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As with any facility that serves a recreational purpose and/or offers recreational programs and equipment, there is inherent risk and liability in use of the space, for any reason. Additionally, with the University Y Student Center's unique partnership with the YMCA, who manages the recreational components in the facility, this must be taken into account for reservations to use the event and meeting spaces.
The Policy
Non-YMCA members who attend events and reservations in the University Y Student Center are not permitted to use the recreational facilities, equipment, services or programs. Use of locker rooms and restrooms is permitted.
By attending an event in the University Y, attendees are releasing the YMCA of any liability due to the individual's choice to utilize spaces, equipment, programs, or services that they are not permitted to use. It is the responsibility of the event organizer to notify their attendees of this.
Guidelines for Facility Use Form
Events that will have non-YMCA members in attendance will be asked to review and sign a Guidelines of Facility Use for Events & Reservations with Non-YMCA Member Attendees form. This form reviews the expectation that event organizers are aware of this policy and will communicate this to their event attendees.
The form is due at least one week in advance of the reservation date. Completed forms should be emailed to
If your event would prefer to have each guest attendee sign a liability waiver, please contact our office at to discuss this option. It's important to note that this will require all of your attendees to check-in in the lobby of the University Y and your event must coordinate this process. This option will add time to your event's check-in.