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OUE in person testing services have temporarily been placed on hold until further notice. Please email for information regarding remote testing or visit our Math Directed Self Placement website.
All incoming students are highly encouraged to take the Math Placement Test, even if you do not currently plan on a major with math related prerequisites. Research shows it is quite common for students to change their major at least once in their college career. College is an exciting time of academic and personal exploration and it can be hard to tell how our interests may change over the next couple years of study. Having a Math Placement Test on file will prepare you for that possibility and by doing so early, you ensure that your math skills are at their freshest. Being successful involves being prepared. Be ready for the possibility of change and don’t let a missing Math Placement Test score hold you back from declaring the major that’s best for you.
UW Tacoma administers The New Generation Accuplacer (starting January 7, 2019). The New Generation Accuplacer is an adaptive, computer-based math placement test. The purpose of math placement testing is to place you into a math course appropriate to your skill level in order to ensure your success. You do not "pass" or "fail" the placement test, but it is very important that you do your best to have an accurate measure of your mathematic skills. You need to have a math placement test on file before registering for any math classes, unless you meet one of the exemptions listed below.
We accept official Accuplacer scores which are less than two years old from other colleges and universities. If you have already taken the Accuplacer Math Placement Test at another institution, please send your score report to for review.
- We will continue to accept Classic Accuplacer scores, if they were taken between January 7, 2017 to January 7, 2019.
- We also accept official Academic Placement Testing Program (APTP) scores showing placement into pre-calculus and above.
- UW Tacoma does not accept COMPASS mathematics assessment scores or ALEKS Placement Scores.
- Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA): Students that have taken the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) in high school can send a copy of their official score report to our office for review. You can either email the score report to: or drop it off at the Office of Undergraduate Education (located in the GWP 102 suite).
- With a score of 1 or 2 on the SBA, students will begin test on Quantitative, Reasoning, Algebra, & Statistics section
- With a score of 3 or 4 on the SBA, students will begin test on the Advanced Algebra & Functions section
Currently, the Office of Undergraduate Education only administers tests to admitted UW Tacoma students.
UW Tacoma administers the New Generation Accuplacer, which is an adaptive, computer-based math placement test. Questions are chosen on the basis of your answers to previous questions. There is no time limit on the test, so you can give each question as much thought as you need. You cannot skip a question or go back and change your answer, so it is important to take the time and double check your work before submitting an answer. If you do not know the answer to a question, try to eliminate one or more of the choices, then pick from the remaining choices.
You begin with the Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics Test (twenty questions). Based on the results you may then automatically progress to either the Advanced Algebra and Functions Test (twenty questions) or the Arithmetic Test (twenty questions) based on your performance.
It is recommended that you allow approximately two hours to complete the test. The test is not timed, so you may take as long as you need.
You will need to take the math placement test if you have not yet completed the prerequisites for these courses at the college level:
• Intermediate Algebra (eg. TMATH 098).
• Statistics course (eg. TMATH 110 or THLTH 320).
• Precalculus (eg. TMATH 115, TMATH 116 & TMATH 120) or any further courses in the Calculus series.
Other college courses with college level math prerequisites.
You are exempt from taking the math placement exam if you:
• Have already earned college credit (2.0 GPA or higher) in Intermediate Algebra, Precalculus or Calculus.
• Received a Calculus AP score of 2 or higher in either Calculus AB or BC (must have a subscore of 3, 4, or 5 on BC test).
• Earned a IB Mathematics score of 4 or higher.
If you are uncertain about whether you need to take a placement test, please view the MPT Flowchart:

or consult your Academic Advisor at the University Academic Advising for more information. For prerequisites and registration restrictions, consult the UW Tacoma Mathematics course description page
**In-person math testing is placed on hold until further notice. Please take our remote Math Placement Test called Math Directed Self Placement Test. **
**In-person math testing is placed on hold until further notice. Please take our remote Math Placement Test called Math Directed Self Placement Test. **
(Advanced registration required)
We also accept requests for individual placement tests from students who are unable to attend the group test dates. When emailing your request, be sure to include at least three (3) preferred test dates and times.
*Group testing dates subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met
Here are a few recommended resources to aid you in studying for your math placement exam. These resources are not affiliated with the University of Washington, but have been found to be helpful to students in the past. Please feel free to use what works best for you. Information about what concepts to study for the New Generation Accuplacer Test.
Practice Questions (free)
Accuplacer Sample Questions* - Free practice questions offered by the Accuplacer testing service available on the College Board website. (Scroll halfway down to reach Quantatitive Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics, Arithmetic and Advanced Algebra Functions sameple questions. Answers are located at the end of the document.)
TSI Sample Questions* - The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) offers more practice questions developed by College Board.
Accuplacer Practice* - A website dedicated to preparing for the Accuplacer Placement Test including practice questions for math.
Accuplacer Practice App*
*Sample questions will not be entirely representative of the test and will not fully prepare you for all the math you will encounter. Please use them in addition to other study methods.
Study Aids (free)
Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project (Recommended) - computer exam with scores broken down by topic, created by the University of California and California State University. Can be used to customize your study plan to your needs. Works well with Khan Academy.
Kahnacademy (Recommended) - a free online learning website with tutorials, videos and practice tests. Works well with the Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project listed above.
IXL Math - An extensive amount of math practice questions organized by skill, category and level. Detailed explanations of incorrect answers are provided. - Modules for various levels of math with practice problems and tutorials. Well organized and includes unit quizzes in each module.
AAA Math - A basic yet informative website for learning or relearning math. Includes practice problems and lessons.
PatrickJMT - a free Youtube channel that offers detailed and informative videos for several levels of math.
Union Test Prep - a free online learning website with practice tests and flash cards.
Smartphone Apps
Web Based Study App - A web-based version of Accuplacer's study app (can be used on most web browsers). Also compatible with IOS and Android devices (free).
iOS Study App - "The official Accuplacer study app" available for download from iTunes (Cost: $2.99).
General Information
Teaching and Learning Center - The TLC (located on the 2nd floor of the Snoqualmie Library building) offers drop-in tutoring, resources, study planning and other aids for preparing to take the math placement test.
Printed score reports are provided after completion of the test. In addition, your score will be uploaded to the UW student database for registration within two-three business days. Once updated, you will be able to register for your math course. For more information, you can click on the course that matches your score or look over the MPT Student Options & Score Equivalencies document for registration options:
How to request your score report
If you need a copy of your test score or would like it mailed or emailed to another institution, please complete the Placement Score Report Release Form and send it to
There is a two-week wait period for students that wish to retest. However, students may not exceed a maximum of 4 retests within a 6 month period. After the 4th retest, students must wait a minimum of 6 months (2 quarters) before they are able to retest again. Students may not exceed a maximum of five retests in a year. Also, once you are enrolled in a math course, you cannot retest. Please note: each retest is subject to a $25 fee.
If you require disability accommodations, please let us know at least 5 days in advance of the test date in order to receive testing accommodations. Please be aware that you should be prepared to provide documentation from Disability Support Services at 253-692-4508 or We will try our best to accomodate you or assist you any way we can. In addition, Disability Support Services has no working knowledge of the Accuplacer Math Placement Test or scoring guidelines. All Math Placement Tests must be proctored at the Office of Undergraduate Education to discuss results and determine placement.