houston, TX.
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