Main Content
Our Mission
Our mission is to contribute to a vibrant community of staff members at UW Tacoma. We strive to advocate for all staff by fostering trust and building relationships, identifying opportunities and resources to encourage growth and empowerment, and facilitating connection and inclusivity.

Share your ideas
Have a great idea to build community on campus? See an opportunity for improvement somewhere? Let us know!
Show your spirit
While the staff at UW Tacoma are ALL top notch, we all know someone that has that something special, whether it's consistent collegiality or knocking a project out of the park. Let that special someone know they're appreciated by nominating them for an award!
Make a Connection
The UWTSA Connections Program is an awesome opportunity to meet other UW Tacoma employees outside of your department. New to campus and interested in a veteran staff's perspective? Want a buddy to attend campus events with? Sign up today!
Find a resource
Being one of many parts that make up the University of Washington enterprise comes with lots of perks -- but it can also be tricky to navigate. We've curated some helpful links to staff resources in one place to make it a little easier.
Upcoming UWTSA Events
Get in touch
Have questions? Want to learn more about campus or volunteer at an event? Drop us a line at, and a member of our team will get back to you!
Teams Site
Check out the UWTSA Teams site for recent announcements and helpful posts from across campus. Membership is updated quarterly, but drop us a line for any access issues.