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Transfer credit policy (Graduate School Degree Requirements)
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Graduate School
FERPA Information
The grading system for graduate students is covered in the Graduate School Policy Directory.
Additionally, an Incomplete received in a course required for certification must be converted into a passing grade by beginning of the next quarter. An Incomplete will remain a permanent part of the student record. Refer to the Teacher Certification Program Policies and Procedures for the TCP Incomplete Policy.
Low Scholarship
Grades below 2.7 are interpreted as failure to master relevant program standards. Any student who at term's end has earned a grade below 2.7 in a required course will be required to retake the course. All student transcripts are reviewed at the end of each quarter. Those students earning below a 2.7 in any one course, a quarterly GPA below a 3.0 , and/or a cumulative GPA of below 3.0 will be referred to the Graduate Faculty Council.
See below for the UW Tacoma Education Program's Retention and Dismissal Policy.
Updated February 2024
The School of Education follows UW Tacoma's and UW's general policy for grade appeals.
To maintain graduate status, a student must be enrolled on a full-time, part-time, or official on-leave basis from the time of first enrollment in the Graduate School until completion of all requirements for the graduate degree. Registration is required when applying for the master's degree and receiving the degree. Summer quarter on-leave enrollment is automatic for all graduate students who were either registered or officially on leave the prior spring quarter. Failure to maintain continuous enrollment constitutes evidence that the student has resigned from the Graduate School. To be eligible for on-leave status, the student must have registered for, and completed at least one quarter in the University of Washington Graduate School. The student must also have been registered or officially on leave for the immediate past quarter (except summer).
On-leave policy: Students will be required to complete an on-leave form and pay the fee for EACH quarter they wish to be on leave. Continue to check here for updated information: Graduate on leave status
Reinstatement fee: If a student becomes inactive (does not go on-leave and does not register for any given quarter) and wishes to enroll in a future quarter, there will be a $250 reinstatement fee. Reinstatement information.
Students are responsible for knowing policies and procedures as outlined by the UW Graduate School, the School of Education, and the University of Washington Tacoma.
Retention and dismissal policy: The retention and dismissal policy of the University of Washington Tacoma School of Education outlines the policy and procedures regarding review for low scholarship and satisfactory progress for all students enrolled in the School of Education. Academic standards and satisfactory progress are outlined separately for all Master of Education (MEd) students except for specific modifications outlined for students enrolled in the Teacher Certification Program (TCP) and for those students enrolled in the Educational Administrator Certification program (EdAd). All students regardless of program are expected to meet Standards for Essential Abilities and Dispositions for Admission and Continuance in the School of Education at the University of Washington Tacoma.
Professional Support Plans (formal and informal) are meant to help students name, plan, and grow in specific areas of TCP Dispositions and/or equitable teaching practices. On an interpersonal level, this process is restorative for relationships; on a professional level, this process supports students to work toward SOE and WA state requirements for teacher certification. This process may call attention to one or more Standards for Essential Skills and Dispositions, and the process itself embodies one specific element of the Self-Awareness disposition:
“Accept and integrate feedback to improve practice in university and K-12 settings from faculty, staff, field supervisors, mentor teachers, administrators and other professionals.”
TCP Informal Professional Support Plan
TCP Formal Professional Support Plan
As students, it is your responsibility to check with the University Book Store and the Copy Center to determine whether there are course materials available for your class. In addition, it is expected that you download additional course materials via Canvas and electronic library course reserves. Faculty who wish for you to download materials from Canvas prior to the first class will inform you of the Canvas course access code via email prior to the first day of class.
Please make it a habit to check Canvas, email and course reserves regularly during the quarter for updates in course materials. Obtaining and utilizing all the required materials will contribute to your success in your classes. We appreciate your cooperation in working with the program to streamline course communication and document distribution.
Student Engagement Funding Resources
Student Engagement offer funding sources for events, trainings and conferences as provided by the Services and Activities Fee Committee (SAFC). Please be sure to review all of the guidelines and fill out the appropriate forms completely, attaching any necessary documentation. Click here to learn more.
Proof of immunization
All enrolled students are required to provide proof of measles (rubeola) immunity. Students will not be allowed to register for any classes until the UW Tacoma Registrar's Office confirms that they have satisfied this requirement. Students born before 1/1/57 are considered to be immune to measles and therefore do NOT need to submit proof of immunity.
Updated: June 29, 2021
The School of Education at UW Tacoma recently implemented minor revisions to our tuition-exemption policy, effective summer 2021. Under our revised policy, the School of Education supports eligible Washington State employees (under RCW.28B.15.558) to enroll on a *space-available basis in up to 12 credits of allowable courses in our Master of Education (MEd) for Practicing Educators degree program.
Eligible students may now choose whichever eligible courses that fall within the 12-credit maximum using their tuition-exemption benefits, with the exceptions of restrictions noted in Section B.
- Students with non-matriculated status are not eligible for any tuition-exemption benefit.
- Courses that are not eligible for tuition-exemption benefits include: independent study, culminating project/practicum, fieldwork, or distance learning (online), at any time, per RCW RCW.28B.15.558.
- At this time, only our MEd for Practicing Educators degree program is eligible for the tuition-exemption benefits. Other academic programs in the School of Education, such as EdS in School Psychology, Teacher Certification, Educational Administration, or EdD in Educational Leadership, are not eligible.
- Current students who were admitted prior to summer 2020 only: the window to use prior benefits expired in spring 2021. Therefore, you will be covered under this new policy if applicable.
In order to maintain the academic integrity of each course and to ensure every student receives the resources needed to reach degree completion, class-size maximums of all classes will be strictly adhered to. The time schedule will display the maximum enrollment for each course. Additional class sections will not be added solely to accommodate any student(s) using tuition-exemption benefits.