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Student Code of Integrity
We the students of the Milgard School of Business believe that integrity and honesty are integral to our educational experience and our lives. We aspire to hold ourselves and our fellow students to the highest ethical standards and will not engage in activities that are improper or have the appearance of impropriety in our academic lives. We intend to maintain these standards as graduates of UW Tacoma.

With a high degree of integrity asked of our leaders, the Milgard School of Business demands the same of its students, faculty, and staff. The Center for Leadership & Social Responsibility, housed in the Milgard School of Business, launched the Campaign for Integrity in 2011. It's now part of the fabric of our School.
Did you know that Washington Administrative Code 478-120 specifically addresses University of Washington student conduct, both on and off campus?
"As a condition of enrollment, all students assume responsibility to observe standards of conduct that will contribute to the pursuit of academic goals and to the welfare of the academic community. That responsibility includes practicing high standards of academic and professional honesty and integrity." WAC 478-120-020
The Integrity Campaign is open to all members of the UW Tacoma community: students, faculty, and staff. There are many ways UW Tacoma members can participate in this campaign:
- Most important is to adhere to a set of standards that includes taking responsibility for your own professional and academic actions, and being honest and truthful.
- Recognize a fellow member of the UW Tacoma community - student, faculty, or staff - for exhibiting a high degree of integrity.
- Expose academic misconduct. Cheating gives unfair advantage to those who do it and diminishes the efforts of those who abstain. If you know of unscrupulous activity you should provide the information to the Student of Concern team. The Milgard policies on academic conduct are clear: work you submit for credit must be your own.
- Sign the Milgard School Student Code of Integrity.
- Get help instead of cheating. Students who are feeling overwhelmed with academic responsibilities have many resources on campus available to help in times of need. Rather than turn to the internet for a pre-written paper or copy a friend's test, turn to these sources of support:
- Your instructors, or other UW faculty and staff
- Campus librarians by area of expertise
- Teaching and Learning Center
- Academic advisors
- Disability Support Services
- Counseling Center
Do you have an idea for a campaign activity? Send us an email!