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Core Student Learning Goals
Inquiry and Critical Thinking
- inquiry & problem solving: collect, evaluate, and analyze information and resources to solve problems or answer questions.
- research methods & application: approach complex issues by taking a large question and breaking it down into manageable pieces.
- synthesis & context: make meaningful connections among assignments and readings in order to develop a sense of the ‘big picture.’
- argumentation: formulate an original thesis-driven argument and sustain it in both written and verbal communication.
- analysis: identify, analyze, and summarize/represent the key elements of a text.
- disciplinary awareness: enter/place themselves into an existing dialogue (intellectual, political, etc.).
- expression of ideas: express ideas clearly in writing and speaking in order to synthesize and evaluate information before presenting it.
Global Perspective-Diversity-Civic Engagement
- disciplinary perspective: understand events and processes as ‘disciplinarily’ situated.
- global perspective: interact with concepts, ideas, and processes related to the interdependences between personal, local, and global relationships.
- diversity: think outside of cultural norms and values, including their own perspectives, to critically engage the larger world.
- civic engagement: interact with concepts, ideas, and processes related to civic engagement.
Quantitative Literacy
- Use quantitative evidence (including statistics, graphs, etc.) in support of an argument.
- Analyze and evaluate a chart or graph and interpret it (through discussion, a written assignment, etc.)
- Find quantitative data to support an argument.